...BRAND MANAGEMENT Student: Drobnjak Anja, K-5050 Professor: Prof. dr David Jones Warsaw, 22.01.2014. Contents Introduction 4 Branding 5 The Laws of Branding 6 Branding and its components 8 Brand implementation 9 Brand awareness 9 Brand recognition 10 Brand equity 10 Brand elements 11 Brand Bubble Trouble 12 Strategic brand management 13 Adidas - a brand that identifies with its performance 15 Coca-Cola as Number One 17 Disney world 18 Conclusion 18 Abstract One of the most valuable intangible assets of a firm is its brand, and building a strong brand is both an art and a science. It requires careful planning, a deep long-term commitment and creatively designed and executed marketing and management. This paper will try to show that brand management is a communication function which includes analysis and planning on how that brand is positioned in the market, which target public the brand is targeted at and maintaining a desired reputation of the brand. Attention will also be directed on the tangible elements of brand management such as a product itself; look, price, the packaging, etc. It will include some components of brand management, laws of brending, strategic brand management and its importance, and also examples of well known companies, in order to show nowadays rising role of brands and made some conclusions. Key Words: brand management, brand, strategic brand management, brand...
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...Xiaodong Qiu [Email address] Xiaodong Qiu [Email address] Abstract [Draw your reader in with an engaging abstract. It is typically a short summary of the document. When you’re ready to add your content, just click here and start typing.] Abstract [Draw your reader in with an engaging abstract. It is typically a short summary of the document. When you’re ready to add your content, just click here and start typing.] literature review Self-congruityand brand personality on consumer satisfaction literature review Self-congruityand brand personality on consumer satisfaction Since the theory of consumer satisfaction put forward, it has been attracting marketing researchers attention and came out many valuable theoretical results. However, it is relatively less about the influence of self-congruity to consumer satisfaction (Sirgy et al., 1997). This review will focus on the literature on self-congruity theory including self-concept and brand personality, and the influence on consumer satisfaction. Expand the mainstream view and research result and conclude the limit of former studies. Most of the literature focus on the changing of self-congruity, brand personality and consumer satisfaction. At the end of the 19 century, there were already some research topics related to self-congruity within the domain in psychology. However, until the late of the 1950s, researchers started to introduce the topic of self-congruity into the researches of customers’...
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...Bez ijedne dobije se bijela, samo k daje crnu. FPS - frame per second::: 24 po sekundi Copy ad- copy je oglašivački tekst; copy ad je oglas od teksta-nema vizuale TVC- tv commercial- tv spot za društvo i kampanje PSA- public service annauncment – društvena kampanja Koorporativno oglašavanje- korporacija koja sadrži više brendova ali se oglašava kao korporacija- agrokor. Počelo 80-tih godina da se prikaže odgovornost korporacija prema ljudima Brand- (robna marka)-skup vrijednsti, dodatna vrijednost. Označava iza čega stoji neka tvrtka,što ona predstavlja za što se zalaže i šta želi postići. pametan brend stvara zajednicu potrošača. One se razlikuju po tipu humora te se po tome stvaraju grupe. (pivske reklame) Brand equity- spremnost da se za poznati brend plati više. Lewis ili no name Brend perception- težina brenda u očima potrošača Brand image- kako potrošači doživljavaju naš brend. Brand awarenes – sposobnost potrošača da se...
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...Nabi Lazgizada Bank marketinqi iqtisadi psixologiya ilə sıx surətdə əlaqəlidir. Marketinq fiziki və hüquqi şəxslərin tələbatlarının aşkar edilməsi və ödənilməsi prosesi olaraq iqtisadiyyatın istənilən sektorunun, o cümlədən bank sektorunun müəssisələrinin fəaliyyə- tinin mühüm tərkib hissəsi kimi çıxış edir. Bank bu piramidanın zirvəsində yerləşir. Ehtimal olunur ki, bank marketinqinə çoxsaylı təriflərin verilməsi marketinqin təkamülü və bu təkamül prosesində marketinqin məzmununun, onun yönümünün və istinad etdiyi elementin dəyişməsi ilə əlaqədardır. F. Kotler marketinqin təkamülünün aşağıdakı 5 mərhələsini qeyd edir: 1. İstehsalın təkmilləşdirilməsi konsepsiyası və ya istehsal yönümlü marketinq. Bu konsepsiyaya görə bankın məhsul və xidmətlərindən istifadə edən fiziki və hüquqi şəxslər geniş yayılmış və münasib qiymətli məhsul və xidmətlərdən istifadə etməyə meyllidirlər və bankın fəaliyyəti bu cür məhsul və xidmətlərin hazırlanmasına və realizə edilməsinə əsaslanır. 2. Məhsulların təkmilləşdirilməsi konsepsiyası və ya məhsul yönümlü marketinq. Bu konsepsiya bankın xidmətlərindən istifadə edən fiziki və hüquqi şəxslərin yüksək keyfiyyətli məhsul və xidmətlərdən istifadə edilməsinə üstünlük verdiyini nəzərdə tutur və bank onlara geniş çeşiddə yüksək keyfiyyətli xidmətlər göstərməyə çalışır. 3. Kommersiya amillərinin intensivləşdirilməsi konsepsiyası və ya satış yönümlü marketinq. Bu konsepsiyanın mahiyyəti və xarakterik xüsusiyyəti ondan ibarətdir ki, istehsalçılar ilk dəfə...
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...Shakespeare has written some of the most memorable plays in history. It was probably the most important structure in Shakespeare’s career. Throughout its history the Globe Theatre has hosted the very best of Shakespeare’s productions or works of art such as Hamlet, and the Twelfth Night were written to be performed on the stage of the Globe Theatre. The Globe Theatre was a theatre located in London, England. The Globe Theatre is commonly associated with William Shakespeare. The theatre was built in 1599 by the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, which happened to be William Shakespeare’s playing company (Linda Alchin). The land that the theatre was built on was owned by Thomas Brend and was later inherited by his son Nicholas Brend and then later on his grandson Sir Matthew Brend. On the 29th of June 1613 the theatre was destroyed by a fire during a performance of Henry the Eighth (Linda Alchin). The Globe Theatre was rebuilt in June of 1614 and was closed in 1642. There is a modern reconstruction of the Globe Theatre in London called Shakespeare’s Globe and it opened in 1997 (J.M Presley). The Lord Chamberlain’s Men were actors who were shareholders in the Globe Theatre. The Globe Theatre was divided into shares of ten percent each with two brothers, Richard and Cuthbert Burbage having a double share or twenty-five percent each (Linda Alchin). Originally there was supposed to be a seventh shareholder, William Kempe but he sold his share to the four minority shareholders...
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...LOUIS VUITTON MOËT HENNESSY U POTRAZI ZA SINERGIJOM U SVJETSKOJ INDUSTRIJI LUKSUZA Gospodin Bernard Arno (Bernard Arnault), kojeg su istaknuti modni stručnjaci proglasili „Kraljem luksuza“ ili „Papom Mode“ ili „Vladarem logoa“, svoje kancelarije je smjestio u moderni luksuzni apartman na vrhu elegantnog sjedišta Luj Viton Moet Ensi (Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy – LVMH). Posjetioci, koji žele da vide unutrašnjost ovog luksuznog centra, moraju najprije biti pretreseni od strane ličnih tjelohranitelja gospodina Arnoa, a onda se vrata od neprobojnog stakla nečujno otvaraju kako bi posjetioci ušli u svjetilište svjetskog modnog carstva. Okružen svijetom raskoši i lusuza, gospodin Arno je bio možda najvjerniji ambasador proizvoda svoje kompanije. To je čovjek koji je, od strane nekoliko vodećih poslovnih časopisa, godinama proglašavan za najbolje odjevenog glavnog izvršnog direktora (Best Dressed CEO). Međutim, došao je trenutak kada je bilo potrebno procijeniti situaciju, ponovo osmisliti ili čak redizajnirati strategije koje će voditi njegovu kompaniju na ulasku u veoma izazovan period njenog kratkog postojanja. Da li će LVMH biti sposoban da ispuni svoja obećanja i udvostruči prodaju svojih proizvoda i profit tokom narednih pet godina? Godina 2001. je bila turbulentna godina za LVMH. Pod vođstvom gospodina Arnoa, LVMH je bio uveliko na putu sprovođenja strategije koja je pozivala na povećanje raznovrsnosti ponude kada je riječ o luksuznim brendovima i istovremenu ekspaniziju u više...
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...Farmaceutski fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu Farmaceutski marketing [pic] SEMINARSKI RAD Ispitivanje stavova državnih stomatologa prema vodicama za usta i postojećim brendovima na tržištu Studenti: Anja Tumpa Stevan Marković Lazar Marković Nikola Milenković Ana Šulović Milica Vukelić Gordana Mitić Uvod Odgovarajuća oralna higijena izuzetno je važna za zdravlje zuba i čitavog organizma. Samo redovnim i pravilnim održavanjem oralne higijene može se postići zadovoljavajuća kontrola plaka i sprečiti plakom uzrokovane bolesti: zubni karijes, gingivitis i parodontitis. Cilj svih mera oralne higijene je ukloniti što više plaka i odložiti njegovo ponovno stvaranje. Sredstva kojima se to postiže su četkica i pasta za zube, interdentalne četkice, konac za zube i vodice za usta. U nastavku je dat pregled preparata vodica za usta koji su dostupni na našem tržištu, a u tabeli 1. sažetak njihovih glavnih karakteristika. 1.Curasept Proizvođač: Curaprox [pic] Prijatnog ukusa i ne dovodi do obojenja zuba. S ovom tečnošću za ispiranje usta možemo kontrolisati plak i smanjiti njegov razvoj bez poznatih neželjenih efekata. Za dugoročnu upotrebu i istovremenu prevenciju karijesa. Sadrži 0,05 % hlorheksidin diglukonata i 0,05 % fluorida (smanjuje nastanak plaka i remineralizuje). Potpomaže otežanu oralnu higijenu kod ortodontskih i protetskih tretmana. 2.Oral B – tečnost za ispiranje usta Proizvođač: Oral B Laboratories [pic] Oral B ima neutralan...
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...Royal Hotels & Resorts: brendingi klientis momgebianobisa da sasicocxlo drois Rirebulebis gasazrdelad winasityvaoba daaxloebiT 25 welia, rac Royal Hotels & Resorts (Royal), kerZo sastumroebis menejmentis kompania, cdilobs Seiqmnas luqsis tipis sastumros reputacia. brendi Royal-i ar iyo cnobili. igi ar moixsenieboda reklamebSi da mas mxolod sastumros sferoSi dasaqmebuli profesionalebi icnobdnen. 2004 wlis dasawyisSi, gayidvebis gazrdis mizniT, kompaniis axali prezidenti jon skoti da marketingisa da gayidvebis vice-prezidenti roland buloni brendingis axal strategias ganixilavdnen. rogorc buloni aRniSnavda: “droa Royal-i namdvil brendad vaqcioT. igi unda gamoviyenoT nebismieri komunikaciisas da yvela Cveni sastumro am saxelis matarebeli unda gaxdes. es stimuls miscems stumrebs airCion Royal -is sastumro sxvadasxva qalaqSi mogzaurobisas“. amasTan, skoti da buloni, imazec fiqrobdnen, Tu ramdenad unda ganeviTarebinaT es “qolga” brendi, raTa ziani ar mieyenebinaT TiToeuli individualuri brendis mqone sastumros TviTmyofadobisaTvis. kompaniis istoriidan kerZo kompania Royal Hotels & Resorts Seiqmna 1979 wels Trust Estate-is mier. pirveli sastumro, romelic samarTavad aiRo am kompaniam iyo Turtle Greeki, romelic gaixsna 1980 wels dalasSi. sastumro ganTavsebuli iyo Zvel, did sacxovrebel saxlSi. mniSvnelovani samSeneblo da saremonto samuSaoebis Semdeg igi gardaiqmna msoflio donis sastumrod. male mas daemata britaneTis virjiniis kunZulebze arsebuli sastumro Big Bay da axlad aSenebuli sastumroebi...
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...concludes personal control, bureaucratic control and output control. (Lawrence.S, 2009) In the case study, personal control and bureaucratic control are applied by Richard Cranberry. Although both of these two methods have its own advantages and disadvantages, Richard shows more weakness in using these two control methods. The problem was that the new products developed by three teams of Richard cannot meet market demand. Richard thought this problem was irrelevant with his style of management but by lack of leadership and management by Brenda and Judith. It was obviously that Richard had no awareness about his inaccurate control. Moreover, he also held negative opinion with the leadership course learned by Brenda and Judith. When Brend involving her staff in many aspects of...
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...All Saints Niklas Bergman 1. Founded 1994 by Stuert Trevor AllSaints Began as a whole sale menswear brand that sold merchandise exclusively to British high-end retailers such as Harvey Nicolas and Harrods. Named after All Saints road in notting Hill, London, Art, Music and design. They always did and will collaborate with British music industry. In 1997 All Saints Launched its first women swear collection, when the opend their first stand alone store. Six years later Stuart sold All Saints to Kevin Stanford and Stephan Craig By 2006 they launched their first website. in 2010 All Saints was negatively inpacted as a result of the icelandic banking collapse, the corporation “Lion Capital” saved the company. With there help, the brand has seen a 50% rise in profit since 2012. Over the past 2 years, All Saints flagships stores have opened across the U.S in New york, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami, Boston and Seattle In The next 3 years the company plans to open 30-50 more stores worldwide * AGE: 18-35 * Gender: Predominately female * Ethnicity mix: Asians, African American, European * Income levels: Middle to upper class, the average price for new seasons merchandise at is between 30-700Dollars * Originated in the UK * 2 Channels – Brick&mortar stores and online ...
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...bisnis harus bertujuan dari,oleh, dan untuk customer (customer adalah raja). * Customer perceived value (penilaian konsumen pada produk) * Customer satisfaction (kepuasan konsumen) * Company and Marketing Strategy * Apa itu marketing strategy * Developing (mengembagkan) and maintaining (mengatur) the gol of organization * Steps in strategic planning: * customer perceived value * * Langkah-lagkah perusahaan dalam membuat strategi pemasaran yang costumer-driven (stdp strategy) * Segmentation * Target market * Tujuan (mencari untung, berkembang, social, dll) * Positioning (kelas yang di masuki) * Konsep brend (selogan) * Perbedaan prodak * Focus pada perbedaan (kualitas, fiture dan disain, iklan, servicenya, dll)\ * definisi consumer behavior dan consumer buyer behavior * Consumer behavior atau perilaku konsumen adalah proses dan aktivitas ketika seseorang berhubungan dengan pencarian, pemilihan,...
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...THE GREEN GARDEN SCHOOLS SCIENCE 7 L.P.A 1 TERM 2 2012 1.When oxygen combines with hemoglobin it forms a chemical substance ,what is the colour of that substance _____________________________ 2.The diagram below shows the human male reproductive system.State the function of the part labeled C_________________________________ 3.Ngata eat a roasted maize for his lunch.In which part of his digestive system did the digestion of the roasted maize begun.________________________ 4.The diagram below shows the female reproductive system.In which of the parts labeled A,B,C and D does fertilization take place________ 5.What happens to the part labeled X when one breathes in_______________________________ 6.Below is a list of changes that take place during adolescents. (i)Growth of breasts. (ii)Chest and shoulder broaden. (iii)Ovaries begin to produce mature ova. (iv)Hips broaden. Identify changes that take place in boys only_________ 7.Why is it that the left ventricle is thicker than the right ventricle______________________________ 8.Identify any 2 valves found in the heart. (i)__________________________________ (ii)__________________________________ 9.When Peter was digging in his shamba accidentally he cut himself on the leg. Blood started oozing out steadily. Which blood vessel had been cut____________________________ 10.Apart from placing your hand on the chest so as to feel your pulse. How else can one check the pulse rate___________________________ ...
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...Introduction: Now a days Tobaco industy is one of the profitable area of business. Tobacco companies are well informed of the “killing effect” of their product. It is natural that to tobacco corporations production reduction, and also loss in the financial plan because of decrease in consumer activity is absolutely not profitable, thats why they have to orient on a new target- kids. Worldwide people die from the harm of smoking while tobacco product manufacturers continue to spend billions of dollars annually to maintain brand loyalty among current smokers, to influence young people to use tobacco, and to keep smokers addicted. The tobacco industry claims that it does not market to children and that the purpose of its advertising is only to encourage adult smokers to switch brands.( Eriksen, M., 2011) Form the given case sturdy it can be seen that there are GB Tobacco Company exist, which try to push its “Gold” brand in to Malu’s market despite the moral, legal and ethical standards The seven – step procedure: • The facts: The facts are that Fiona Fuller, International Tobacco product Manager for GB Tobacco, has to produce a new firm’s growth strategy for the next ten years. The “Gold” brand faced with the decline of sales volumes in Western Europe and the US. GBT’s plans have run up against the Malu government policy according to which any import of cigarette products are forbidden. The main parties that get benefits are government, which owned cigarette monopoly...
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...Assignment one: Part A, Challenge Questions Lesson one, Question Two: Top Management as a Unique Subculture. In the context of organizational culture, the expression “top management” is unique “in that it describes a hierarchical level and a distinct subculture” (Trice & Beyer, 2003, p.15). Moreover, this subculture is unique from all the others found in a typical work environment, because top managers exert a disproportionate amount of influence within an organization and form a group with an extremely high degree of homogeneity. Top management is a unique subculture in an organization mainly because of this subculture’s disproportionate amount of influence. Typically, this group includes only an organization’s president, vice president, CEO, chief financial officer, and, in some cases, directors. However, the members of this group are the highest paid members of an organization and are also given the most authority. This group “exerts extensive and intensive influence over the ways others think and act in an organization” (Trice & Beyer, 2003,p.17). As a subculture, top management is also unique because of its extremely high degree of homogeneity. All subcultures attract like-minded individuals, but top management’s practice of “managerial cloning” (Kanter, 1987; as cited in Trice & Beyer, 2003, p.17) ensures that top managers resemble each other very closely because top managers tend to hire mirror images of themselves. Top managers usually have business-related...
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...UNIVERZITET U SARAJEVU EKONOMSKI FAKULTET U SARAJEVU MARKETING PLAN Predmet: Projekat Voditelji projekta: Prof. dr. Nenad Brkić Ass. mr. Denis Berberović Studenti: Amina Bijedić | 69675 | Amira Bajrović | 69510 | Lejla Lihić | 69509 | Amna Jažić | 70051 | Mehmed Čekić | 69371 | Sarajevo, 2012 Sadržaj Sadržaj 2 Analiza tržišta 4 PESTLE analiza 6 Analiza kompanije 8 Analiza proizvoda 9 Linija proizvoda 9 Ambalaža 10 Distribucija 11 Analiza konkurencije 12 Coca – Cola 12 Pepsi 13 Sky 15 SWOT analiza 17 Zaključak na bazi SWOT analize 19 Identifikacija i segmentacija tržišta 20 Geografska segmentacija 20 Demografska segmentacija 21 Psihografska segmentacija 22 Bihejvioristička segmentacija 24 Opis ciljnog segmenta 24 Ciljevi 25 Marketing ciljevi 25 Komunikacijski ciljevi 25 MARKETING MIKS 26 Proizvod 26 Cijena 28 Distribucija 29 Promocija 30 Oglašavanje 30 Unapređenje prodaje i lična prodaja 34 Odnosi s javnošću 35 Budžet 36 Vremenski plan aktivnosti, način implementacije i odgovornosti 41 Kontrola 45 Zaključci i preporuke 46 Literatura 47 Analiza tržišta Tržište bezalkoholnih pića se iz godine u godinu sve više širi. Poslijednih godina u Bosni i Hercegovini izgrađeno je mnogo novih kapacieteta za proizvodnju bezalkoholnih pića kao što su flaširana izvorska voda i osvježavajuća bezalkoholna pića. Ti kapaciteti se koriste samo od 20-50 % zbog niske stope...
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