...Loans of the Microfinance institutions of Bangladesh: Individual assignment on the worked portion of the submitted Term Paper Submitted to: Dr. Sheikh Abu Taher Lecturer Department of Finance & Banking Submitted By: Mohammad Hussain Majumdar (598) BBA, Batch No: 02 Department of Finance & Banking Jahangirnagar University October 2, 2012 Micro finance institutions introduced Microfinance Programs and now with more than 14 million members in all over the country. The prime goal of Microfinance Program is to reduce poverty by involving the poor to the production of different agro and non-agro enterprises. Micro finance institutions provide small and medium size loan to the poor and low income people with soft and friendly obligations for various income generating activities which would integrate them to the mainstream economic process that may lead us towards the middle income country. They take the rural poor and the underprivileged of the society to financial development network. Obviously they have successfully changed the living standard of a large number of poor people. Traditionally rural microfinance is based on the individual lending or appraisal-based methodology in which applicants are assessed by cash flow and required to provide collateral. Women and men are positioned differently in the rural economy because of traditional gender dynamics. Men tend to produce crops for cash, while women engage in small animal husbandry, producing food for consumption...
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...Als Frauenliteratur werden Bücher bezeichnet, die sowohl von Frauen, über Frauen als auch für Frauen geschrieben wurden. Das Genre mit den Begriffen Frauenliteratur und Frauenromane entstand im 19. Jahrhundert, als es immer mehr Autorinnen gab, die nicht nur Bücher schrieben, um damit Geld zu verdienen, sondern an ihr Schaffen einen künstlerischen Anspruch stellten. In den 1930ern waren es die Verlage, die Frauenromane als Verkaufsschlager entdeckten. Oft abfällig als Heftromane oder Groschenromane bezeichnet, zeichneten die Hefte eine schöne, heile Welt, in die sich die Frauen nur zu gerne entführen ließen. In der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde der Begriff Frauenliteratur nicht mehr so scharf abgegrenzt. Viele Bücher wurden nun unter diesem Begriff zusammengefasst. Unterhaltungsliteratur allgemein wurde gar als Frauenliteratur bezeichnet. Auch die nach wie vor erhältlichen Groschenromane wurden dem Begriff Frauenliteratur zugeordnet. Zu den bekannten klassischen Autorinnen gehörten unter anderem Margaret Atwood, Jane Austen, Simone de Beauvoir, Charlotte und Emily Brontë, Doris Lessing, George Sand, Alice Schwarzer, Dorothy West oder Virginia Woolf. Seit den 1990ern wurde die allgemeine Frauenliteratur wieder um einige Begriffe erweitert, in dem nicht mehr „alles“ als Frauenromane bezeichnet, sondern wieder differenziert wurde. So gab es dann sogar die Sparte Frauenkrimi, die speziell für Frauen geschrieben sein sollten. Meist waren diese mit einer Prise Erotik gewürzt...
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...asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd An Instrument for the Assessment of Study Behaviors of High School Students Leonard B. Bliss Florida International University Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Associations, New Orleans, LA, April 5, 2002 An Instrument for the Assessment of Study Behaviors of High School Students Spurred on by moves of federal, state, and local governments in the United States to establish systems of accountability based on high stakes tests for elementary and secondary schools, the use of instruments which assess study skills and behaviors has gained increasing popularity. Some popular instruments include the Study Attitudes and Methods Survey Revised Short Form (Michael, Michael, & Zimmerman, 1985), the Process Skills Rating Scales (Karnes & Bean, 1990), the ACT Study Power Assessment and Inventory (American College Testing, 1989), the Study Habits Evaluation and Instruction Kit (SHEIK) (Jackson, Reid, & Cedric, 1979), and the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory-High School Version (LASSI-HS) (Weinstein & Palmer, 1990). The first two of these are study skills measures rather than measures of study behaviors or habits. Bliss and Mueller (1987) pointed out the difficulty with using measures of study skills for making instruction decisions. The old adage tells us that we can lead a horse to water, but we can’t make it drink; likewise we can effectively teach study...
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...Spanish Conversation (Act as two new roommates at university) A: Hola! Me llamo Alex. F: Hola me llamo Faisal! Yo soy tu nuevo compañero de cuarto! A: Hola! Como estas? F: Muy bien y tu? A: Muy bien, gracias. F: Cuantos años tienes? A: tengo 17 anos pero voy a cumplir 18 manana, y tu? F: tengo 18 anos. Felicidades! Que vas a hacer para tu cumpleanos? A: Me gustaria ir a mi restaurante favorito que queda cerca. F: Me suena muy bien, diviertate mucho. Estos son mis padres reem y tariq que vinieron por una semana. De aqui se regresan a nuestra casa. A: Mucho gusto F: tus padres estan aqui? A: Si, pero estan comprando helado para mi hermano F: ahh si, hace mucho calor ahora! (after a couple of days) despues de unos dias F: Alex me puedes enviar el documento para la clase de biología por favor? (is this right?) A: Si! Cual es tu direccion electronico? F: Es falhajj@bu.edu (arroba @) A: te lo voy a enviar ahora. F: Gracias! A: te llevas con tu profesora de biología? F: su clase es dificil pero ella es muy amable. A: ahh! Tienes suerte, no me gusta mi profesor de biología porque es muy estricto F: ahh! Pero Cómo te gusta la Universidad hasta ahora? A: me encanta la Universidad hasta ahora! Mi clase favorita es física! F: ehh! no me gusta la física Despues de unas semanas (correct?) A: Faisal, tienes clase esta tarde? F: No, tengo tiempo libre yo voy a jugar futbol con unos amigos...(would you like to join)= quieres jugar con nosotros? ...
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...inversión que hacemos en cuentas por cobrar una inversión que puede ser el 95% de mi activo Una empresa de trabajo temporal (ttt) empleas temporal en una agencia y esta agencia envía el personal a tu empresa y lo empleas por 3 meses , esta empresa tiene cartera de empleados, el 95 % del activo se encontraría en Cuentas por cobrar En una empresa industrial seria el 35% en clientes o cuentas por cobrar Otorgamiento Los proveedores me permiten financiación algunos te piden interés de financiación no es habitual, si dejo de pagar a un proveedor este esperara a que le pague (esto en España) El que otorga el crédito es el elejecutivo que es el credit management el cual para dar crédito pide un folio investigado del cliente y las informaciones de buró de crédito que según el riesgo (cuanto le vamos a prestar) se gasta mas en el informe, analizamos quien es el cliente: en su aspecto jurídico, nos encontramos a empresarios que responde con todo lo que va a tener, su responsabilidad ante acreedores limitada e ilimitada( esta me interesa mas ya que significa que responde con todo lo que tenga) su solvencia, perfil pagador etc. Firmamos contrato con el cliente: en España hay contratos verbales pero depende los montos es mejor que este en papel y firmado Hay que darle un límite de crédito al cliente, este va en función de los informes del cliente y las compras que va a...
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...örgütlenmesi ve direnişe geçmesi anlatılıyor.Bence karl max veya Vladimir lenin in karması olan koca reis karakeri hayvanlara barış ve özgürlük dolu bir dünya vaad eder.İnsan kapitalist bir olgu olarak tasfir edilmiştir.Sonrasında ciddi bir stalin eleştirisi yapılmaktadır. Josph Stalin i Napoleon adındakı domuz karakteri ile tasfir etmiştir.Kitapta bu isimler bahsedilmesede hayvanlar üzerinden ozamanın güncel ve siyasi durumunu açıkça belirtmiştir. napolyon adlı domuzun insanların çiftlikten kovulması sonrası insanların evine taşınması, zamanla aşağılanan "insan yaşamının" domuzlar için vazgeçilmez bir durum haline gelmesi, akla aynen burjuva yaşamını kötüleyen fakat devrimden sonra ise onlardan farklı bir yaşam sürmeyen sovyetler birliği "polit büro" elitlerini getiriyor.Diğer bir konu ise okuma yazmanın önemidir. Adalet sistemi, çiftlikte iyice çökmüş olmasına rağmen hayvanlar kendi içinde bulundukları durumdan kurtulmaya çalışmamış ve cehalet ve zekalarını kullanmıyor olmaları nedeniyle hep kaybeden tarafta olmuşlardır. Kitabın ilerleyen bölümlerinde farkedilirki,eşitlik ve özgürlük gibi vaatlerle girişilen bu çabaların ardından domuzlar yönetimi ele geçirir ve diğer hayvanlara işkence etmeye başlarlar.’Herkez eşittir,bazıları daha eşittir’gibi bir sloganlada bize ince mesajlar verilmiştir. durmadan çalışan; her fırsatta: "napoleon her zaman haklıdır" diyen ve sonunda at kasabını boylamaktan kurtulamayan güçlü at boxer, devrime inanmış işçi sınıfını temsil ediyor.İnsanları kötülemesine...
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...transacción que involucran. Descripción Proporciona apoyo financiero temporal para el arranque y etapa inicial del negocio, a los proyectos de emprendedores que son incubados por alguna de las incubadoras de negocios que forman parte del sistema nacional de incubación de empresas de la Secretaría de Economía. la Secretaría de Economía. Pretende ser un instrumento eficaz, eficiente y oportuno, que contribuya a elevar la competitividad del sector de las micros, pequeñas y medianas empresas. Financia * Desarrollo de un prototipo comercial. * Elaboración de un plan de negocio, estudio de mercado y de factibilidad. * Adquisición de maquinaria y equipo. Requisitos * Que el emprendedor no tenga antecedentes negativos graves en el buró de crédito. * Contar con constancia de Incubación emitida por la Incubadora que incubó y filtró su proyecto. * Darse de alta en el sistema www.capitalsemilla.org.mx ó www.capitalsemilla.com.mx e ingresar su solicitud de apoyo en tiempo y forma. * Demostrar la viabilidad técnica, financiera y comercial a través de un plan de negocios. Características de los apoyos Para proyectos de Negocios Tradicionales y de Tecnología Intermedia * El monto es de un mínimo de 50 mil y hasta 500 mil pesos. * El porcentaje máximo de apoyo puede ser hasta 80 por ciento del costo total del proyecto. * El plazo de pago puede ser hasta de 42 meses. * El periodo...
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...Schriftliche Ausarbeitung des Referats Inhaltsverzeichnis Verlust und Wiederentdeckung 1. Text: Jacobs, Jane: „Tod und Leben großer amerikanischer Städte“ -> Flora Haasis -> bitte als „Städtebau I“ anrechnen 1.1 Jane Jacobs und ihre Streitschrift Vier Bedingungen „Tod und Leben großer amerikanischer Städte“ 1.2 „Die Notwendigkeit gemischter primärer Nutzung“ „Die Notwendigkeit kurzer Baublocks“ „Die Notwenigkeit alter Gebäude“ „Die Notwendigkeit einer Bevölkerungskonzentration“ Alexander Mitscherlich Andreas Feldtkeller 1.3 Stadtkritiker bis heute 1.4 1.5 Reaktion in der Nachbesprechung Quellenangaben 1 1. Jane Jacobs und ihre Streitschrift „Tod und Leben großer amerikanischer Städte“ Die Amerikanerin wurde 1916 in Scranton/Pennsylvania geboren. Sie war Schriftstellerin, Stadtkritikerin und Psychoanalytikerin, jedoch keine Architektin. Jane Jacobs galt als eine der bekanntesten Kritiker gegen die Stadtplanungsideen der Moderne. Damals hielt man sowohl die Architektur der Gartenstadt als auch die der „ cité radieuse“ von Le Corbusier für ideal. Das Ziel war eine Trennung der Nutzungsbereiche Wohnen, Arbeiten und Freizeit. Die Analytikerin kritisierte neben der Bauweise vor allem das Vorgehen der Stadtplaner in den 40er Jahren. Durch eine undifferenzierte Flächensanierung, genannt „urban renewal“, wurden problematische Stadtviertel und Slums beseitigt, die gewachsenen Strukturen zerstört und die Bewohner in alle Richtungen zerstreut, um neue...
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...come to the Philippines from Java or elsewhere in Southeast Asia. The Pampangos apply themselves to the same industries as the Tagalogs but are renowned for certain crafts for which they excel. They are exceptional jewelers and goldsmiths, as well as furniture makers and woodcarvers. Antique jewelry and furniture from Pampanga are considered valuable heirlooms by Filipino families and as priced possessions by antique collectors. Pampangos are renowned throughout the archipelagos as excellent cooks. They have ingeniously incorporated indigenous, Spanish and Chinese elements into their cuisine that have made the Pampanga food preparation and culinary arts both exotic and sumptious. Among the more known specialities of the Pampangos include buro, which is meat, fish or vegetables preserved in brine or fermented with rice, tapa, or dried beef or venison, tocino, or cured pork, longaniza or spiced pork sausages, aligi, or crab fat, and sisig, or sizzling pig cheeks. The province of Pampanga had been held under the influence of the Catholic Church since the beginning of Spanish colonization. Some of the most colorful and interesting observances are connected with Christian holidays. During Good Friday, several towns in Pampanga hold atonement rites. Masked flagellants parade in the streets of beating their bare backs with whips and kneel before the church. Others are "crucified" onto wooden crosses in passion plays that mark the important Christian day. Every...
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...Blackheat İmalat Şirketi Şirketin maliyetlerini incelediğimiz zaman çıktı miktarlarına göre 7 adet maliyet kalemi Tablo 1 de verilmiş. Çıktı Birimleri | Direkt Maddeler | Direk İş gücü | En Direk İş gücü | En Direk Maddeler | Elektrik | Fabrika Sigortası | Diğer Genel Üretim Giderleri | Toplam | Birim Başına ürün maliyeti | 400 | 300 | 500 | 180 | 300 | 115 | 125 | 310 | 1830 | 4.58 | 500 | 375 | 625 | 200 | 300 | 125 | 125 | 360 | 2110 | 4.22 | 600 | 450 | 750 | 220 | 300 | 135 | 125 | 410 | 2390 | 3.98 | Tabloyu incelediğimiz zaman Değişken giderlerden Direk maddeler çıktı başına 0.75 USD, Direk İş gücü çıktı başına 1.25 USD maliyet oluşturuyor. Diğer maliyet kalemleri ise üretim miktarına göre değişiklik göstermektedir. En direk işgücü 100 birimlik değişimde 20 USD, Elektrik giderleri 10 USD, Diğer GÜM ise 50 USD değişim göstermektedirler. En direk maddeler ve fabrika sigortası ise çıktı miktarından bağımsız olarak sırası ile 300 ve 125 USDdir. Lee High Karar kurallarını koyarken bu değişimi saptayamamış ve 500 adetlik ortalama satışa göre maliyetlerini belirlemeye çalışmış ve iki adet başa baş noktası belirlemiştir. Bu yaklaşım hatalıdır. Leenin birm başına katkı payını hesaplayıp buradan bir başabaş noktası tesbit etmesi daha doğru olacaktır. Değişken giderler birim başına toplam 2 USD lik bir maliyet oluşturuyor. 7 dolarlık bir satış fiyatı ile Great Heat ürünü firmaya 5 dolarlık bir katkı oluşturuyor. Çıktı birimlerine göre...
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...Rettede tysk noter: Angst essen Seele auf – von R.W. Fassbinder. Der Film handelt von einer älteren Frau, die sich in einen zwanzig Jahre jüngeren marokkanischen Mann verliebt. Bei einem Zufall treffen sie einander in einer arabischen Kneipe, als die Frau Emmi Schutz vor dem Regen sucht und hereinkommt. Emmi hebt sich von den anderen Leuten in die Kneipe ab, aber der marokkanische Mann, Ali tanzt mit ihr. Emmi erzählt ihre Tochter, dass sie sich in einen marokkanischen Mann verliebt hat. Die Tochter lacht und glaubt, dass es ein Spaß ist. Dann verheiraten Emmi uns Ali sich und sie erzählt es ihrer Familie. Emmis Kinder werden ganz still und danach werden sie sehr aggressiv und zornig auf ihre Mutter. Emmi und Ali werden die Abschaum der Stadt und alle reden über sie. Die Leute sind sehr rassistisch und finden, dass eine Deutsche und einen Araber, die zusammen sind, sehr verkehrt ist. Emmi und Ali fangen an viel Geld zu machen, und nehmen an Urlaub zusammen. Wenn sie zurückkommen, sind alle Leute froh und freundlich zu ihnen. *Angst æder sjæle op. Filmen handler om en ældre kvinde, som forelsker sig i en 20 år yngre mand. Ved et tilfælde møder de hinanden i et arabisk værtshus, da kvinden Emmi søger ly for regnen og kommer derind. Emmi udskiller sig fra de andre folk på værtshuset, men den marokkanske mand, Ali danser med hende. Emmi fortæller sin datter, at hun har forelsket sig i den marokkanske mand. Datteren griner og tror at det er en spøg. Så gifter Emmi...
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...Aguman Sanduk January 1 Minalin, Pampanga Kuraldal January 6 Sasmoan, Pampanga Malatarlak Festival January 13 - 20 Tarlac City, Tarlac Sto. Nino Festival January 25 Malolos City, Bulacan Aurora Surfing Cup February 8 - 11 Baler, Aurora Aurora Day February 13 - 19, 2006 Baler, Aurora Philippine International Hot-Air Balloon Festival 2nd Thursday - Sunday of February Clark, Pampanga Paynauen Duyan Festival April 19 - 23 Iba, Zambales Tanduyong Festival April 25 San Jose City, Nueva Ecija Dinamulag Mango Festival April 25 - 28 Zambales Sibit-Sibit Summer Festival April Olongapo City (Brgy. Barreto) Araquio of Penaranda May 8 Penaranda, Nueva Ecija Pulilan Carabao Festival May 14 - 15 Pulilan, Bulacan Obando Fertility Dance May 17 - 19 Venue Obando, Bulacan Calumpit Libad Festival June 23 Calumpit, Bulacan Taong Putik June 24 Aliaga, Nueva Ecija Apung Iru Fluvial Parade June 28 - 30 Apalit, Pampanga Pagoda sa Wawa July 4 Bocaue, Bulacan Sabutan Festival August 22 - 25 San Luis, Aurora Linggo ng Bulakan September 8 - 15 Malolos City, Bulacan Singkaban Festival September 8 - 15 Malolos City, Bulacan Tugak Festival September 24 City of San Fernando, Pampanga Angel Festival September 29 San Rafael, Bulacan Ulo ng Apo Festival Month of October Olongapo City Pawikan Festival November 22 - 27 Morong, Bataan Sinukwan Festival December 3 - 9 City of San Fernando, Pampanga Giant Lantern Festival (Ligligan Parul) ...
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...State of Microfinance in Bangladesh Prepared for Institute of Microfinance (InM) As part of the project on State of Microfinance in SAARC Countries By Dewan A. H. Alamgir 2009 Disclaimer Any opinions expressed and policy suggestions proposed in the document are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Institute of Microfinance (InM). The report also does not represent the official stand of the Government of the countries studied. 2 | State of Microfinance in Bangladesh List of Acronyms ADB ASA BBS BDT BEES BIDS BKB BMDA BRAC BRDB BSBL CARB CBO CBN CDF CFPR CIDA COSOP CPD DANIDA DFID DOL DOF EC FSP FSS FY GB GDP GOB HCP HIES IBBL IFAD IGA IGVGD InM JC LGED ME MFMSP Asian Development Bank Bangladeshi NGO (formerly Association for Social Advancement) Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Bangladesh Taka Bangladesh Extension Education Services Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies Bangladesh Krishi Bank Barind Multi-Purpose Development Authority Building Resources Across Communities (Largest NGO) [Formerly Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee] Bangladesh Rural Development Board Bangladesh Sanchya Bank Limited Center for Agricultural Research-Barind (a Bangladeshi MFI) Community Based Organization Cost-of-basic-needs Credit and Development Forum Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction Programme Canadian International Development Agency Country Strategic Opportunities Paper (of IFAD) Centre for Policy Dialogue Danish International...
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...CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter covers the methods of research used, research design, the description of the respondents, the sources of data, the instrument, the procedures, and the methods used in the analysis of data and statistical treatment of data that were used in the present study. Research Method The study used the descriptive- quantitative method of research. It is a type of research that describes what is to be studied; it is also a research which information is collected without manipulating or changing the environment. It is often called to be correlational or observational studies. It can involve cross – sectional study that involves a one – time interaction with groups of people or longitudinal study which follows individual over time. Surveys are often used in this kind of research. Descriptive research is a numerical data gathered through test surveys, observations and interviews. Variables are not manipulated, but are measured as they occur. Sub groups may be compared are some measures two or more variables may be correlated and does not attempt to identify cause of differences or relationships just if they exist. Description of the Respondents The respondents of the study involved sixty (60) intern psychology students with an age range of eighteen (18) to twenty one (21) years old. These psychology students were all facing on-the-job training inside the mental facilities. The sixty (60)...
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...A STUDY ON THE TUGAK FESTIVAL (FARM FROG EXOTIC DISH) OF PAMPANGA. A BASIS FOR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN ------- A Thesis presented to the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Department of Mass Communication Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila ------- In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor in Mass Communication ------- By: Vanessa Alac Renee Mae Bonifacio Eva Mhe Guzmana Aira Henson Melody Grace Christine Osorio Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter is an overview of the study on the history of the culinary tourism of Pampanga, how it was coined as the Culinary Capital of the Philippines and the different festivals they are celebrating every year. This includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, significance of the stud and scope and limitations of the study. Background of the Study Pampanga is a province of the Philippines located in Central Luzon or Region 3. City of San Fernando is the capital which surrounded by the provinces of Bataan and Zambales, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija and Bulacan. Pampanga is called as the Culinary Capital of the Philippines because the province is blessed which great cooks which are trained by the Spaniards during the colonial period. These great cooks pass their culinary expertise from generation to generation. Pampanga is very much known for its first-rate cuisines and delicacies according to culinary experts that’s why it was tagged as the Culinary...
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