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Men Are From Mars Analysis

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Why is it okay for a son to date at 13, but not okay for a daughter to? How is it fair for sons and daughters to have different curfews? Why are boys allowed to go out on school nights but girls aren’t? All these questions come down to parents holding a standard on their kids that implies restrictions and desires held against each child. Parents treat their sons and daughters differently. It’s not that your parents have a favourite child, or that they aren’t proud of who you are, it's that they have different ways to discipline and different ways to nurture each gender.
This happens because of the different behaviours between the genders. I’m sure we have all heard of the famous book written by psychologist John Gray titled, “Men Are from Mars, …show more content…
In fact, 1 in 3 girls around the world experience some kind of violence compared to boys. Therefore, some parents give less freedom to their daughters because they believe boys will experience less violence, though this isn't actually proven. Just think of how many fights you hear that break out between males than between females, you probably hear more about males. This is because men have a nature for violence, as their testosterone levels explode and adrenaline surges. Additionally, if you look at statistics that rate drug use and likelihood of getting in a car accident, the most reckless among these are boys. This is why boys have a much higher insurance than girls. With that said, why is it fair to impose much more extensive rules on your daughter when research shows she is less likely to face some …show more content…
In terms of fathers, girls become their sweet little innocent angels, nurtured with hugs, kisses, and all kinds of affection and sweetness. Whereas he'll treat his sons with more roughness, express less emotion, and less affection, and present more playfulness, and talking or teaching them things like life values. This is due to the fact that society deems men as both emotionally and physically stronger than women and to be more capable in the face of danger or handling problems. Despite what women do, they are seen as less capable in the need of protection. Therefore, fathers believe they need to protect their daughters and give them more guidance when they need support. And for their sons, they feel it's necessary to educate them on being strong, independent individuals.
This nature of protection that men convey comes from the beginning of time where men were portrayed as the physical creature and women as the emotional creature. This image is built from a genetic level, coded in their DNA for a man to protect and dominate over the female and be the alpha. As for a women, they are outlined to be the nurturing kind and to emit emotion to influence a man's

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