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Blue Light Research Paper

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Acute exposure to blue wavelength light during memory consolidation improves verbal memory performance.
Light is made up of electromagnetic particles that travel in waves. Each wave emits a varying amount of energy, and range in length and strength. These wavelengths are represented by a color measured in nanometers and make up the electromagnetic spectrum. The human eye can only see one part of this spectrum: visible light. Visible light ranges from 380nm-780nm and is seen in the colors of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Blue light is seen between 300nm-500nm, it has a very short wavelength, so it produces a higher amount of energy. Outside, light from the sun travels through the atmosphere. The shorter, high energy blue wavelengths collide with the air molecules causing blue light to scatter everywhere. …show more content…
Blue light also helps boost alertness, heighten reaction times, elevate moods, and increase the feeling of wellbeing. Cell phones and other electronic devices produce artificial blue light. While studies have shown that blue light influences simple reaction time and working memory, it is unclear whether it has any effect on other areas of cognition. It has been proposed that blue light may activate the brain in such a way that stimulates the production of norepinephrine, releasing it throughout the brain and increasing alertness. Because increased norepinephrine is known to improve memory, it is a consideration that blue light exposure may therefore enhance memory performance. This study was done to determine if daytime exposure to blue wavelength light for 30 minutes during memory consolidation would lead to better long-term

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