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Captured Moon Research Paper

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This is what I found out about the theories behind the formation of the moon and they are quite interesting.
One theory can be considered is the concept of “captured moon”. This theory states that the Moon was formed somewhere else and was later “captured” by earth. Any leftover planetesimals that lose their orbital energy on their original orbit around the sun can be captured by a planet into their planetary orbit. However in order for it to loose enough orbital energy to be pulled into the planet’s gravitational field, an extended atmosphere consisting of dense gas should exist so that friction causes loss in energy of the body. These kind of moons are usually identified by either a rotation opposite to that of the planet or a large inclination to the planet’s equator.
This theory explains the difference in densities of earth and moon. However it can be negated since the moon is relatively large compared to the size of Earth, it would have released after some time as the Earth would not have had enough energy to contain it in its gravitational field. Examples of such captured moons in our solar system are Triton of Neptune and Phobos and Deimos of Mars. …show more content…
This theory suggests that the Earth and Moon formed simultaneously and since they formed together, the planetesimals that make up both Earth and Moon should be of the same composition and density. However the flaw in this theory is that if both formed simultaneously, the moon would have become a part of earth and not a satellite due to the gravitational force of earth. Also this theory does not validate the large angular momentum of the earth and moon system. Additionally difference in densities and inner core show that the two could not have come from the same original

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