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Atkins Diet Pitfalls

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The Atkins Diet: Pitfalls and Risks Millions across the world have benefited from the Atkins diet and have lost weight successfully. Weight loss is achievable through Dr. Atkin’s methods and diet plan. The primary concern that the Atkins diet focuses on is the intake of carbohydrates through the diet. Through the restriction and then gradual reintroduction of carbohydrates, the Atkins diet uses the body’s own mechanisms against itself to burn fat. By restricting the carbohydrate intake and then slowly introducing back into the diet; fat becomes the primary energy burner since glucose production is low due to lack of carbohydrates. The exclusion of carbohydrates while on the Atkins diet is an unhealthy manner to lose weight, one runs the …show more content…
Diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity are a few of the ailments Atkins claims to help. According to a study in 2009 supporting the carbohydrate restriction, where a comparison between a low carbohydrate diet and a low fat diet during a 12 month trial was made, concluded that, “under planned isoenergetic conditions, as expected, both dietary patterns resulted in similar weight loss and changes in body composition. The LC diet may offer clinical benefits to obese persons with insulin resistance.”(Brinkworth, Noakes, Buckley, Keogh, & Clifton, 2009). The findings support the Atkins diet’s method and claims but not everyone is obese or insulin resistant. Also, there was no mention to the symptoms and side effects experienced by …show more content…
In an article by Dr. Barnard, who is part of the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, wrote that many who have adhered to the Atkins diet in recent years have developed major health problems and even death in some cases. He goes on to say that the Atkins diet plan “has convinced millions of people to buy into two dangerous notions: that avoiding carbohydrates is the key to weight loss and that high-fat, high-cholesterol foods pose essentially no risk” (Barnard, 2004). All over the Atkins official website there are numerous studies supporting its claims and nutritional data. There are just as many opposing studies and views warning the public about the downfalls of

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