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Bruce Wayne Research Paper

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Dark and gloomy Gotham was in danger until the same gloomy looking person – Batman appeared in the huge city. New York – the prototype of Gotham is saved now - fantastically fast, dangerous to Evil, but kind to all good citizens Batman is ready to defend anyone who is in danger. No one guesses that Bruce Wayne – the famous billionaire, highly educated person who attended courses in the best universities – Sorbonne and Cambridge hides his personality under the mask and costume of a superhero. The guy spent years to travel and to learn martial arts, criminology, gymnastics, escape artistry, fighting skills, chemistry and what not. He had only one aim – to punish killers and BIG Evil. When the boy was 14, he witnessed the murder of his own parents, thus the “revenge” became his goal. …show more content…
He did it in a perfect way being one of the best students. However, at the same time he had to train his body and work at his reaction. Bruce Wayne during the day and Batman – the Gotham City savior at night, the superhero was in time to do all the stuff.

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