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Automatic Weapons Research Paper

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Fully automatic weapons should be legal because even though they do more damage than semi-automatic weapons they are not the cause for mass murder. It is not the gun that kills people it is people that kill people. If fully automatic guns were legal you would have to do background checks on the people that are buying them. That would lower mass murder by a lot.
People should be able to defend themselves better. Even though any gun can be used to defend yourself. Well what if the world or your country goes to war and your city or state is right smack in the middle of it? Wouldn’t you want a gun that is good enough to protect you and your family? People think AK-47’s and Uzi’s are the leading cause of mass murder and that they are terrorist guns, well think, if a person went and bought an AK-47 would that make them a terrorist? No, it would not.
Fully automatic weapons may not be a necessity it is more about being able to …show more content…
Well it is and it is more commonly used and even more people die from a homemade bomb than a fully or even a semi automatic weapon.
Taking away the right to own a fully automatic weapon is taking away our right to bear arms. It may not seem like it but it is. If we can own a semi automatic weapon then why can’t we own fully automatic weapons? That is my question to the government. Why take away semi automatic weapons and not fully automatic weapons? I don’t get that, they are almost exactly the same except one is faster than the other one.
The biggest reason on why you need to own a fully automatic weapon is to defend yourself but there are other reasons too. Some reasons on why you would want to own an assault weapon is that they encourage more research on new weapons and firearms, they are also a longer lasting firearm, you have reduced recoil when shooting, and to have a firearm that uses external magazines. there are many more reasons but most of them don’t make sense at

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