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Cancer 101: Can Women Get Prostate Cancer?

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Cancer 101: Can Women Get Prostate Cancer?

Can women get prostate cancer? You may have heard this question somewhere. And now, you want to know the answer. True that cancer can happen anywhere in the body. But can it happen in women prostate? No worries. We have the answer here. Before we get there, let’s see what women prostate mean first.
Do Women Have Prostate?
Actually, women do not have prostate gland like men do. However, women do have a gland that acts similarly to men’s prostate gland. This gland is known as Skene’s gland. The gland is named after a scientist, Alexander Skene, who in 1880 described the gland’s structures in detail. This gland is what commonly known as women prostate, due to its similarity to men’s gland. One of the similarities is that both men’s prostate and Skene’s gland have the prostate-specific antigen (or PSA for short) and PSA phosphatase (or PSAP). …show more content…
The answer is yes. Yes, it can. After all, cancer can develop in any part of the body. Thus, the answer to “Can women get prostate cancer?” is yes. However, the percentage of women’s prostate cancer happening is very low. Indeed, it is rare to happen. According to a study, cancer in women’s prostate account for about 0.003% of cancers in the female genital-urinary tract.
Now that the answer to “Can women get prostate cancer?” is clear, let’s talk about the symptoms of this cancer. Since the occurrence of this cancer is rare, there is not much research done on it. This means that recognizing the symptoms of this cancer may be difficult. Below are the symptoms of women’s prostate cancer.
Sudden change in menstrual cycle or abnormal menstrual cycle

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