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Atticus Finch's Trial

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Atticus Finch takes Tom Robinson’s case and defends him against the Ewells. Atticus Finch continues to fight for what is right and says that defending Tom Robinson is the most righteous thing to do. The trial came about when Mayella Ewell accused Tom Robinson of rapping her on November 21, 1934. The trial was taken place in the Maycomb courthouse in the year of 1935. Atticus Finch took the case because he wanted to prove that color shouldn’t matter. Atticus states that he also took the case to convey that Tom Robinson was innocent of the accusations Mayella made on him. Atticus asked very intense questions to the accusers (Mayella Ewell, Bob Ewell, and Sheriff Heck Tate). The number one question that Atticus asked the accusers was “Did you

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