...EDU 2120: ASSESSMENT OF READING FINAL EXAM MARVIN ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENTS TO BE GIVEN: 1. Developmental Reading Assessment 2. Silent Reading Comprehension Test B 3. Word Meaning Test I believe the above assessments would be helpful in identifying and understanding some of Marvin’s difficulties with reading. The Developmental Reading Assessment assesses not only decoding, but also allows the instructor to observe and assess the reading strategies and miscues of a reader (i.e., omissions, repetitions, substitutions, etc.). Marvin states that his only strategies for reading unfamiliar words are “breaking the words down” and “asking”. Administering the DRA can help to see if Marvin is displaying any use of other strategies that maybe he is not aware that he is using. The DRA also allows for the assessment of fluency and comprehension. Since, Marvin believes that his main reading problem is comprehension, this is a good way to check if he has correctly assessed himself. The Silent Reading Comprehension Test is an alternate method of assessing Marvin’s comprehension skills. This test will be able to give the instructor an idea of Marvin’s instructional reading level. And finally, a Word Meaning Test could be administered to give an idea of Marvin’s vocabulary development. SUGGESTED READING PROGRAM According to Marvin’s educational history, he has been mostly exposed to instruction that included closed tasks, limited choices in what...
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...Cognitive-Behavioral Case Formulation Client Name: Ms. Date: Identifying Information: middle-aged female, married with two children Mental Status Examination She appeared neatly dressed in an outfit, which was age-appropriate. She was alert and oriented to person, place, and time. The client made every effort to be open and honest. Furthermore, she maintained a cooperative attitude toward the examiner. Her mood and affect were depressed and anxious. Speech was coherent and relevant. There were no signs of a formal thought disorder as observed. Memory was intact as observed. Insight was estimated as fair to good. Problem List 1. Feeling angry, resentful, anxious •Include score on BAI at intake •Thoughts -“She knew we were going to be late and deliberately stayed in the closet” -“She runs this house” -“I might as well not be married” •Behaviors -yelled at daughter and husband -stomach tensed up •Recent Situations -late for school and daughter was hiding in the closet -daughter refused to go to bed -husband went upstairs to play with model trains 2. Feeling depressed, helpless •Include score on BDI at intake •Thoughts -“She doesn’t care about what I’m going through” -“She doesn’t care about what I need” -“He leaves me with all the responsibility and doesn’t care” •Behaviors -blamed daughter and husband •Recent Situations -late for school and daughter was hiding in the closet -daughter refused...
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...Unity is represented as a very significant part in Rachel Perkin's film Mabo and without unity the Mabo land rights case may never have succeeded; however, there are scenes where unity is forgotten. The most crucial display of unity is the unity between Eddie and Bonita and the continual support from Netta shown in numerous ways throughout the fillm. Another example is the unity amongst Eddie and his legal team as well as the Passi brothers because without them, Eddie would not have the same confidence. Nevertheless, a lack of unity is demonstrated in his argument with Netta and the physical abuse that followed. The most important demonstration of unity is depicted through the relationship Eddie has with Netta. The pair supports each other and this is shown through the active reminders from Netta reassuring him that his battle is respectable and that she is proud of him, ultimately giving him the will to continue with his case. Without the support from Netta, Eddie May never have been able to achieve what he had, such as the connection with his family and the land claim of Murray Island. Another example includes job resignation; Netta was unhappy at first but eventually accepts it and soon shows her support. Additionally, Netta threatens to leave him at one point, but she quickly forgives him and this shows that she is a strong woman and to allow her husband to reach his full potential and achieve his dreams was a respectable move. He admits this when he confesses to Netta...
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...Psycho-Educational Assessment: Principles and Practices Name Institution Psycho-Educational Assessment: Principles and Practices Question A The key objectives of psychological assessment for Jimmy based on the assessment process entail testing using different techniques. This will help in arriving at a hypothesis concerning Jimmy’s behavior. The assessment process for Jimmy may entail conducting of a norm-referenced test. This is a standardized psychological test, which is a task that is conducted under standard conditions. This is a key objective in Jimmy’s assessment process because it will help assess some aspects of Jimmy’s knowledge, personality, or skills. The norm-referenced psychological test is standardized on a defined group, which is known as the norm group. This is scaled to ensure that every person’s score reflects a rank in the norm group (Andrews, Janzen, & Saklofske, 2001, p. 51). The norm-referenced test will be essential for Jimmy’s assessment process because it assesses areas such as intelligence, visual motor skills, and adaptive behavior. Interviews may also be conducted during the assessment process because they help in obtaining valuable information. An examination of Jimmy’s case shows that different individuals will be involved during the process. For example, Jimmy’s parents, his teachers, and other people familiar with him like his grandmother may be interviewed (Andrews, Janzen & Saklofske, 2001, p. 59). The other objective of the...
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...Essay Questions Kristy Bazzanella Liberty University Essay Questions Assessment is a vital component in the counseling process. Use of both informal and formal assessment methods ensure that clinicians judgments are non-biased, and when utilized correctly aide in formulating of case conceptualizations and treatment plans (Whitson, 2013). The primary purpose of assessments, for the counselor, is to obtain information to effectively counsel clients. According to Whitson (2013), once all information is gained, the counselor, can “either formally or informally, diagnose the client” (p.285). It is critical that the counselor choose assessments that are both reliable and valid. The choice of assessment type and instrument will vary depending on the presenting problem, age, and cognitive and developmental state of client. Assessments will also vary according to settings. For example, the choice of assessment instruments utilized by a school counselor will differ greatly from the assessments utilized in a drug treatment or psychiatric facility. Assessments can have either a negative or positive impact on treatment planning. Counselors who use informal assessment techniques, such as unstructured interviews may find that the information gathered is not reliable and, therefore, prone to error (Whitson, 2013, p.111). Inexperienced counselors who use unstructured interviews have been observed to focus on minor issues and have failed to collect adequate data...
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...manager in KSA to fill a vacancy position in the supply chain department. I was emailed for that purpose by him. Someday after he sent me an email which include the link for assessment test (an online test that is divided into four sections). First section is a competency test when you have to distribute 6 point among three phrases that describes you at work and it should. Second part was a proficiency test. Third part was a mathematical reasoning test. Last part was a verbal reasoning test. Two days later, I got the results on Jotun website. After that, the HR manager called me and said that you just passed the online assessment test. Then, I was asked to come for an interview. The interview was done by the HR manager and SC manager. They asked me regular and technical questions both. It was related to work, personal, back to university life and so on. They sent me the acceptance email one week later as a candidate to the assessment centre. They arrange everything related to your stay at the assessment centre such as transportation, flight, and hotel booking. The assessment centre starts at 8 a.m. There were six candidates for two positions. We were introduced to the SC manager, regional purchase manager and three persons from the assessment centre. We were given as a start a group discussion case for half hour. It was about Extra Budget and the direct manager needs you to spend in a healthy way as a XXX manager. Then, we were divided as a batch of two. Second activity...
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...kindergarten readiness assessment, but Maria’s teacher only feels comfortable in conducting these assessments in English. She did not assess Maria, but she is concerned about whether Maria is ready for kindergarten, because Maria’s birthday is only two weeks before the cutoff for matriculation. Furthermore, Maria whimpers through most of the school day and does not interact with any of the children on the playground. The teacher wants your advice on how to assess Maria’s level of academic and emotional development Application: Ethical and Multicultural Considerations in Assessment In counseling, many assessment errors may occur when ethical and multicultural guidelines are not taken into consideration. Counselors unfamiliar with these guidelines may threaten the validity of the assessment process, which might result in maladaptive treatment plans, ineffective interventions, and poor prognoses. Knowledge of ethical and multicultural guidelines and awareness of one's own biases are crucial to providing clients with competent care. When you engage in assessment such as interviewing, observing, testing, etc., you do so through the lens of your theoretical orientation and worldview, which can create bias. Thus, knowledge of ethical and multicultural guidelines is pertinent to you as a future counselor. For this assignment, review the case study on page 365 in Chapter 15 of your course text. The assignment: (2-3 pages) Briefly describe three assessment errors made by the teacher...
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...WW1104 Case Study Monday 12th – Friday 16th February 2007 (University week 22) Module Tutors: Mr Jim Duncan & Professor Chris Jefferies. [pic] Welcome to Module WW1104A - Industrial Case Study The aim of this module is to assist participants to build on their understanding of the basic principles of environmental management as developed in previous modules. The emphasis throughout will be to complement theoretical knowledge gained in classroom activities with practical application. Students will work in groups to present their work, and most of the module assessment is associated group activity and interaction. Module Format The intensive five-day course is conducted at the University of Abertay Dundee, with visits to industrial and utility sites. The programme consists of seminars and group activities. Emphasis is given to developing teamwork skills and all group sessions will be interactive and will involve group working / discussion. Accommodation Rooms have being reserved at Dudhope Castle and details are given in the Case Study Week programme(see page 4). Module Assessment The module is assessed is by coursework only, which comprises the following THREE elements :- an individual report based on one of the industrial visits. a group report on the evaluation of the information collected in the data gathering exercise. an inter-group debate. Fuller details of the assessment process...
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...therapeutic purposes. This paper will mainly focus on the application of these tests in identifying, recruiting, employing and promoting of candidates in different job positions in companies and industries. Some organizations have devised methods for carrying out these activities. Among them are the psychological assessment tests, usually given at the inception stage of the recruitment to help in identifying a candidate with the desired traits and qualifications for the jobs. What is the meaning of a psychological test? According to (Gilliland, 1993), a psychological test is a mechanism used by organizations to identify the suitable people for the right positions. The tests involve the use of legally and professionally developed methods of measuring intellectual and personality strengths, communication ability, and leadership skills of the individual in question. Interviews and structured questionnaires are commonly used during the process. These tests are however not 100% efficient. For one, some of the answers to the questions given depend solely on the honesty of the interviewees. In this case, the candidate may decide to keep some necessary information. In this case, it would therefore be an obligation of the interviewers to devise alternative ways of obtaining satisfactory evidence (Chavez, Kravitz, & Stinson, 1996). The tests are normally generated electronically by professionals who come up with the description of the desired candidates in accordance...
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...International School of Management Instructions: DBA Professional Assessment Evaluation II EBay’s Strategy in China: Alliance or Acquisition? Outcomes Assessment Committee International School of Management DBA Program Instructions Professional Assessment Evaluation II Case Study EBay’s Strategy in China: Alliance or Acquisition? I hope you are enjoying the learning experience as you work your way through the DBA program and that you are finding the seminars both enjoyable and professionally beneficial. The institution is committed to delivering quality academic programs that add value to program candidates. If you have a moment, I would be interested in receiving feedback on your experience to date. Please drop me a quick email at: peter.horn@ism.edu. We want to make sure that we are meeting your expectations. Also included are the Professional Assessment Evaluation II instructions and the Case itself – EBay’s Strategy in China: Alliance or Acquisition . As per our Accreditation Outcomes Assessment Policies and the degree requirements of the DBA program, the assessment is required to be completed by each program candidate enrolled in the DBA program. This case was developed to introduce you to various issues in corporate strategy with regards to: 1. Market entry – entering a new / foreign market (eg: China) 2. Market Capture – obtaining and maintaining a company’s competitive advantage. It is designed to: 1. Provide you with an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages...
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...ASSESSMENT 1 DETAILS: MUSIC BRAND ANALYSIS (worth 50% of overall module mark) School: Media, Culture and Society Module: Identity, Opportunity & Exploitation / MUSC10007 CRN600 Year: 4 Semester: 2 Due: 03 April 2015 Assessment Description: For this assessment you are required to write a brand analysis for a music brand of your choice. Choices must be submitted to and approved by the lecturer via email NO LATER THAN 5PM 04 MARCH 2015. If you have not submitted a brand for approval by this deadline, the mark for your brand analysis assessment will be reduced by 5 points. A music brand can be any of the following: • An artist (e.g., Lady Gaga, the Rolling Stones) • A record label (e.g., Ministry of Sound, Nettwerk) • A venue (e.g., King Tut’s Wah-Wah Hut, the Cavern Club) • A music product (e.g., Gibson guitars, Marshall amplifiers) • A music service (e.g., BandCamp, SoundCloud) • Another music-oriented subject, (pending lecturer approval) All brands must be submitted to the lecturer for approval via email by NO LATER THAN 5PM 04 MARCH 2015 to ensure the selected brand will be an appropriate case study for the assessment. Note: only one case study per brand will be allowed per class. If more than one student selects the same brand for study, decisions will be made on a first-past-the-post basis. If your brand is not available for study, you must make an alternate selection. It is therefore recommended you select several...
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...SCOTLAND NURSE PRESCRIBING V150 CASE STUDY COURSE: NURS09125 BANNER NUMBER: B00113677 DATE OF SUBMISSION 13/12/10 COURSE LEADER FRANCES DOWNER WORD COUNT: 3745 CONTENTS PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION & GENERAL OVERVIEW, Pgs3-4. 2. ASSESSMENT PROCESS, Pgs 5-8 3. TREATMENT OPTIONS, Pgs 9-12. 4. EVALUATION, Pgs 13-16 5. CONCLUSION. Pg 17 6. COPY OF PRESCRIPTION, Pg 18 7. REFERENCE SECTION, Pgs 19-23 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY, Pg 24. INTRODUCTION In the following case study, the author will discuss the issues surrounding a seventy-year-old female with a chronic neuropathic ulcer on the sole of her right foot and the rationale and implications of prescribing in the community setting. The author a (trainee nurse prescriber) will display the need for a robust assessment, exploring all areas of health and well-being in order to achieve a safe outcome. The author will further follow current guidelines and be mentored by a senior nurse prescriber throughout the process. The aim of the case study is to display the implications involved in issuing a nurse prescription if deemed appropriate. With regard to writing a prescription as a qualified practioner, the author will adhere to the guidance within the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2006a) standards for safe prescribing. To protect this patient’s identity and maintain confidentiality, she will be referred to as Mrs X throughout the case study in accordance with the code...
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...Overall Assessment of the case situation Our client in this paper is one of Florida State University junior students. She is 21 years old which is considered in the late adolescence stage of age that is between 17 to 21 years (Curtis, 2015). She is studying at Florida State University FSU which is located in the city of Tallahassee. The city is a home for a large number of white Americans, a lower proportion of black Americans, and plus a small percentage of Asia or Latin America. In addition, it is a city combining old and modern architectural style. At the same time, they have habits and people that combine past and present in their custom and cultural interaction. Moreover, Tallahassee is an agricultural city where it has a large number of original plantations in the United States. After she had graduated a high school, her mother died in the last summer before she began her undergraduate studies. Thus, she is an orphan girl after she lived wonderful memories with her family who have lived in the city of Tallahassee for many years before her mother passed away. Her father is still alive and in constant contact with him. She has no siblings or relatives living with her in the same city where she is receiving university education....
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...Commonwealth Bank Open Advice Review program Fourth Report Prepared by Promontory 2 February 2016 Promontory Financial Group Australasia Level 32, 1 Market St | Sydney, NSW, 2000 +61 2 9275 8833 | promontory.com Commonwealth Bank Open Advice Review program Fourth Report 2 February 2016 Promontory Financial Group Australasia (Promontory) has been engaged by the Commonwealth Bank Group (Bank) as an Independent Expert to oversee the Bank’s Open Advice Review program (Program). Promontory is responsible for monitoring, reviewing and reporting on the Program and its progress. This Report provides an update on the Program for the period between 1 September 2015 and 31 December 2015. A legal representative of the Bank reviewed a draft of this Report to identify any information subject to a claim for legal professional privilege. There were no such instances identified. Promontory also provided a draft of the Report to the Bank for the purposes of identifying any errors. Promontory retained final judgement on all views and information in this Report. Promontory’s role in the Program is limited and may not incorporate all matters that might be pertinent or necessary to a third party’s evaluation of the Program or any information contained in this Report. No third party beneficiary rights are granted or intended. Promontory is neither a law firm nor an accounting firm. No part of the services performed constitutes legal advice, the rendering of legal services...
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.... . . . . . . . . . assessment report Administration Practices for Standardized Assessments . . Sasha Zucker With assistance from: Margarita Galindo Elaine Grainger Nancy Severance . . . . . . . . April 2004 Copyright © 2004 by Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved. Pearson and the Pearson logo are trademarks of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). . . . . . . . . . ASSESSMENT REPORT Administration Practices for Standardized Assessments Administration Practices for Standardized Assessments Note: This report is based on “Appropriate Administration Practices with Standardized Tests” published in Testing Information Bulletin No. 3 by Harcourt Brace Educational Measurement, June 1996. Introduction Pearson Inc. (Pearson) develops and distributes a variety of assessments for educational and clinical purposes. To meet the goal of producing highly valid, reliable results for test users, each of these products is developed according to strict guidelines. For standardized tests, the way in which the test is administered is equally important. By carefully adhering to administration practices, a test user can contribute to the validity and reliability of each student’s results. Moreover, following appropriate administration practices satisfies widely accepted ethical standards and codes of responsibilities required for test administrators. This report discusses general and documented administration practices...
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