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Atlas: The Atlas And The Titan Gods

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Atlas is the Titan god. He is a ruler of the the Titans. He also was a god of humankind, bearer of the heavens, astronomy. His parents were iapetus, and Clymene and wife were Pleione. He also had a brother named menoetius. His home was the Atlas mountains, and his symbols were the celestial sphere. Atlas led this battle of the Titans against Zeus which lasted for one decade. Eventually, Atlas was lost to Zeus and forced to hold up the heavens as a punishment. The story of Twelve Labours of Heracles the demigod had to bring the apples from Hera's garden by the Hesperides And it was guarded by a dragon. Hercules asked Atlas to bring the apples to him during this time; he would try to replace him in holding up the sky forever. Atlas brought the

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