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Body Fats


Submitted By Starbrghtl
Words 424
Pages 2
Fats are essential for our body as human beings because it gives us energy. Everyone should know that out body needs fats in order to be healthy but some people mistake bad fats for good fats so it is important that you understand the difference. Bad fats would be fats such as Trans fats and saturated fats. Trans fats and saturated fats are bad fats because they raise you blood cholesterol concentrations, contributing to clogged arteries that block in flow of oxygen-rich blood to your heart and brain. ( Saturated fats are fats that are solid and can be found in meats, cheese and milk. Saturated facts are found majority in things like snacks, cakes and all other sweets. Saturated fats are really something that you should limit your intake on because if you eat too much you will raise your cholesterol. Tran’s fatty acids clog arteries, increase the risk for heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Tran’s fats (Tran’s fatty acids) can be found in things that are crispy like cookies and pie crust and in foods that have partially hydrogenated oils and shortening. All fiber comes from plant origin foods such as fruits and vegetables. If you were to eat an apple you would want to eat it with the skin because that is where most of the fiber is found. Fiber cannot be digested when you eat due to the lack of specific enzymes in the body to digest them. They are found to facilitate the process of digestion and they help the digested food move easily in the small intestine. Lipids in the body help to store energy in your body. Lipids and lipid derivatives serve as vitamins and hormones. They serve as structural components of biological membranes. Some good sources of fiber are beans, peas, cooked oatmeal and 100% all bran cereal. Insoluble fiber does not break down as it passes through the digestive

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