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ADA History

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The history of the Americans with Disabilities Act ADA did not begin on July 26, 1990 (George H.W. Bush Administration) at the signing ceremony at the White House nor in 1988 when the first ADA was introduced in Congress. It all began when people with disabilities started to challenge social barriers that did not include them in communities, and when parents of children with disabilities begin to challenge against the exclusion and isolation of children. It started with the establishment of local groups to represent for the rights of people with disabilities and with the rational of the independent living movement which argued the notion that people with disabilities needed to be institutionalized and provide same services for people with …show more content…
This requires reversing the ideology of the century’s long history of “out of sight, out of mind” that let to segregation of disabled people served to promote. The disability rights movement developed many of the strategies of the civil rights movements before it. From a legal stand point, a n impactful and historical shift in disability public policy happened in 1973 with the acceptance of Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. Section 504, which is against discrimination on the basis of disability by recipients of federal funds, was modelled after previous laws which banned race, ethnic origin and sex based discrimination by federal fund recipients. For the first time, the isolation and segregation of people with disabilities was viewed as discrimination. Previously, it had been miss-guided information that the problems encountered by people with disabilities, such as being employable and lack of education, were the unavoidable consequences of the physical or mental limitations imposed by the type of disability itself. Enactment of Section 504 grantees Congress’ recognizes that the poor social and economic status of people with disabilities was not the result of the disability itself, but instead was a consequence of societal barriers and prejudices. As with as racial minorities and women, Congress …show more content…
People with disabilities were seen as a legal minority, subject to unjust and deserve basic civil rights protections. This “class status” idea has been critical in the development of the awareness and advocacy efforts. After Section 504 established the fundamental civil right of non-discrimination in 1973, the next step was to identify what non-discrimination meant in the terms of disability. How was it the similar or different from race and sex discrimination? The Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) had been given the responsibility of understanding regulations to implement Section 504, which would serve as guidelines for all other federal agencies. These regulations have become the focus of attention for the disabilities rights movement and during this time the movement grew in skill and visibility. The first step was to assure that the regulations provided meaningful anti-discrimination protections. It was not enough to remove policy barriers – it was imperative that the regulations mandated affirmative action to remove architectural and communication barriers and provide accessible accommodations. The second step was to force a enforce agency

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