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Case Study: Bush V. Kerry

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2004 Bush v. Kerry

The 2004 Presidential Election came down to incumbent Republican President George W. Bush, and U.S. Senator John Kerry. President Bush centralized his campaign on two major tactics: first Bush established that his presidency and campaign were committed to supporting the fighting troops and the war on terrorism, and establish that Senator Kerry lied about his Military service. By attacking Kerry’s lies he accomplished two things. The first presented the notion that Kerry cannot be trusted, even by his fellow sailors, and that Kerry does not prioritize protecting soldiers and The United States. 13,563 voters who were interviewed at an exit poll stated that, Kerry’s strategy was unclear and Bush emphasized anti-terrorism and moral values (Jones, D, Par 2). …show more content…
Kerry voted for military action in 2002 ( Then Kerry voted no against a bill containing $300 million requesting to upgrade body armor, the bill passed with, Kerry being only 1 of 11 to vote against the bill ( The $300 million requested made up less than 1% of the $87 billion.

The tactics presented by Kerry’s campaign began by establishing himself as a military man who served honorably. Then it changes to the mistakes made by Bush during the war. With the ad The Iraq war had already cost the United States $1.7 trillion and at the time was estimated to grow to $6 trillion( The ad kept to a very democratic nature, and emphasized increasing food programs and education instead of war thousands of miles away.

2012 Obama vs.

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