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Athens Electoral System

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The system that a country decides to holds elections is important because it will forever influence crucial dynamics of the government. The electoral system consist of rules that determine not only how elections and referendums are conducted, but how their results are determined and carried out. Electoral systems lay out exactly how the voting process is planned to pan out. This includes everything from when elections occur, who is allowed to vote, how ballots are marked and cast, who can stand as a candidate, how the ballots are counted, and any other factors that can possibly affect the outcome. These political electoral systems are defined and protected by both electoral laws and constitutions. Elections are crucial to a functioning democracy since It is the most efficient procedure to place someone in power that is wanted by the people. …show more content…
In 508 BCE Athens the democracy wasn’t just limited to citizens having the right to vote. Athens wasn’t even a republic at the time. They didn’t necessarily have a government with a representative body filled with legislators. The very people of Athens governed themselves by debating and voting individually on issues both great and small. For example, one of the first recorded elections in Athens was a plurality vote that you would not want to be the victor of. “Ostracism” was a process where voters chose who they most wanted to exile for ten years. From there the idea of voting for things as a community continued to evolve. Venice had a lengthy method for electing the Doge which consisted of five rounds of drawing lots and five rounds

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