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Boxer Rebellion Research Paper

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Boxer Rebellion: Seeds of Revolution

For many years, the Christian people have tried to spread their religion to different people as well as different parts of the world. In the late 1890s, a group of missionaries went to China in hope to gain more Christian followers. Man Chinese people had not welcomed those foreigners, but shunned what they had brought with them. Foreign influences were not accepted by the majority as, in the past, foreigners had only brought destruction and chaos. Missionaries gradually gained their Chinese followers, but, nevertheless, there was danger stirring amidst them. The I Ho Ch'uan (The Righteous and Harmonious Fists) also known as “Boxers” had started their rebellion against their foreign enemies. Many of these people were in poverty, but felt they could make a change in their country, thus studying a new form of fighting. These Boxers were fighting against foreigners and Christian Chinese to remove the foreign influence. In June 1900, missionaries and Chinese Rebels were throwing their lives on the line for what they believed …show more content…
It was the summer of 1900 that 239 missionaries had been martyred during the Rebellion. One-hundred eighty-nine of these were Protestant and forty of them had been Catholic. Mission societies had several martyrs as well, the greatest one being the China Inland Mission (now known as the Overseas Missionary Fellowship), which had lost 79 members, and the Christian and Missionary Alliance, which had lost 36 members. Many foreigners had been murdered and it had been approximately 294 that had been eradicated; among these approximately 186 Protestant missionaries and children, 56 Swedish missionaries and children, 35 Christian and Missionary Alliance missionaries and children, 10 Holiness Alliance missionaries, 5 Scandinavian Alliance Mongol Mission missionaries, and 2 China Island Mission missionaries. (“The Boxer Rebellion,

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