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Baby Fold Thesis

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Proper technology is power! Established in 1902, The Baby Fold has been educating children for over a century. Our Hammit Schools assist special educations students with emotional and behavior needs that cannot be overcome in a tradition school setting. Because we are dedicated to giving these students the best possible chance to learn and grow, we are expanding our Junior/Senior High and will be providing a new all-in-one smart board/computer combination in each of the new classrooms. We are seeking funds to assist us in this endeavor.
The Baby Fold is a mission-driven, 501c3 non-profit human services agency. We are partially funded through a variety of state sources including, the State of Illinois Board of Education, the State of Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, the State of Illinois Medicaid, and donations from our fantastic supporters. State funding for our agency does not cover our costs; so we rely heavily on fundraising, grants, and community support.
Our agency provides services to over 1000 children and families in a 28 county area in Illinois. These include Hammitt Elementary School, Hammitt Jr/Sr High School, foster care case management, licensing of foster care parents, adoption services, post-adoption follow-up care, …show more content…
These students have been identified as having (1) severe emotional disabilities; (2) pervasive developmental delays/autism; or (3) multiple disabilities in behavior, learning achievement, and language. In addition to normal classroom learning, we have a strong vocational training and school/work program. The goal of our school is to provide special education and support services that will enable the student to achieve a level of behavioral progress resulting in their return to a public school

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