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Avoid 8th Street: A Short Story

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Where are my dang keys?! If I’m late Miranda will kill me! I just got the new PA job under her and my lost keys will not ruin that for me. Forget it, I’m catching a cab. I open the door to leave when I spot two things. A yellow sticky note on the window by the door, and my keys beneath it. I grab both of them and make a break for my car. It wasn’t until I was half way to work when I read the bone chilling note.

“Avoid 8th street today
(p.s. Keys are below)”

After being late from avoiding 8th street, I sneak in without too much scolding from my best friend and boss, Miranda. We grew up best friends even though she is 6 years older than me. She’s chief editor at a magazine company in NYC, and I’m her PA. I haven't seen much of her recently …show more content…
I shake my fear and invite her in. We head into the living room, turn on the TV, and the news is on. It is flashing news of an accident on 8th Street. Someone lined the streets with nails, and caused a 12 car pile up. Who warned me not to take that road. As Miranda remarks about how horrible it all it I excuse myself the the restroom, and throw up. When I come out she is saying how she got called into work last minute, but doesn’t need me. I walk her out, but once she’s gone I have a panic attack. I clean myself after a while and force myself to go to bed, but not before I notice a new note on the lamp beside my …show more content…
They tell me not to hang up, but I do anyways. I burst through the door, and all the guards are gone, likely trying to find the shooter. I run to the elevator, and slam the 5th floor button. When it starts moving, I look out the glass to see what I can. I see a body on the ground by my office. It only takes a few seconds to realize is Grant. I start crying, when I see Miranda’s head over the cubicles. I begin to smile and fill with relief. The elevator stops and I run out to meet her. She locks eyes with me and comes around the corner, holding the gun. She seems like a whole different, horrifying, person, but within seconds she changes back to the woman who is my best

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