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Breast Feeding Pros and Cons


Submitted By macazcol20
Words 496
Pages 2
Breastfeeding pros: - May reduce the risk of asthma, obesity and type 1 diabetes in childhood. - Breastfeeding is a bonding experience between a mother and her child, - With breastfeeding, the breast-milk it always available even in the middle of the night; at the right temperature and it’s free.

Breastfeeding Cons: - Feeding in public can be uncomfortable at times, depending of where the mother might be at that point in time. - Blood-borne virus, such as HIV can be transmitted to the baby through breast milk. - The mother can often feel tired with Breastfeeding because it takes a lot of energy for her body to produce milk.

Feeding Formula pros: - Unlike breastfeeding, Mothers don’t have to worry about dieting. They wouldn’t have to worry about what to eat or drink that could affect their baby. - Anyone can feed the baby with the formula especially the father of the baby. -

Feeding Formula cons:

- Formula can be costly as compared to breast feeding that is free and natural. - Formula does not have the kind of antibodies that are found in breast milk. which means that formula does not provide the baby with the added protection against infection and illness as breast milk does. - With formula there is a lot of work involved in preparing the food, like washing and sterilizing the equipments that are needed for bottle feeding.

Women stop Breastfeeding before the first year is completed because of so many reasons. Firstly, it might be uncomfortable for most women to breastfeed in public places. Secondly, most mothers don’t believe their babies are getting the right quantity of milk from breastfeeding; because breast milk is more easily digested, the baby keeps wanting more which leaves the mother wondering if her baby is really getting enough. Thirdly, it can painful, especially

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