...Etiquette Etiquette is the way a person presents himself to others, being comfortable and making other people around comfortable. Knowing and using proper business etiquette is very important, because it can get you one step closer to your dream job or your dream client.Implementing proper etiquette and protocol skills into everyday life should be habit for everyone. After all, a person who displays proper etiquette not only feels good about himself, he also makes those around him feel important and respected. 1. Phone call Proper business phone etiquette can make a positive impression on your callers. It will help you and your employees create a business phone culture in your company that your customers and business associates will enjoy using. If your company does not require a scripted greeting, answer the phone with your name. Your caller may tell you his or her name after you provide yours. Or, the caller may start telling you the purpose of the call. If your caller does not provide his or her name in the first few sentences, ask for it. Knowing the caller’s name is important because it makes callers feel they are respected. 2. Email Right now, more and more companies have realized how important their email communications are. However, many companies send email replies late or not at all, or send replies that do not actually answer the questions you asked. Here are some tips that can make your company has the excellent email communication skills. An email reply must...
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...Dear Mr./Ms. Company Owner, While I understand that I am applying for a position that doesn’t yet exist, I’ve attached a copy of my resume that will let you know why I should be _________‘s next intern. I’d love an opportunity to explain myself further, but until then, here are 10 things you should know about me: 1. I’m a _________ at _________ University. 2. I am working towards my BA in _________ with a minor in _________. 3. My education has made me extremely interested in working in the _________ field. I love _________ , _________, and _________ and hopefully want to _________ after graduation. I’m eager to find the perfect career after college, and feel working at _________ would be a great way to reach my goals. 4. I’m passionate and knowledgeable about _________, _________, _________, _________. 5. My first internship was with _________ , a _________ company based out of _________. Working at _________ taught me the importance of _________, _________, _________, _________. 6. I’ve gained experience in _________ through being involved with _________. This taught me _________, _________ , and _________. 7. My education and previous work experience have sparked my interest in _________ , and shown me _________, _________, _________. I believe this will be useful at your company because _________. 8. I also have experience with _________ and _________ through working at _________. 9. I am interested in working at your company because I feel it would showcase my...
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...Justin Gray Mrs. Kiry TB 332 May 1, 2012 Business Dinner Etiquette Many people these days instead of just an interview for a position are being asked to join for business lunches or dinners. With what seems to be the age of the working lunch break, it seems very likely that a person will be asked to join at some point in their career. The only problem is that manner people do not know the proper etiquette for such occasions. Many believe it to be basically a free meal, and that is not the case. As someone who is asked to join in a business meal meeting, it is important to know that you are still being interviewed. It is almost the same as a traditional job interview in an office setting. The main difference is that the employers are really trying to see how a potential employee handles themselves in a social environment. Part of most positions these days will require someone from one company to ‘take care of’ a potential client. When this happens the employer would like to send someone on these types of meetings that can interact socially and appear that the company knows how to conduct itself professionally. As a person joining a business meal there are certain ways to behave. First of all dress appropriately. Do not show up at a fine dining establishment in casual dress. This looks bad on you and you may find out many places like this have dress codes. It would be embarrassing to show up for a meeting and have to leave because your attire is not suitable...
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...ABEL 492 SAMPLE PREPARATION OUTLINE Student’s Name : XXXX Faculty / Group : ACCOUNTANCY Lecturer’s Name : MISS V Title : INFORMAL BUSINESS ETIQUETTE Order : Topical Order General Purpose : To inform Specific Purpose : To inform my audience about informal business etiquette rules that matter today: send a thank you note, focus on the face not the screen and do not judge. Central Idea : Informal business etiquette is a valuable skill-set that will make you stand out from others, enhance your chances of success and help you land your dream job in the future. Introduction I. Much of today’s formal etiquette originated in the French royal court during the 1600-1700’s. The nobles who lived at royal court did not work, and so they developed elaborate social customs mostly to avoid becoming bored. II. Since the 1960’s, manners have become much more relaxed. Etiquette today is based on treating everyone with the same degree of kindness and consideration, and it consists mostly of common sense III. It is helpful to know some rules about how to behave in certain situations if only because this makes life more comfortable for you and makes you more self-confident in various social situations. So today I would like to share with you 3 rules that matter now. A. Send a thank you note B. Focus on the face not the screen C. Don’t judge (Transition: Let’s start with my first main point, which is sending a thank you note) Body I. Ask the audience how many...
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...Business Etiquette Etiquette is not a term that most business people, or anyone for that matter, are comfortable with. It is an important word in today's business world. Let's define what "Etiquette" is. Etiquette, business or social etiquette is the art of taking the unfamiliar and making it familiar to many. That's what the "rules" (they are really guidelines rather than rules) of etiquette are. Nothing more,nothing less. For example, job descriptions are a form of Business Etiquette. Signs within the bank, such as the signs on each counter, are business etiquette. Easy to find stationary, directions of layout are a form of business etiquette. Whenever a business is offering something -- an idea, service or product that is new or relatively unknown, to a potential customer, the "Rule of Business Etiquette" comes into play. And it is not just for a business to apply these guidelines. Anybody, when they are asking someone else to accept something new should also be using Rule #1 of Business Etiquette. E.g. change over from one technology platform to another should be informed in advance by way of a letter or through display boards at the premises. Business Attire Do's & Don'ts Looking the part promises both personal and financial success. Quality garments wear longer, fit better, and therefore, save money in the long run. Above all, if your clothing projects a professional image, others will respond to you in kind. Here are a few suggestions for maintaining the proper image: ...
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...global business community would not able conduct business and produce products. In all aspects of business, ethics and morals have to be the foundation but where the rubber hits the road, business etiquette will aid in maintaining high job satisfaction and keep customers coming back. With the vast majority of business operations having a foothold in technology there is a severe need for e-etiquette. What is Driving Technology in Business? In today’s era of business there would be a severe lack of production if the power goes out. With the advancement’s and availability of computer technology in business, there has been a significant shift in the way day-to-day business operations are conducted. The introduction of the computer and data processing capability to the business world transformed the workplace. Unlike the traditional typewriter, the computer brought with it the ability to easily store and correct documents without having unsightly spots of “white-out”. The usage and utilization of computers, computer systems and information technology (IT) applications in every aspect of business is now routine. Wide-ranging means of connecting to and access technologies with computing interfaces expedite communication between employees and with business partners, suppliers, customers, or other stakeholders. With the plethora of software, production tools and networking applications installed in computers, it enables employees in a business to streamline...
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...can be nerve wrecking for many. The fear of saying the wrong thing or not fitting in with other associates can be amongst the problems for new associates. But if the new associate is familiar with certain business etiquettes, being a new associate would be easier than they expected. Businesses should use proper business etiquette to help a new associate feel more comfortable. As a part of running a functional business internally a business should take new employees and start an onboard program. An onboard program should consist of proper meet and greet, an agenda, material, and a time frame. With a proper meet and greet it gives the new associate the feeling of being welcomed. It gives the employee the opportunity to meet the management and other employees in different departments for future references. I just recently started at Super K-Mart two months ago and still have not met everyone. I believe that management should have made sure that I met everyone and knew who to turn to for different questions I may have. I take it upon myself everyday to meet the people I was never introduced to. By doing so I give myself the knowledge needed for the customer’s sake. Having an agenda is another necessity so that the new employee would not be wondering around the business trying to find something to do. Working at Super K-Mart I find myself doing that often. I was hired as an online order picker, but online orders do not come along often. So I find myself wondering around...
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...Business Etiquette Paper - Canada Jessica Wood MGT/448 May 20,2013 Roy Brugman Canada: Let's Make a Deal! What you should know before negotiating While Canadians are often confused with Americans by non-North Americans who see few differences between the two peoples, please don’t make that mistake. Americans are much more assertive whereas Canadians are generally low-key and prefer to ease into business discussions. It is appropriate to present a business card at an introduction. Cynicism is a part of the national character, which is directed at those who make conspicuous shows of wealth and/or power. In Canada, there is great love for the ‘underdog’. Canadians generally dislike negotiation and aggressive sales techniques. They tend to value low-key sales presentations. Modesty, casualness, and an air of nonchalance are characteristic attitudes in Canadian business culture. You should also be aware that business schools here teach students that the outcome of all negotiations is that both sides win in a negotiation, i.e., “win/win.” This fits neatly with Canadians’ ideas of equality and fairness. The win/win principle is so accepted today that the very idea of one party winning the negotiation while other party loses, would seem unacceptable to most Canadians. Canadians tend to be receptive to new ideas. Generally, they are analytical, conceptual thinkers. It is at the meeting table that problems are solved and decisions made. Canadians are comfortable with time lines...
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...Etiquette defines it as the forms, manners, and ceremonies established by convention as acceptable or required in social relations, in a profession, or in official life.Some business organizations have administrative manuals in which acceptable codes of behavior are listed. Etiquette is respect, good manners, and good behavior. It is not just each of these things, but it is all of these things rolled into one. Five elements of business behavior is meeting people, telephone etiquette, correspondence etiquette, work etiquette, and dining etiquette. First is meeting people when meeting people both nonverbal and verbal behaviors help to define your social skills. Using effective handshakes, good eye contact, and making the proper introductions show proper etiquette. Handshakes are vital in social situations. Develop a comfortable handshake and keep it consistent. Handshakes should not be too hard or too soft. Make a solid connection of the web skin between the thumb and forefinger. The host or person with the most authority usually initiates the handshake. Eye contact is another critical factor when meeting people. Eye contact increases trust. It shows confidence and good interpersonal skills. Eye contact shows respect for the person and business situation. Secondly, proper introductions help to establish rapport when meeting people. Authority defines whose name is said first. Say the name of the most important person first and then the name of the person being introduced. Introduce...
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...the Highway Zachary I. Knutson Business Practices in the Global Market - #2125 Prof. Creed Final Paper 04/29/2015 As shared in the Introduction section of the textbook “Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands” by Terri Morrison and Wayne Conaway, one of the most important lessons to learn in doing business internationally is that “communication always takes place between individuals, not cultures.” (Morrison pg. ix) We live in an age today where information and knowledge that is almost instantaneous is gradually blending the lines between countries doing business and the individual cultures that those businesses cater to. Today, more foreigners are entering U.S. schools for education and that will only continue to blur the lines between understanding specific business dealings – and understanding how those business dealings will work in a foreign country. If the playing field of business is becoming more and more aligned – where do the missteps happen in regards to doing international business? And if the communication goes successfully between the individuals creating the deal – shouldn’t that be the ‘green light’ for success? My argument is No. Because once the communication is successful in establishing the opportunity to do business internationally – it will then not be in the correct handshakes or presentation of business cards that success will be found – now it’s time to communicate with the culture. Here is where international business could go wrong, with an overall...
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...BUSI 472 27, November 2011 Top Ten Blunders in Business Etiquette There are numerous mistakes in business etiquette which have become second hand in today’s society. As Christians in business we must strive to do as Christ would have us to do. We should have a higher standard when it comes to having proper etiquette in business; in my research I will attempt to convey the top ten blunders of business etiquette. People may ask well what blunders are. Blunders are simply mistakes or things that should not be done. All businesses have a set of ethical codes of business; no matter how large or small the business, proper etiquette counts as well as manners. As a Christian in customer service it is my job to make sure that I deliver outstanding service to our clients, by exceeding their expectations. I have been on both sides as the consumer as well as the representative of the business and I have had all these common blunders occur in my work as well me being the customer. The first common blunder is No multitasking while talking; this is a very big issue in a business where you have to have face to face contact with a potential client; emailing, texting, or answer unimportant calls while doing business with someone face to face. Texting and emailing unless it its business related should not be done at all while working, this type of disasters can cause serious miss communication between both client and business. How often do you see a person harm themselves as...
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...Business Etiquette Twan M. Doan University of Phoenix Business Etiquette About Israel Israel is perhaps the most fascinating, intriguing and complex country in the world. Geographically tiny, the country’s social, historical, economic and geographical matrix represents a singular association of contrasting attributes unique among the world’s nations and cultures. Snow covered mountains and tropical sea resorts, technology hotbeds and Byzantine churches, socialist-style settlements and free market corporations, Ethiopian traditions and Polish cuisines, BMW's and camels all exist together in a bustling, hyper-energetic, egalitarian, extroverted and impassioned caldron a mere 262 miles long and, in some areas, 10 miles wide. The powerful Romans regarded ancient Israel as one of their most strategically important locations. Great roads and aqueducts interconnected bustling cities vital to the empire’s financial strength and political stability. For two thousand years, the Crusaders, Ottomans and other world powers regarded this region as crucial for their economic and strategic vitality. In today’s global environment, modern Israel is once again becoming a vital element in the international strategies of both large and small US businesses. Long considered a critical region, the Near East has transformed into an attractive wellspring of commercial opportunity. As geopolitical change continues to unfold, Israel is rapidly assuming stature as an ideal gateway to vast, largely...
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...Kimberly Adams BU224 Microeconomics Unit 1: Business Etiquette August 26, 2012 Business Etiquette There are many interpretations and much confusion of what “business casual” or “corporate casual” means. In general, business casual or corporate casual (same implication) means dressing professionally, looking relaxed, yet neat and pulled together. While the reason businesses want their employees to dress in this fashion may vary, the general idea is to allow the employees to work comfortably in the workplace, and at the same time projecting a professional image to customers, potential employees, and community visitors (Field). Job interviews can give cause for high anxiety to a person when wondering what to wear for the interview. There are several points that can be covered to help better understand the business etiquette in the job market today. One important point to consider when thinking of business casual dress code is the region you live in or the type of industry. The East Coast and Midwest are more conservative than the West Coast (Heathman). The climate can be a factor as well. Changing seasons can determine the dress code throughout the year. Traveling for your company can make a difference in what determines your business casual dress code. The interpretation of business casual can mean something different to each employee. While one person’s understanding could be khakis and polo, another person’s may be jeans and a t-shirt...
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...Business Etiquette in China IMS 3310.006 Professor Zydorek Mahir Modgil Christian Kelly Saabiq Hossain Marlee Kargou Jose Moreno Jeremy Liu Matthew Liu Ever since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, the United States’ exports to China have increased more than 500 percent. In addition, according to Business NH Magazine, New Hampshire’s first statewide monthly business publication, the United States Government estimates that by 2020, China’s middle class will grow to about 700 million people (Fierman 14). As a result, China presents unique opportunities for American businesses of all sizes. However, even though China’s business environment might offer great prospects, the challenge for American entrepreneurs is adapting to China’s business culture. In order for one to successfully acclimate to China’s business culture, China’s social values, specific business etiquettes, and common mistakes made by Americans need to be examined. The first step in adapting to China’s business culture is understanding the social values that underlie Chinese social behavior. Chinese social behavior is reflected in 6 concepts: renqing, li, mianzi and lian, and guanxi and bao. According to Allan Chan, the associate dean of the School of Business at Hong Kong Baptist University, renqing can be interpreted as meaning emotions or the way of interpersonal interactions (Chan 48). No matter how renqing is interpreted, the essence of renqing is showing appropriate emotions...
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...Case Analysis Sun Medical Systems, INC Table of Contents Summary 2 1. Situation Analysis 2 2. Problem Analysis 3 3. Decision Analysis 5 A. Maintain Status-quo 6 B. Move to a different department or organization 6 C. Verify her stories and then decide the next course of action 6 Plan of Action 7 A. Prepare for the crucial Conversation 7 Summary The objective of the case analysis to apply the SA-PA-DA-PA (Situation Analysis, Problem Analysis, Decision Analysis and Plan of Action) framework to find out the right course of action for Shabana Jabeen of Sun Medical systems. Shabana feels frustrated and stagnated at her job in spite of her division doing exceptionally well and her contributions to the growth of the division are widely acknowledged by the Management. The case analysis has been structured in 4 sections as per the SA-PA-DA-PA methodology. Situation Analysis Situation analysis is defined as a process that examines a situation, its elements, and their relations, and that is intended to provide and maintain a state of situation awareness for the decision maker. A situation analysis defines and interprets the state of the environment of a person or organization and provides the context and knowledge for planning. Examining Shabana’s situation we come across the following facts – I. Shabana has been a top student and an exceptional...
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