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Assess Your Wellness

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Rebecca Kregar
Professor Wilder
18, January 2018
ITP - 1500
Chapter 1 Discussion Questions

1. Discuss the shift from communicable diseases that once prematurely cut short life to an increased prevalence of non-communicable chronic diseases that add years of disability. Why have these chronic diseases become more common? How have demographics contributed? (In other words, consider changes in population size and the age of populations.) What risk factors contribute to the top causes of death and disability?

The change from communicable diseases made a jump from once cutting lives too short before their due time to an increasing number of non-communicable chronic diseases that now no longer kill but add years of hardship and pain that causes …show more content…
US social and welfare are less comprehensive and less generous towards the disabled and unemployed. Americans exercise less (i.e. driving a car to work rather than walk to work). Americans own more guns and the possibility of homicides and suicides are more likely. There is a lot of fight when it comes to the governments health policy. Higher poverty rates make it harder to receive healthcare.

2. Find the sidebar entitled "Assess Your Wellness."
Summarize your level of wellness in the seven domains of wellness. Note your strengths and weaknesses.

Now, identify a health behavior you'd like to change. Examine the stages of the Trans-Theoretical Model. Note which stage you're in now and explain why. What will it take to push you to the next …show more content…
In the physical part of the assessment I checked; at each meal, half of my plate is fruits and vegetables, I don't smoke or use other tobacco products (I never have), I do not drink, I am up to date on immunizations, and that I get recommended screening tests. I eat healthy for the most part. I love vegetables and fruits. I actually prefer them over sweets. In the Emotional section I checked that I enjoy my life, I can express my emotions to other people in appropriate ways, I appreciate the good things in my life, and I would seek professional help for signs mental illness. I am able to trust myself but trusting others is a bit of an issue for me and I do not relax very easily. Socially I generally get along with people. I am honest and trustworthy in my relationships both personally and professionally. Intellectually I enjoy learning and mastering new skills. I'm interested in what other people do and think because people within themselves are fascinating to me. It takes time, but I do learn from my mistakes most of the time. I can ask questions when I don't understand something without being afraid. Spiritually, some days I feel as if I have a sense of purpose and some I don't. I have a strong set of values that help me do right. This is something I learned early in my life. I am able to feel compassion for people different from me. I am able to forgive and

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