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Case Study Autistic Spectrum Condition

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Autistic spectrum condition is a lifelong disability which affects how an individual communicates and relates to, other people. The understanding of autism has greatly improved since the 1940s when it was identified and one thing that we are aware of is that there is no cure however, there are many things that can be done to support people with autism. There are a large number of symptoms that are in relation to autism, such as a delay in speech development, not responding when their name is called and despite being able to hear, being intolerant of others entering their personal space. In addition to these, there are behavioural symptoms such as insisting on a familiar routine and becoming very anxious or upset if this is disrupted or changed, they will sometime talk at people rather than having a two-way conversation and a failure to understand or implement social rules.
Another social and communication disorder is Asperger syndrome, this is characterised by the following; the individual may have …show more content…
There are many areas that make formal diagnosis difficult, for example co-occurrence, it is known that autism presents itself differently in each individual but it can also be accompanied by other medical/ mental conditions, this provides the diagnosis with struggles. It is estimated that roughly ⅓ of autistic people may also have epilepsy and it may also be accompanied by anxiety or depression and many other learning disabilities, due to all these conditions being present it makes it difficult to distinguish what is causing the differences in each

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