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Submitted By vstevens
Words 292
Pages 2
Health assessment provides a foundation for improving the health of a community. Factors were noted in an assessment of Sampson County that affect the health of the population. The resultant proposal will focus on the southernmost part of the county which is more rural and has fewer resources. Delineating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats helped to prioritize needs so that possible solutions can be generated. An emerging issue was the continued prevalence of chronic diseases despite the existence of health resources. Unfortunately, preventable aspects of the diseases cannot be addressed if individuals are unable to access services. Some citizens may access services but be unable to follow up. Access and transportation continue to present a formidable challenge to health promotion and disease prevention. Also a need for education regarding health promotion, healthy lifestyle choices, exercise and health screening was noted. Limited health literacy and low educational levels present barriers to successfully providing interventions. A need for more funding to provide strategies that address health disparities was apparent. For example, funds are needed to expand Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Programs and outreach for parent education. Other issues such as affordable housing and lack of adequate mental health service were noted. Substandard housing presents significant risks to adults and children. Strategies should be formulated which use current resources to protect and improve health by education, research, injury prevention and promoting healthy lifestyles. Opportunities exist in various areas. A focus should be on making services available to residents, creating and strengthening collaborative partnerships for working towards quality and accessible care, and increasing the public’s awareness of existing health initiatives. The SWOT

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