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Artifice Research Paper

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Deceitful. Devious. Misleading. What are we describing? Artifice. Artifice is a skill that we see displayed in so many forms of entertainment. It’s not genuine, and really simplistic, as it seems that it’s become to favorite of some of the consumers whether they know or not that the stories and content they follow just stray further and further away from reality.Even though some communities may not believe in artifice, people do need to know the truth, and they deserve to know that it’s out there, and the media they’re so obsessed with is fake.
As time was pushing forward, people stopped whether or not the stuff that they watched was actually real or fake. The creators of this content also stopped caring about its truthfulness, and cared more about funds.The appeal of honesty has already begun to become irrelevant, and people started watching and cared more about the lies.Artifice helps the writer make content extremely convincing, but it’s very twisted with lies at every turn. In order to get the ‘maximum effect’, the appeal to something that makes the people want to listen to.Even so, not everyone believes in artifice. Not all people see the problems with it, but at this rate it doesn't look …show more content…
It pushes people to do things based on how certain content they’re view makes them feel, but is it really the right thing?In order to access the people’s emotions, they twist and bend media to their will fit into a variety of people’s criteria. Society is blinded by the fake words hidden behind their messages.Artifice is both a good and a bad thing. It can help, but it also can hurt the society. It really is up to the content creators to decide where they want to move with this developed

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