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Bed Room Case Summary

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PRESENT: Neil Hines, MD., President, Salman Siddiqui, M.D., Thresa Simon, M.D., Medical Director; C.R. Amara, M.D., James Wooldridge, M.D.

HOSPITAL STAFF PRESENT: Rachel Beal, Interim CEO; Michael Felice, CFO; Margaret Sledge, Director of Patient Access; Linda Wierzechowski, Director of PI/Risk Management; Jeri Harlow, Business Office Director; Felecia Arbuah, Director of Clinical Services; Sandy Smithers, Interim CNO, Gary Strickland, Director of Plant Operations.

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 8:15 a.m. by Dr. Hines, President.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes from the June meeting were distributed earlier to allow time for review.

Recommendation: A motion was made by Dr. Hines to approve …show more content…
Wooldridge brought to the attention that the chart room on 1 North is without air conditioner and there is a smell. Gary will place a PTag unit in this room. Dr. Simon also asked that the night nurses please clean this room after they use it. Sandy, Interim CNO, stated she will speak to the night nurses.


Rachel shared with the group that UHS has realigned Poplar Springs with new leadership. Joe Crabtree will no longer be our Regional Vice President. Our new Regional Vice President is Kerry Knott.

We are working with the business development team. The team has been working on cultivating new referral relationships with private and family practices to help change the type of patients coming into the facility. A meeting was held with Administrations of the Commonwealth contract to talk with them about wat we are doing with the commonwealth contract. During the meeting Commonwealth shared that during the winter months we account for 50% of their capacity to house adolescents. More meetings will be scheduled and as information is obtained the information will be shared with the group.

Rachel told the group that Julie Sutherland has been hired as the new Chief Nursing Officer for Poplar Springs Hospital.


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