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Cyberbullying In High School

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One in four students suffer from cyberbullying in high school. Cyberbullying is defined as electronic intimidation, often in a threatening manner. As one can imagine, there are many effects of being cyberbullied on a student. One of these is lack of reduction of productivity in the school environment. Hazen should limit the online speech of its students. It is the school’s responsibility to create and maintain a safe, productive learning environment. If negative online speech among students is compromising this, then the school has the right to intervene. Cyberbullying in schools has become much too common, interferes with the academic environment, violates privacy and civil rights, and affects teachers. A study from the southern US found that from a random sample of students, over 25% of the females surveyed had been cyberbullied and almost 17% of the males. Assuming the numbers found in the survey were applicable to Hazen High, over 100 students have been cyberbullied just within the last 30 days. Along with the statistics of students who have fallen victim of cyberbullying, about 20% of students admitted to cyberbullying somebody …show more content…
A 12th grader as Musselman High School created a group on Myspace that accused another student of being “sexually promiscuous.” The student that the group accused filed a harassment complaint and the perpetrator was suspended. In the letter previously mentioned by the US Department of Education, it was pointed out that there are many forms of harassment and often, harassment among students often violates civil rights. “When such harassment is based on race, color, national origin, sex, or disability, it violates the civil rights laws that OCR (the Office of Civil Rights) enforces,” it said. Cyberbullying among students is a violation of privacy and in some situations, illegal by the laws of civil rights. For these reasons, Hazen should step

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