...design chief was told: "We need to do more with design. Go figure it out." Now his labors are bearing fruit When David Butler joined Coca-Cola (KO) almost five years ago, he was given, as he tells it, "the Post-it Note mandate: We need to do more with design. Go figure it out." Butler, who had come from a gig as director of brand strategy at the interactive marketing and consulting firm Sapient, had soon written up a 30-page manifesto laying out a design strategy for the company. But if Butler, who's now vice-president for design, has made an impact at the beverage giant, it's not because of some heady proclamation. Instead it's because he has learned the most effective way to implement design strategy at a company as large and complex as Coca-Cola: avoid the word "design" as much as possible. "If I'm at a meeting with manufacturing people, I'll say: 'How can we make the can feel colder, longer?'," he says as an example. "Or, 'How can we make the cup easier to hold?'" In other words, he talks about the benefits of smart design in a language to which those he's talking to can relate. Based on several recent brand redesigns—including the new Coke identity work that won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions awards program in June—and innovations such as an aluminum bottle and a new family of coolers, this surreptitious approach seems to be working. Butler leads a team of 60 designers—a mix of graphic and industrial designers, some poached from companies such as Apple (AAPL), Nike...
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...understands the meaning of innovation as evidenced by their ever-growing brand portfolio and internal processes. In this paper, I discuss Coke's three cola strategy as both a product and service innovation. Such strategy was implemented to widen the market presence of Classic Coke, Diet Coke and Coke Zero. The three cola strategy was developed initially for the purpose of rekindling the growth of the sparkling beverages. The strategy is basically a campaign to boost public confidence wherein an array of marketing, advertising and promotion was implemented. The three cola strategy was backed by Research Council towards the development of consumer-centered innovation. Introduction Overview of the Organization The Coca-Cola Company Founded by Asa Griggs Candler in 1882 in Atlanta, Georgia, a company that fully understands the importance of innovation in business is the Coca-Cola Company. Coca-Cola, or simply Coke, chose to concentrate their operation on production of soft drink syrup while maintaining an intimate relationship with its bottlers and distributors at the retail level. Basically, the company is engaged into blending raw material ingredients (product planning), packaging in plastic canisters (market research) and shipping to bottlers (advertising). In 1886, John Stith Pemberton invented the company’s flagship product Coca-Cola. Today, Coca-Cola Company offers more than 400 brands in over 200 countries and territories and serves approximately 1.5 billion...
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...November 2011 TABLE OF CONTENT PAGES Introduction 3 P2 4/15 Introduction Task 2 p2 was to describe the brand image and how this image is supported through the promotional campaign for one of the company I chose at p1 and I chose Coca cola business or company and we also had to describe the role of promotion within the marketing mix of the promotional mix of the campaign I selected. This was quite an interesting assignment to do and was not difficult as I imagine it to be. Task 2 Promotional objectives * Raising awareness of product. Coca cola raised awareness with the company profile by going all green and also helps increase it sells and more awareness fort his company and its products. * Creating distinctive market presence Global Footprint is a good example of that when it comes to international presence; Coca-Cola easily trumps its rival Pepsi. Coca-Cola's larger global footprint exposes it more too international economic forces, particularly in the developing world. While this led to strong growth through much of the decade, weakness in emerging market economies could easily slow this momentum. Furthermore, because Coke generates so much of its revenue abroad, it stands to suffer from the continuing strengthening of the dollar as sales denominated in foreign currencies are suddenly worth less money back in the US. * Increasing market...
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...building customer relationships The Coca-Cola Company It is an American multinational beverage corporation and manufacturer, retailer and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. The company is best known for its flagship product Coca-Cola, invented in 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton in Columbus, Georgia. The Coca-Cola formula and brand was bought in 1889 by Asa Candler who incorporated The Coca-Cola Company in 1892. Besides its namesake Coca-Cola beverage, Coca-Cola currently offers more than 500 brands in over 200 countries or territories and serves over 1.7 billion servings each day. The Coca-Cola Company is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Its stock is listed on the NYSE and is part of DJIA, S&P 500 Index, the Russell 1000 Index and the Russell 1000 Growth Stock Index. Its current chairman and chief executive is Muhtar Kent. Coca Cola (the drink) Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines in more than 200 countries.[1] It is produced by The Coca-Cola Company of Atlanta, Georgia, and is often referred to simply as Coke (a registered trademark of The Coca-Cola Company in the United States since March 27,...
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...The Chinese government rejected Coca-Cola's planned $2.3 billion acquisition of the Chinese company Huiyuan Juice, despite Coke's announcement a week earlier that it would commit $2 billion on top of that to expansion in China over the next three years. When the government declared the deal dead, a chill blanketed boardrooms around the world. Is the climate for foreign firms in China cooling? Is protectionism rearing its ugly head? What happened? Retail sales in China are still growing at a double-digit rate despite the global financial turmoil. The country can no longer be considered an emerging market for many brands. It became the largest market in the world for automobiles earlier this year; car sales rose 25% in February after the government started issuing tax rebates for small engines. Companies are getting more and more of their revenues from China; Yum! Brands (nyse: YUM - news - people ) generates about a third of its revenue from its KFC and Pizza Hut sales in China. If the country turned inward, the effect on the bottom-line of businesses from Unilever to General Motors would be huge. However, China's government went to great lengths to indicate that the rejection of the deal was about monopoly, not protectionism. My own observations suggest that local officials throughout the country are green-lighting more investment projects faster now than at any time in the last three years, as fears about overheating and inflation give way to worries that more jobs will be lost...
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...ARE MEGA BRANDS TRYING TO ESCAPE THERE OWN BRANDS? I. Table of Content 1. Introduction 2. MEGA BRANDS TRYING TO ESCAPE THERE OWN BRANDS? 3. Conclusion II. References 1. Introduction Brands is the name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. A concept brand is a brand that is associated with an abstract concept, like breast cancer awareness rather than a specific product, service, or business. A modern example of a brand is Coca Cola which belongs to the Coca-Cola Company. A brand is the most valuable fixed asset of a Corporation. Branding is the process of creating and disseminating the brand name. Branding can be applied to the entire corporate identity as well as to individual product and service names. Brands are also expressed in the form of logos, graphic representations of the brand. In computers, a recent example of widespread brand application was the "Intel Inside" label provided to manufacturers that use Intel's microchips. Brand is an accumulation of emotional and functional associations. Brand is a promise that the product will perform as per customer’s expectations. It shapes customer’s expectations about the product. Brands usually have a trademark which protects them from use by others. A brand gives particular information about the organization, good or service, differentiating it from others in marketplace. Brand carries an assurance...
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...Index 1. A brief Walkthrough 2. Introduction 3. Coke strategic Intent 4. External analysis 5. Internal analysis 6. resource based view 7. Value Chain Analysis 8. SWOT 9. Six Strategic Objectives 10. Financial analysis 11. Recommendations 12. Conclusions 13. Bibliography A brief Walkthrough Coca Cola is a well-known brand and the world’s leading beverage producer. The company is over 100 years old and enjoys patrons in over 200 countries. The company till date remains true to its vision and mission which has permeated through to all levels of the company. Coca Cola has a product of more than 3,500 beverages. These include * Energy drinks and Sports Drinks * Fruit and Fruit juices * Soft Drinks * Tea and coffee * Water * Other drinks The external environment analysis shows that coca cola enjoys a competitive position across the industry due to high capital requirements and exit costs. It has an intense but healthy rivalry with Pepsi. The Pestel analysis shows a growing demand for healthier alternatives to carbonated drinks which Coca-Cola is now addressing. Through the internal analysis of the company, we understand that the company has a competitive advantage in terms of its brand reputation and value chain process which it should continue to further use to its advantage. The value chain is perfectly aligned to ensure maximum efficiency. As the financial analysis, will show, Coca Cola...
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...ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROJECT BRAND RIVALRIES Name of the school : SHARJAH INDIAN SCHOOL NAME OF THE STUDENT : DAN K. JOHN CLASS : XII-E CBSE ROLL NO. : ACADEMIC YEAR : 2012-2013 TEACHER IN CHARGE : MR. JAMES THOMAS INDEX SL. NO. | TITLE | SOURCE OF THE PROJECT | PAGE NO. | SIGN OF THE TEACHER | 1 | Acknowledgement | - | | | 2 | Brand RivalryAn INTRODUCTION | www.wikipedia.org | | | 3 | PepsiAn Introduction | www.wikipedia.org | | | 4 | Pepsi the history | www.wikipedia.orgwww.pepsiarabia.com | | | 5 | Products Of Pepsi | www.wikipedia.org | | | 6 | Coca-Cola An Introduction | www.wikipedia.org | | | 7 | Coca-Colathe history | www.cocacola.com | | | 8 | Products Of Coca-Cola | www.wikipedia.org | | | 9 | Pepsi Vs Coca-Cola A Comparison | www.versus.com | | | 10 | Pepsi Vs Coca-Cola THE COLA WAR | www.slideshare.netwww.scribd.com | | | 11 | Pepsi Vs Coca-Cola Which Cola brand is the Better Investment? | - | | | 12 | Pepsi Vs Coca-Cola PRESENCE IN INDIA | www.infobarrel.com | | | 13 | Pepsi Vs Coca-Cola Marketing | www.google.com | | | 14 | Pepsi Vs Coca-Cola Advertising Strategies | www.google.com | | | 15 | Pepsi Vs Coca-Cola Conclusion | - | | | 16 | BIBLIOGRAPHY | - | | | ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals...
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...Introduction Kotler (1996:284) describes brand equity as the value of a brand based on the extent to which it has high brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality, strong brand associations, patents and trademarks and The Wall Street Journal (2010:1) ranked the top five brands as Coca cola, IBM, Microsoft, Google and General Electric. Coca cola Bilaras (2012:1) maintains that Coca cola built its brand equity by adapting a global marketing strategy, which considered the whole world as a single market. The reason behind this global focus was that they viewed their product as one that can be used by everyone irrespective of age and gender. To achieve this, Coca cola created an efficient and extensive distribution system throughout the world. According to the company’s 2010 review, it managed to build its brand equity by establishing a close relationship with its bottling partners who work closely with customers to execute localized strategies developed in partnership with them. Through effective collaboration, they are able to sell Coca cola products to consumers at a rate of 1.7 billion servings a day. Coca cola’s brand equity growth is also attributed to its expanded brand variety of products like diet coke, sprite, Fanta, Minute Maid and others to appeal to a wider demographic, asserts Bilaras (2012:1). This resulted in consumers viewing coke as a part of life, leading to a high degree of brand loyalty, and growth. Growth in brand equity was also realised through advertising...
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...business strategy Individual Assignment Table content Content Page number Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………….……………1 Executive summary ……………………………………………...………………………..…..2 Introduction 4 Task 01 – Report 6 (LO 1.1) Strategic context 6 (LO2.3) Stakeholder analyzing 9 (LO2.1) Organizational audit 11 Porter’s Value Chain for Coca Cola Company 11 VRIO Framework 14 (LO 2.2) Environmental audit 16 PEST analysis 16 Porter’s five forces analysis 18 SWOT analysis for Coca Cola Company 20 (LO1.3) Different planning techniques 22 Product life cycle 24 BCG Matrix 25 GE Matrix 26 (LO1.2) Criticisms of strategic planning 27 (LO 3.1) Ansoff’s Growth Strategies 29 (LO3.2) Future strategy for the Coca Cola Company 33 (LO4.1) Roles and responsibilities for strategy implementation 34 (LO4.2) Resources requirements for new strategy (Water purification system) 36 (LO4.3) Time scale to monitor the strategy 37 Conclusion 38 References 39 List of Figures IV. IV. Figure Page Number Figure 01 – Stakeholder analyzing 9 Figure 02 - Porter’s Value Chain 11 Figure 03 - VRIO framework 15 Figure 04 - PEST analysis 16 Figure 05 - Porter’s five forces analysis 19 Figure 06 - BCG Matrix 25 Figure 07 - GE Matrix 26 Figure 08 - Ansoff’s Growth Strategies 29 Figure 09 - Ansoff’s Growth Strategies for Coca Cola 32 Figure 10 - Time scale……………………………………………………………………......37 Introduction In this assignment describe the strategies of...
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...Marketing Strategy for Coca Cola Kyaw Thet Win Introduction - 3 Vision & mission - 4, 5 Product & Product line - 6 Brand Building -13 Distribution Channel -14 Franchising, merger, alliance, joint venture -16 SOWT -23 PESTEL - 27 Reference ...
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...REPORT ON CONTEMPORARY ISSUES ON ADVERTISEMENT ANS SALES PROMOTIONS(COCA-COLA) Submitted to Lovely Professional University In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the award of Degree of Master of Business Administration SUBMITTED TO :- SUBMITTED BY : - Mr. Lovkesh Jasrai Vishal kumar jaiswal Lect, LSB.. Reg. No.- 10812543 Section – R1807 Roll no. – R1807A17 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY PHAGWARA (YEAR-2009) INDEX |S. No. |Contents |Page No. | |1 |ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | | | | |3 | |2 |Executive summary |4 | |3 |Introduction to market |5 | |4...
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... | |Faraz Ahmed |Zohaib Genda |Mehboob Hassan |Zakia Rasheed | |Arshad Khan |Muhammad Tabish Taha |Sehrish Anwar |Obaid Ullah Aleem | |Mohammad Waqas |Ashok Kumar |Tariq Khan | |Zeeshan Ul Haque |Tariq Hamidi |Babar Raza | Table of Contents 1- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 2- HISTORY OF COCA COLA 4 3- BRANDS OF COCA COLA 7 3.1- Energy Drinks 7 3.2- Juices/Juice Drinks 7 3.3- Soft Drinks 8 3.5- Tea and Coffee 8 3.6 Water 8 3.7- Other Drinks 9 4- CONSUMER CHOICE AT A GLANCE 10 5- DIFFERENT PLAYERS IN THE SOFT DRINKS MARKET 11 5- DIFFERENT PLAYERS IN THE SOFT DRINKS MARKET 12 6- OUR MISSION 12 6- OUR MISSION 13 7- OUR VISION 13 8- IMPROVED MISSION STATEMENT 14 9- IMPROVED VISION STATEMENT 14 10- COCA COLA - RATIO ANALYSIS 17 10.1 RATIO ANALYSIS 18 11- FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 19 12- UNIT CASE VOLUME 19 13- CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 21 14-...
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...Coca-Cola: International Business Strategy For Globalization Dr. Michael Ba Banutu-Gomez, Professor, Management and Entrepreneurship, William G. Rohrer College of Business Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to analyze the efficiency of global strategies. This paper identified six key strategies necessary for firms to be successful when expanding globally. These strategies include differentiation, marketing, distribution, collaborative strategies, labor and management strategies, and diversification. Within this analysis, we chose to focus on the Coca-Cola Company because they have proven successful in their international operations and are one of the most recognized brands in the world. We performed an in-depth review of how effectively or ineffectively Coca-Cola has used each of the six strategies. The paper focused on Coca-Cola's operations in the United States, China, Belarus, Peru, and Morocco. The author used electronic journals from the various countries to determine how effective Coca-Cola was in these countries. The paper revealed that Coca-Cola was very successful in implementing strategies regardless of the country. However, the author learned that CocaCola did not effectively utilize all of the strategies in each country. Key Words: Coca-Cola, International Business, Strategy, Globalization, International Marketing, Labor Relations, Distribution, Diversification, Management, Channels, Costs, Gains and Collaboration. INTRODUCTION...
Words: 9970 - Pages: 40
...Essentials of Business Management June 23, 2013 Larry Frazier Abstract The beverage industry nowadays is very competitive. Each brand pushes all strategies to be the number one in the market and try to win more consumers and achieve their goals. The main competitors in these industries are Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Inc., and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group. Coca-Cola is the largest beverage company in this market and provides the most market share that PepsiCo, Inc. PepsiCo is the second leading company, and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group is the third leading company in soft drink beverage industry. This paper presents three main competitors and focuses on competitive strategies, market strategies, and overall strength of the companies. Also, it discusses a recommendation to improve the Coca-Cola Company’s competitive position. Company Summaries Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company is the largest beverage company in the world. The Coca-Cola Company is the leader in the market of nonalcoholic beverages and owns market shares than 500 beverage brands, including sparkling drinks, juice drinks, ready to drink, teas, coffees, and energy drinks, such as vitamin water and Powerade. The Coca-Cola Company also owns the leading brands of the diet and light beverage market, such as Diet Coke and the top five soft drinks: Fanta and Sprite. Moreover, the company is the world’s largest beverage distribution system; they control manufacturing...
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