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Business Educations


Submitted By favre4life
Words 498
Pages 2
BEIT 337 Business Education Professional Development Paper (40 Points)
Reflection Paper and Lesson Plan
Information technology and web design are key components of middle and high school business curriculum. In this assignment, you will reflect on your own learning experience in BEIT 337 and design two lesson plan outlines. The assignment is due Friday May 8 11:59 PM.
1. Complete the following reading assignments a. In preparation for your business teaching career, familiarize yourself with Indiana Department of Education (IDoE) Academic Standards Course Framework for
(1) Information Communication and Technology and
(2) Web Design. b. While your knowledge of information technology and web design is key, you also need to know how to teach them. This NBEA Yearbook chapter covers information and web technologies teaching strategies and practical tips 2. Reflect on your own spreadsheet, database, HTML, and web design learning experience in this class (e.g., concepts and skills that were easy or challenging to you; instructional and learning activities as well as study / work habits that were most helpful to you). Prepare a two-page, double-spaced reflection paper. 3. Create two lesson plan outlines. Select one IDoE academic standard on spreadsheet (e.g., ICT-3.4) or database (e.g., ICT-5.1) software and one academic standard on web design (e.g., WD-2.6). Design a lesson plan for each standard. You must reference instructional strategies you learned from the NBEA Yearbook chapter and other sources, such as from journal articles on instructional strategies, in the lesson plan outline.

Assume you have a 55 minute class period. In each lesson plan outline (two pages each outline): c. List the IDOE academic standard. d. State the specific learning objectives for the class (e.g., students will be able

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