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Oblivion Research Paper

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What do you feel about oblivion? Is it inevitable or impossible? I don't think anyone can truly parish. Yeah maybe thousands of years later there won't be a single person who knows my name or my memory but there will still be records of me. Or not? Oh god I don't know oblivion scares me. If it exists then why the hell do we live in the first place? I don't believe that everyone has a purpose in life crap. There are thousands of people who do nothing throughout their lifetime. Accomplishment is exaggerated. If everyone who ever lived had a purpose there wouldn't be a thing called oblivion. Because then everybody would do something acknowledgeable and no one would be forgotten. Oh god I hate that word. Can you imagine everyone forgetting you? …show more content…
There'll come a point in life where there wouldn't be a single person in world who know your name. If that isn't scary I don't know what the hell is. And it is really and truly inevitable. No matter how famous you are or rich or important you are there will come a point where you will parish. Everybody wants to be remembered, everybody wants to do something with their lives but it doesn't work that way. If there are like a thousand scientists looking for something new only one of them will find it. The others will be forgotten. No one remembers second place. When people talk about grunge music the only name that pops up in your mind is Nirvana. Why? Because they were the first. It's a cruel cruel world and we can't do anything about it. I sound awfully pessimistic right now I know but it's the truth. Pessimists are the only ones that truly get the world. There's no way you can be ALWAYS happy and glad with your life if you can see how the things work. And people who are constantly happy are surely popping some pills. But unfortunately those who get how things work, are the saddest and most hopeless people in the …show more content…
Life doesn't get better. Maybe for the fortunate people it gets better a little but in the end the poor is getting poorer. It shouldn't work this way. I'm seriously starting to lose my faith in God. If there was a divine power above us I don't think he or she would have let things get this worse. Oh if he or she did then I have no business believing in that god. People will soon get bored of hanging around me. I'm a total buzz kill for the past 2 months. All I talk about are the same fucking things; getting dumped, aimlessness of life, how I want to stop existing. I really need help like serious help. I need someone to guide me throughout my whole life. It amazes me how people are able to stand on their own feet, I'm fucking terrified to do that. I don't wanna pay bills, open a bank account, go to post office or anything like that. I don't even wanna go outside how the fuck am I supposed to do all that fucking stuff? I just want the time to stop or something like that. I seriously want to stop

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