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Az Vs Deborah Case Study

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Court began at 8:30am room 575 with Judge Bernini Deborah. Six inmates were present, including many family member in the audience. First case was Case no. CR20134419 Event was disposition hearing with the State of AZ vs Betancourt, Richard Samuel, richard was in custody for shoplifting and for probation violation. Judge mentioned that she received richards letter Judge Bernini Deborah takes time to read over letter, lawyer also mentioned that five richards family were indeed present. Letter written by richard was an apologize to the court and made it clear that his mistakes were never because of no family support, he mentioned to the court that his family support is beyond amazing and that he does indeed have a job waiting for him when released, judge asked how long will they hold that job for you, inmate answered that he did not know. Richard samuel betancourt was sentenced to 30 days, no probation. Judge was impressed with his family support, his letter and the fact that he has a job awaiting for him. …show more content…
CR20175259 Brian mark bixler was no in custody, he plead guilty to shooting a man in a vehicle who was beating his sister therefore he took actions into his own hands. Criminal history impressed the court no trouble before this incident. He shared it was a mistake and only a one time thing, he would like to apologize to the victim and only wants to be out of trouble to raise his children the correct way. Brian bixler lost his parents at an early age and feels responsible for his siblings due to that he shot a man who was beating his sister. Victim was only hurt. Bixler was sentenced to standard probation with a fee of $65 a month, no guns allowed in home, bixler took full responsibility for his actions and agrees to focus on his children and their well

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