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Business Policy Midterm


Submitted By trich3
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| UNIT 6: Exam Week - Exam1 | | | | Help | | | |

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1. The industry life cycle portrays how sales volume for a class of products changes over its lifetime. (Points: 2) True X False

2. This course is different from most other online courses as it requires extensive team interactions (virtual meetings, internet chat, instant messaging, emailing, etc) (Points: 2) True X False

3. Most weekly assignments such as quiz, discussion, and exam are only available for the assigned dates. NO makeups will be available for these activities. (Points: 2) True False X

4. Strategy Simulation decisions have to be wrapped up by specific due dates, but they are flexible up 24 hours without any penalty (Points: 2) True False X

5. Late simulation decision wrap up will be penalized by an administration fee of $100,000 per hour of delay from the deadline. (Points: 2) True X False

6. If an individual does not show online activities on the simulation (not practice) during the entire quarter, even if the person work with his/her team off-line, s/he will not receive any grade for that particular quarter.(Points: 2) True X False

7. Weekly assignments can be performed for credit after the week is over. (Points: 2) True False X

8. Technology is human knowledge about products and services and the ways they are made and delivered. (Points: 2) True False X

9. Industry regulation is increasing worldwide. (Points: 2) True X False

10. Discriminating and demanding buyers in the home country of a firm can help the firm to succeed as it competes

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