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Personal Narrative: A Career As A Coach

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Over the last few years, I’ve had the incredible privilege to travel all over the world speaking to amazing organizations and people. Whether I’m speaking to a group of BNI networkers or a 1,000+ audience at a national convention, wherever I go there always seems to be other coaches in attendance. The most common seem to be a life coach, health coach, or business executive coach. Regardless of what “type” of coach they are, there are some very similar patterns that you see in the ones who are unbelievably successful and clearly defined patterns in the ones you see that are struggling immensely. Struggling not only to stay congruent with the message they teach and tools they share with their clients, but also struggling financially and in their business. …show more content…
They spend their days reading and learning as much information as they possibly can. They attend tons of events, webinars and seminars focused on learning great information to share with their clients. If this sounds all too familiar, my goal is to help you become the best coach you can be, so please take note of these 5 reasons why most life and business coaches fail:

1. Jack of All Trades, Not a Master of One
This one is a real doozy. The coach who is pretty good a lot of different things and is so excited to share their knowledge with their clients, yet fails miserably to differentiate themselves because they are, frankly, a dime a dozen. The best thing you could do as a coach, for your coaching business your clients, is to pick a maximum of 3, very specific topics to coach on.

If you’re a life coach, what specific part of life will you focus on? The more targeted and focused you are, the more focused your clients will be, and the better results you’ll and your clients will see.

2. One

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