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International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.25, 2014

E-Recruitment as a Strategy for Informal Networking: A Case
Study of Mobilink
Muhammad Arslan (Corresponding Author) Rashid Zaman
Bahria University Islamabad, Pakistan PO box 44000, E-8, Islamabad, Pakistan
E-recruitment strategy is necessary to attract the potential employees to better equip the organization with competent workforce. E-recruitment helps to get the informal networks for the organization. These informal networks support the organization in form of employee’s clarity of their roles, which increases the organizational knowledge of employees to perform their tasks efficiently. It increases the satisfaction of employees which in result will increase the commitment of employees for organization in long run. A case study of Mobilink, a repudiated telecommunication company, is conducted to get the implication of e-recruitment strategy that either it is beneficial for the organization or not. The survey method was employed for data gathering. The results have strong support for the long run benefits, for Mobilink, of adopting e-recruitment strategy.
Keywords: E-Recruitment, Mobilink, Employees, Informal Networks
1. Introduction
Recruitment is the basis for an organization to create and then continually recreate itself. It involves the workforce of an organization who are directly involved in the ecology of organizations. When individuals arrive, grow, develop and departure, it shows the success or failure of a recruiter who recruited them. Recruitments are particular activities carried out by organization with the main objective of finding the real objectives of organization by finding the competent workforce for the organization (Breaugh& Starke, 2000).
E-recruitment is necessary because employers must have effective means of attracting appropriate employees. E-recruitment includes both corporate website and commercial boards. Under corporate website, social networking includes face book, LinkedIn, and twitter.
To get competent workforce is a challenge for recruiter of an organization. So HR department of an organization is always adaptive to innovations that can better cope the requirements of an organization regarding to its workforce. E-recruitment is one of the innovations of mid of 1990’s that were used to equip an organization with competent workforce who can adopt itself with rapid changing environment. Organizations adopt this strategy as an innovation after channelizing the innovation to the social system of an organization that how they react to the innovation, if it will help to get better results and implications, organizations will be more likely to opt this strategy.
Web 1.0 is also a form of e-recruitment which includes job boards, career websites and recruitment systems (Parry & Tyson, 2008), While web 2.0 includes blogs and online informal and social networking. Web
1.0 is essential for recruitment transactions but in highly competitive environment web 1.0 becomes insufficient and web 2.0 not only helps for the good reputation of recruiter and organization but will also be helpful to find competent individuals for better results of the organization and to cope the rapid changing environment also. It can also be used for the firm as a source of outsourcing the selection of individual and applicants and also for the decentralization of recruitment.
E-recruitment is a strategy for an organization, by using modes of corporate websites and commercial boards, not only to get the competent work force to meet the objectives of the organization but to develop a confidence for the employees which will increase the informal networking of an organization. This informal networking will help not only the existing employees but also the coming employees in organization that what organization is expecting to play a competent role beneficial for organization and for upcoming workforce. So,
E-recruitment will not only help for informal networking but also will increase the knowledge of employees regarding organization. Organizational knowledge will make role of employees clear that will help the organization for mutual development of workforce which not only in short run but also in long run will be helpful for the organization to the gradual ecology of the organization. When recruiter according to the competencies and qualification will assign the tasks and duties to the employees it will increase the satisfaction level of the employees. When employees will be satisfied by the organization and by the tasks assigned to them it in result will increase the commitment of the employees in terms of their performance that ultimately will help to retain the employees in long run.
The study is trying to show e-recruitment as a strategy for Mobilink, a repudiated telecommunication company who is also using e-recruitment strategy for the long run attainment of informal networking. This informal networking ultimately will help the applicants and employees for their role clarity, mutual development, job satisfaction, organizational knowledge, and firm commitment. At this level the firm or organization will be

International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.25, 2014

sure that its HR department has been successful in retention of the employees in long run which is actually the main purpose of every recruitment department (Smith, 1998). To find the application of this statement, a survey is conducted whose result will be shown in coming chapters, first providing the evidence through literature review. 2. Literature Review
Smith, (1988) in his studies focused that the basic purpose of recruitment is to retain the employees not to be fired after that because it also involves the cost for the organization so he conducted his studies for student that institutions want to retain the employees after their recruitment. And then to find out the ways that how can these goals be achieved.
In 1993, Krackhardt, D., and R. Hanson conducted this study. According to their network analysis, if the formal networks are the Skelton of an organization, then it will be the central system deriving the collective action and process of the whole business unit. These networks also help to understand the roles of these employees in the organizations.
Lee, R. (1994), in his article demonstrated that recruitment is the process of creating and continuously re-creating the organization. To make this process successful, it is necessary for the labor force to be more skillful and adaptive to understand the core responsibility assigned by that organization. Workforces also have some pressures on their performance regarding their security and flexibility. If organization will make them sure that they are hired for a long term period they can perform their duties well. And if organization will not be providing security to their employees, it must provide trainings to their employees for the security of their future in market. When organization seems to be on a track unmatched with the goals of the organization all blame will be on employees but the actual problem occurred when the employees were empowered to work in that organization during the process of recruitment. So recruiter will always see the core competencies of the recruiter and then will hire him otherwise the person will be rejected for having limited competency.
Organization evolution is a natural phenomenon when people come to an organization and have ability to adapt according to the environment not only for the sake of their own survival but for the organization also because an organization evolve slowly when individuals arrive, grow, develop and departure. Recruitment is the process of dealing challenges and diversity. And an organization want to be professionally successful it must have a number of fair people who think differently for organization in a radical way. Four dilemmas such as flexibility/security, control/empowerment, competence/learning, and comfort/challenge were discussed in this paper. So recruitment is an essential process to develop the ecology of an organization in terms of its workforce or employees.
Daniel M. Cable and Daniel B. Turban(2001), in their article demonstrated that job seekers want to evaluate the organization by getting knowledge about the recruiter of the organization and if they will use this information, the applicant will be a useful asset for the organization depending upon the source that what mode he is using to get information and in this way he will be able to get competency for organizational goals in a good manner and it will also help the applicant either he should join the organization after recruitment or not, as the beliefs of people determine the behavior of the people similarly depending upon the knowledge about recruiter and organization will determine the applicant behavior about either he will join the organization or not.
Elizabeth Whole Morrison (New York University) was conducted this study in Dec 2002. The structure of the newcomers' friendship networks related to their social integration and organizational commitment. By linking socialization outcomes to social network structure, this study sheds new light on the role of relationships in newcomer learning and incorporation.
Dahl, M., and Pedersen, C., conduct this study in 2002, here in this paper defines how the hypothetical donations in dispute that knowledge is diffused through informal contacts have been censured recently by scholars stating that agents will not disclose firm specific knowledge to outside agents, because of faithfulness to the firm. They argue that employees will only exchange more general knowledge of low value, which will not have shortcomings for their firms. Though, we show in this paper that more detailed information is dim. Even specific knowledge on new products, which is possible to be very firm specific and which the firms are likely to want to guard from participants. A large share of the engineers asked received knowledge from their informal contact, which they value to be of intermediate importance for their own work. This tells us that the informal contacts are an importance source of evidence for the engineer in this collection.
Marra, M., conducted this exploratory study in 2011. The exploratory study suggests that competences and capabilities are often accumulated in secondary nodes. Such peripheral nodes play an important role in fostering the knowledge transfer within the organization and to create important relations with external collaborators. For the same reason a bottom-up knowledge governance emerged as a significant component in enhancing the knowledge transfer between actors within the firm and between the firm and its external partners, accelerating its ability to innovate and learn. The bases for a successful innovation process are interactions and the continuous feedback among activities within the same firm and between the firm’s external sources of knowledge. They represent the opportunity to have access to knowledge resources unavailable internally. The


International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.25, 2014

development of firm specific knowledge resources required key employees; such key employees have been identified to study their role in the firm.
The research study conducted by Christine Greenhow in (2011), offered the two themes that are based on a choice appraisal of the research literature as well as the author’s surveys of fresh people’s online social networking practices of Face book and MySpace, two obviously happening, youth-initiated sites, as well as in an online social networking request intended for ecological science training and community action. Author elegant that how social media, such as social network sites, currently support informal learning may develop one’s aptitude to build current operative social media-enabled surroundings for additional formal learning objectives.
Girard, A. and Fallery, B. (2011), in their studies focused that e-recruitment, at first stage just works as a transaction for organization but latter on results in achieving the informal social networks to expand the competency of that particular organization in form of competent employees with diversified cultures and experiences to cope with the challenges of rapid changing environments. Researchers have categorized the activities of e-recruitment and their sequential effects in two forms and named it as WEB 1.0 and WEB 2.0. Web
1.0 just includes the job boards, corporate websites, and recruitment systems, while web 2.0 results in online informal networking that will be helpful and advantageous for the organization. Web 1 is essential for recruitment transactions but in highly competitive environment this web 1.0 becomes insufficient while web 2.0 is used as to develop employees branding and reputation. Web 2.0 makes it possible to make new relationships with applicants. So, this tool is also used for decentralization of recruitment responsibilities or development of outsourcing. It in turn will increase the commitment of the employees.
3. Conceptual Framework
This research is trying to explore the significance of e-recruitment as a strategy in Mobilink, telecommunication corporation, which is widely adopting this strategy, to increase their informal networking for the retention of employees in terms of their role clarity, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational knowledge,
(Morrison, E., 2011).
Hypothesis 1: Informal networking is positively associated with E-recruitment strategy.
E-recruitment as a strategy has the major objective of achieving the competent workforce but to get in touch with competent employees is a challenging task in this era of rapid changing environment. Web 1.0 and web 2.0 are the tools under e recruitment strategy to have a reach to the competent individual for that particular organization positive informal networking, (Parry &Tisson, Leader, Hamilton, & Cowan, 2008). It will help organization in terms of cost effectiveness, access to more job seekers, ability to target required target employees, access to applicants with technical capabilities, quick response time of respondents and it is very easy to use,
(Galanaki, 2002; Zusman&Landia, 2002).
Hypothesis 2: Role clarity, organizational knowledge, job satisfaction,and organizational commitment are positively associated with informal networking.
All the dependent variables are correlated with each other. One component will help to achieve the better results of others, (Dahl & Pederson). Because organization knowledge will be best achieved through informal networking which in result will increase the satisfaction level of employees which in result will work for the retention of employees in organization for a long term period.
It is the benefits in terms of employees compensation, health benefits of working employees; stable organizational characteristics, balanced work life, expected future opportunities regarding career, respected job to satisfy the employees ego, working place, benefits after retirement and morals that attract the competent work force to join that organization with more commitment and loyalty but this attraction can easily be communicated on wider range through tools of web 1.0 and web 2.0, which in result will not only increase the social networking but also will help to increase the commitment of employees in terms of their retention, (Smith, 1988).
4. Methodology
A case study method is adopted and the workforce of three categories is included in survey sample which includes HR officers, employees and managers of Mobilink. Survey method is used to collect the data which includes semi structured interviews from HR Managers and questionnaires from managers and employees of the organization who have been hired in company through e-recruitment and how they helped to get informal networking for the organization in terms of upcoming employees and workforce of the organization.
Survey method have been adopted which includes the in depth semi structured interviews of HR officers of Mobilink to get the insight of too much extent the organization is using the e-recruitment as a strategy to enhance their competent workforce by providing them the bridge of attraction through means of social networking which in positive sense will enhance the capabilities of employees regarding the clarity of their role, their commitment through channelized information and in long run retention of their employees.
For analysis of data, descriptive technique is used. So that the results of questionnaires and interviews can best be analyzed and explained to show the impact of e-strategy on informal networking of organization and


International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.25, 2014

at the end retention of employees in long run. For mathematical presentation bar chart is used.
Questions included in semi structured interviews are listed in table;
Either company is using Online recruitment or not?
What is the reason behind the adoption of this innovation?
What is their perception of advantages and disadvantages?
While the questions included for the liker scale analysis are as followed;
Informal networking:
Support of e-recruitment for acquiring informal networking within the organization
Informal networking helpful for more effective expertise in form of employees
Positive response of employees towards e-recruitment because of increasing competition
You increased the informal networks after joining the organization
Organizational Knowledge
You get the job because you are potential to get informal networks for the organization
Informal networks provided by you have influence on their perception regarding the commitment for the organization. Role Clarity
Informal networks provided by you have influence regarding the role clarity of employees.
Informal networks help them to have complete knowledge about duties, what they are expected to do for the organization Job Satisfaction
Employees coming through informal networking are satisfied at the time of hiring about all the working conditions of the organization
Employees feeling free to move in office during the working hours with friendly environment
This commitment was just result of strong networks
Organizational Commitment
You provided any sort of informal network to organization after your hiring
These informal networks helped you to acquire knowledge about competitors for your promotion or benefits
These informal networks helped you to acquire knowledge about competitors for the advantage of organization.
These informal networks increased the commitment of employees for long run.
5. Results
Most of the employee’s behavior to the questionnaires was very supportive for the e-recruitment strategy. The questionnaires filled by the managers and all the young employees working in the organization. The company is using corporate websites and commercial boards for the capable and potential employees for the organization.
Each time those employees are preferred for the organization who are referred through the working employees networks because such employees are considered more potential for the organization who already know what the company is going to expect to them and what tasks they are going to perform so in each case, e-recruitment strategy always help the HR department and overall organization to hire those people who already have knowledge and knowhow of organization. Informal networks have created friendly environment for the employees during working hours which in turn is increasing the satisfaction of employees. During interviews and filling the questionnaires most of the employees were asked either they are satisfied by Mobilink or not? The answer was yes because organization trusts us and we are doing the assigned tasks in friendly environment by providing potential networks to organization. So, Mobilink is retaining the employees for long run by using an effective e-recruitment strategy in terms of employee’s commitment.
Following are the tables providing the evidences for support of results by encoding the frequency of liker scale.
Table 1:
Support for informal networking


Valid Percent







slightly agree










strongly agree










International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.25, 2014

Table 2:
Influence the employees perception of commitment

Cumulative Percent















strongly agree

Valid Percent

slightly agree











Table 3:
Clear about their expected duties

Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent






slightly agree










strongly agree











Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent






slightly agree










strongly agree











Table 4:
Satisfied about working conditions

Table 5:
Satisfaction of employees due to strong networks


Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent






slightly agree










strongly agree










International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.25, 2014

Table 6:
Increased commitment of employees

Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

strongly disagree










slightly agree










strongly agree











All the tables are presenting six independent variables which have greater impact of e-recruitment strategy in form of informal networking for the organization, role clarity, organizational knowledge, job satisfaction, mutual development and commitment of employees which is not only beneficial for the employees coming through e-recruitment but for the organization in long run in terms of their long run retention. Following are the Bar charts presenting the support for e-recruitment strategy by telling that how much they are beneficial for the organization in terms of creating informal networks for the organization.

The employees of Mobilink were strongly agree that e-recruitment strategy has increased and support the informal networks for the organization.


International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.25, 2014

Employees that came in the organization through informal networks were more committed to the organization in terms of policies and their implication.

Employees coming through e-recruitment were more satisfied in terms of their role clarity, organizational knowledge and mutual development. The overall results of the study are positively favoring the adoption of e-recruitment strategy for getting the more potential employees for the organization in this competition world.
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International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.25, 2014

Cable, D. M., & Turban, D. B. (2001), Establishing the dimensions, sources, and value of job seeekers employer knowledge during recruitment. Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management. 20, 115-163.
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Gullickson, A. R., & Tresslor, G.R. (2002), Recruitment and Retention, Advances in Programme Evaluation. 9,
Dahl, M., & Pedersen, C. O. R. (2002), Knowledge flows through informal contacts in industrial clusters: Myths or realities? Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics.
Marra, M. (2011), The relation between firm’s informal network, knowledge transfer and innovation.
Krackhardt, D., & Hanson, J. R. (1993), Informal network: the company behind the chart. Harvard Business
Morrison, E. W. (2002). Newcomers’ relationships: the role of social network ties during socialization. Academy of Management Journal. 45, 1149-1160.
Greenhow, C. (2011). Online social networking and learning. 19, 4-12.
Appendix 1
Assessing the E-Recruitment strategy’s Impact on the Informal networks in Mobilink
The purpose of this survey is to assess the effect of e-recruitment on informal networks for Mobilink. The erecruitment effect will be measured by using three dependent variables, informal networking, role clarity, job satisfaction, job commitment and organizational knowledge. The focus group of this research is the managers and employees of Mobilink, Islamabad.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree,
3 = Slightly Agree,4 =
Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree
E-Recruitment Strategy
Which is refers to the adoption of electronic sources to hire the force or employees of the organization which in turn will increase the informal network of organization
Informal Networking
4 5
Support of e-recruitment for acquiring informal networking within the organization Informal networking helpful for more effective expertise in form of employees Positive response of employees towards e-recruitment because of increasing competition You increased the informal networks after joining the organization
Organizational Knowledge
You get the job because you are potential to get informal networks for the organization. Informal networks provided by you have influence on their perception regarding the commitment for the organization.






Role Clarity
Informal networks provided by you have influence regarding the role clarity of employees.
Informal networks help them to have complete knowledge about duties, what they are expected to do for the organization.






Job Satisfaction
Employees coming through informal networking are satisfied at the time of hiring about all the working conditions of the organization.
Employees feeling free to move in office during the working hours with friendly environment
This commitment was just result of strong networks.







International Affairs and Global Strategy
ISSN 2224-574X (Paper) ISSN 2224-8951 (Online)
Vol.25, 2014

Organizational Commitment
You provided any sort of informal network to organization after your hiring.
These informal networks helped you to acquire knowledge about competitors for your promotion or benefits.
These informal networks helped you to acquire knowledge about competitors for the advantage of organization.
These informal networks increased the commitment of employees for long run. Appendix 2
Table 1.1
1 = Strongly Disagree,2 = Disagree,
3 = Slightly Agree,4 =
support for informal networking expertise in form of employees positive response due to competition increase in informal networks potential for getting networks for organization influence the employees perception of commitment influence to make clear the roles of employees clear about their expected duties satisfied about working conditions feel free to move in office during working hours satisfaction of employees due to strong networks number of informal networks provided to organization
Help to get knowledge about competitors for personal benefit helping to get knowledge about competitors for organization increased commitment of employees





Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree




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Commercial Pilot

...(VARIABLES) | FUENTES:TESIS-LIBROS-REVISTAS | Administración Empresarial | Gerencia Estratégica | Gestión del talento humano | Gestión del talento humano y el desempeño organizacional | - Gestión del talento humano basado en competencias.- Gestión del talento humano y sus procesos en diferentes entidades privadas y públicas. | | FICHAJE DE TESIS: tres Tesis (cinco años de antigüedad) Guerrero, A. J. (2014). Gestión del Talento humano basado en competencias (TESIS DE MAESTRÍA). Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Recuperada de Guerrero, A. J. (2014). Gestión del Talento humano basado en competencias (TESIS DE MAESTRÍA). Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Recuperada de De León, E. R. (2013). Gestión del talento humano en las pequeñas y medianas empresas en el área Urbana de Retalhuleu (TESIS DE LICENCIATURA). Universidad Rafael Landívar. Recuperada de De León, E. R. (2013). Gestión del talento humano en las pequeñas...

Words: 735 - Pages: 3

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Cultural Issues of Coca Cola in International Market

...Coca-Cola re-entered china in 1979, after three decades after the Equity joint venture law was issued, and was the turning point for coca cola to China’s open door policy aiming to increase sales by 15% using effective strategy, “Think Local, act local” and to exceed USA i.e., the home market of Coca-cola and become the largest market in terms of capital consumption by 2020 (manufacturer., 2014). (, 2014) If we explore the Chinese culture through the lens of hofstede culture model, we can have a good understanding of Chinese culture relative to the other world’s culture. Talking about the first parameter of Hofstede analysis, as we can see in the graph that Power distance in comparison with the home market of coca cola i.e, USA, the power distance is just double, that states that there is no direct communication between the bosses and employees also the employees fear to disagree with their bosses even if they find anything unjustified. Individualism is also one of the major aspect where the company has to deal with, as China has more collectivism approach that means they are interdependent to each other and give priority to group goals and achievements in exchange of loyalty. coming to the next parameter i.e, Pragmatism which means that each group or society has to maintain some relation or link with their previous experiences while dealing with the upcoming tasks or challenges, seeing the score we can determine that china has more Pragmatism than...

Words: 797 - Pages: 4

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...מגישה: מורן טאו ת.ז: 066720632 Case Study: Bitstream שאלה 1 ג'ים סול, נשיא חברת Bitstream, עומד בפני 2 אפשרויות, לקדם עובד מתוך הארגון לתפקיד חדש או להעסיק עובד מהשוק החיצוני למשרה חדשה אשר לא קיימת בחברה, מנהל מחלקה אשר תשיק מוצר המספק שרותי ערך מוסף למוצרים הקיימים בחברה. (מנהל ממחלקת שרותי ערך מוסף). קידום של עובד בתוך הארגון מעיד על תרבות ארגונית של אופק מקצועי עבור כלל עובדי החברה. עובדי החברה מרגישים בטוחים תעסוקתית ורואים בארגון קריירה ארוכת טווח. דבר אשר מבטיח את נאמנותם ומחויבותם של עובדי החברה לארגון. בעוד שאם עובדי הארגון רואים שהארגון מגייס עובדים מהשוק החיצוני למשרות ניהוליות הם יכולים לאבד את תקוותם לצמוח בתוך הארגון ולעשות עבודה פחות טובה או לנשור מהארגון. דבר נוסף המוזכר במאמר הינו שלכל ארגון יש את התרבות הארגונית שלו, את ה"אישיות" של הארגון, ולכן כאשר מקדמים עובד שנמצא ועובד בתוך הארגון, העובד מכיר את התרבות הארגונית ומתאים לה. לכן אין צורך לגלות האם הוא מתאים לתרבות הארגונית. כמו כן בהעסקה של עובד מהשוק החיצוני יש ללוות אותו בתהליך הקליטה בחברה, יש להשקיע זמן ומשאבים בלהדריך את העובד החדש על החברה ועל התרבות הארגונית. במאמר של Claudio Fernández-Aráoz, Boris Groysberg, and Nitin Nohria מוזכר כי בסקר שנערך ב-2007 בקרב 2,000 מנהלי מש"א ומנהלים בארגונים נמצא כי שליש מהמעסיקים איבדו בין 10% ל-25% מהעובדים החדשים בשנה הראשונה כתוצאה מהסיבות הבאות: הציפיות הלא מציאותיות של החברה, חוסר הבנה של איך הדברים עובדים בתוך החברה, כישלון בפיתוח תחושת שייכות , חוסר הבנה של הקשר בין התפקיד לחברה. עובד מתוך הארגון לא יצטרך להתמודד עם פרמטרים אלו, הטרנספורמציה...

Words: 1673 - Pages: 7

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...[pic] CASE STUDY [pic] NAME : TANMAY MEHTA COURSE : MBA TECH BRANCH : TELECOM ROLL NO : 527 PREFACE The acronym MPEG stands for Moving Picture Expert Group, which worked to generate the specifications under ISO, the International Organization for Standardization and IEC, the International Electrotechnical Commission. What is commonly referred to as "MPEG video" actually consists at the present time of two finalized standards, MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, with a third standard, MPEG-4, in the process of being finalized . The MPEG-1 & -2 standards are similar in basic concepts. They both are based on motion compensated block-based transform coding techniques, while MPEG-4 deviates from these more traditional approaches in its usage of software image construct descriptors, for target bit-rates in the very low range, < 64Kb/sec. Because MPEG-1 & -2 are finalized standards and are both presently being utilized in a large number of applications, this case study concentrates on compression techniques relating only to these two standards. MPEG 3- it was originally anticipated that this standard would refer to HDTV applications, but it was found that minor extensions to the MPEG-2 standard would suffice for this higher bit-rate, higher resolution application, so work on a separate MPEG-3 standard was abandoned. CONTENTS *Introduction *History *Video Compression *Video Quality *MPEG *MPEG Standards ...

Words: 5683 - Pages: 23

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Black Slavery American Experience

...Slavery and the Civil War in Cultural Memory A Dissertation Presented. 2014, Boylorn, Robin M. “As Seen On TV: An Autoethnographic Reflection on Race and Reality Television.” Critical Studies in Media Communication, vol. 25, no. 4, Taylor & Francis Group, Oct. 2008, pp. 413–33, doi:10.1080/15295030802327758. Gheldof, Debora. Between The American Dream and Reality. American Race Melodrama: An Analysis of Imitation of Life. 2009, Johnson, Author, and Tamara Therese. UCLA UCLA Electronic Theses and Dissertations Title The Impact of Negative Stereotypes & Representations of African-Americans in the Media and African-American Incarceration. 2012, Stowe, Harriet Beecher, et al. Racial Stereotypes in Fictions of Slavery: Uncle Tom´s Cabin. 2013, stereotypes in fictions of...

Words: 1003 - Pages: 5

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...Restaurant Customer Satisfaction Surveys Can Keep Your Customers Coming Back Keep your customers coming back and recommending your restaurant to others with help from restaurant customer satisfaction surveys. Restaurant customer satisfaction surveys give you quantitative insight into the opinions and attitudes of your customers. You’ll obtain facts about what they want, what they expect, and if they plan to return to your restaurant again. If results show that your restaurant does not meet your customers’ expectations, you’ll know exactly what areas to target for improvement. Whether you own a fast-food restaurant, a dine-in establishment, or a chain of restaurants, Infosurv’s restaurant survey measuring customer satisfaction can provide you with valuable data you can use to make better business decisions. Gauging satisfaction with a restaurant customer survey can tell you about the demographics of your customers as well as give you insight into what they really think about: * Food quality * Menu selection * Menu pricing and value * Waiting times * Promptness of service * Professionalism and friendliness of server(s) * Server’s knowledge of menu * Decor * Restaurant location * Overall restaurant experience By assessing the wants and needs of customers – and then acting upon them – restaurants have continually found that satisfaction surveys encourage: * Repeat business * Positive feelings towards the restaurant because they...

Words: 2482 - Pages: 10

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...Mediated Perceptions of Women and Female Adolescents: An Annotated Bibliography Green, C. (2013, April). The effects of romantic comedies on women and female adolescents. Paper presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), University of Wisconsin La Crosse, WI. In the article, Green points out how romantic comedies alter women’s and female adolescents’ perceptions of romantic relationships. She refers to Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (as cited in Green, 2013) to explain how they learn from observation and copy behaviors that are depicted by romantic comedies. She advocates that romantic comedies cause women to have high expectations of their romantic relationships and that these movies or series support conventional patriarchal ideals and post-feminist ideologies. She explains that romantic comedies make women believe that the behaviors of the male partners that are depicted in the shows are truly ideal and should be expected in a romantic relationship. With all these explanations, the article answers my research question directly as can be predicted from its title. The article’s being supported with Social Cognitive Theory and concrete examples makes it more reliable. Moreover, it is quite recent. Johnson, K. R., & Holmes, B. M. (2009, July-September). Contradictory messages: A content analysis of Hollywood-produced romantic comedy feature films. Communication Quarterly, 57(3), 352-373. Retrieved from http://academic.csuohio...

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