Premium Essay

Bloody Pixels


Submitted By mtforever
Words 1627
Pages 7
Bloody Pixels: Video Game Violence
There are many speculations on video game violence and its harmful effects on the kids who have come addicted to playing them. Many people believe that video games are the ultimate cause of why we see aggression and violence from our youth today. In reality video games are not the main cause of this violence that is being seen. There are many factors that are not being accounted for when determining the cause of a child's violence. Factors such as abuse, depression, and environmental influences have more of an effect on children then actual video games.
Violence in video games is not the reason children become violent. Said violence comes from the abuse, depression, and other environmental factors. My support for this claim is for many of reasons, but the big one being that I myself have played many violent video games as a child yet I have grown to be caring and refrain from violence towards other people. I have not committed a violent crime or acted aggressively towards another in any way.
A major argument that comes up is that children act based on what they see. With today's advanced technology video games have become so clear and graphic that one could get lost into the "gaming world". Albert Bandura, a famous psychologist, did a study on children and aggression. The study showed that children who witnessed a bobo doll being abused by an adult also committed those same actions, sometimes worse and sometimes less when encountered with the bobo doll. However children that didn’t see any violence done to the bobo doll also committed some types of violent acts. In his study Bandura states, " There was more partial and non-imitative aggression among those children who has observed aggressive behavior, although the difference for non-imitative aggression was small" The study goes to show that children do what they are

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