Premium Essay

Business 100


Submitted By twaddell
Words 892
Pages 4
There are different pros and cons when it comes to a partnership. One advantage of general partnerships is the flexibility they offer. In partnership agreements, the partners are free to set their responsibilities and benefits as they see fit or as the needs of the business dictate. The structure of the organization and the distribution of profits and losses are much more flexible in a general partnership than they are in a corporation. Because of this, an individual partner can be rewarded with higher profits for taking on more financial risk. Typically, corporations distribute dividends evenly according to the percentages of stock held by each stockholder. Possible benefits of sharing a partnership would be shared cost, shared business risks and expenses, mutual support and motivation, as well as shared responsibilities and work.
A partnership can also have its risk. For instance you do not have total control over the business. Decisions are shared, and differences of opinion can lead to disagreements, or even one partner buying out the other. The business-related acts of one partner can legally bind all other partners. So it is very importantthat you enter into partnerships with only people you trust. It is equally essential that, no matter how much you trust your partners, you execute a written partnership agreement establishing each partner's share of profits or losses, day-to-day duties, and what happens if one partner dies or retires. If you partner woke up one day and just decides that they no longer want to be a part of the business then all debts would be left to just you not just half.
There are many different funding options when starting a business from revolving credit, lines of credit, grants, you could even start up a business with the funds that you’ve saved up over the years, But not matter which way you decided to take to fund business it also

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