...Case Study Question 1 What is a Case Study? “A case study is an observational method that provides a description of an individual” (Cozby & Bates, 2012). The sample size in a case study usually only consists of a single person or organization, but by design only studies one single social phenomenon. They typically use field-related research to produce qualitative data and help to prepare for future qualitative research. Question 2 What are Some Reasons for Using a Case Study Approach? Case studies are useable within the social sciences to help explain rare circumstances or behaviors. In the world of music, the ability to name correctly and consistently an audible pitch without relating it to any other pitches is an extremely coveted talent. One case study by Lucinda Pearl Boggs (1907) provided qualitative data on a participant known as Miss C. Disinukes, who possessed the gift of perfect pitch. Boggs discovered that Miss Disinukes began learning about music at an extremely young age, and that she had very talented, musical grandparents. This research sparked further quantitative research to test whether having early musical education aids in the development of perfect pitch. Question 3 What are Some Advantages and Disadvantages of Using this Approach? Like pilot studies, case studies are very helpful in exploring a topic on a smaller scale initially and beginning a larger product using the data gathered in the case study. For example, a researcher may be studying...
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...Case Study for “Carl Robins a new employee for ABC, Inc.” Rodrequez M. Dover University of Phoenix Class: Comm/215 Essential of College writing Author Note This paper is my first case study report. My thesis for this report is: It is important before hiring for any job that we check all the requirements for the new recruits, and that we have all the things require for their training.". In this case study we learn quickly that Carl Robing was new at ABC, Inc. as a recruiter and he had recruited 15 new trainees to work for Monica Carrolls. We also learn that he did not have a outline or a way to keep up with what he would need for the new hires to start on time. Carl did not do some of the most important steps to make sure that this hiring process went off without a hitch. He did not secure the room that they would us for training or make sure that all the orientation manuals were correct. Carl did not make sure that all there information was in the system nor did he set up there mandatory drug screen. Carl upon receiving his new job should have took the time to research what he would be doing in his new position and what was the companies’ policies for each thing that he would be doing. I feel if Mr. Robing had done that doing his training he would have been better able to execute the task of hiring new trainees. I know some of you may be thinking how you know that they have these policies glad you asked. I know because the drug test was mandatory...
Words: 830 - Pages: 4
...Case Study Analysis Numerous problems have arisen throughout the current employment process. As a result, This Study is an effort to analyze and determine methods to enhancement this complex procedure. From the facts gained, its believe that an absence of experience and proper planning, followed by inability to complete the entire task essential to hire new personnel in an appropriate manner. Carl Robins, a recruiter for ABC, Inc. with the company for six months, successfully hired fifteen write out 15 employees. He arranged orientation for new employee in June with the intent of having all the employees working by July. On May 15, Carl’s Supervisor, Monica Carrolls, informed him about organizing the employment issues, for example, training schedule, policy booklets, orientation, manuals, policy booklets, drug tests, and a host of other issues. He guaranteed all arrangements were complete in a timely manner. When reviewing the new trainee’s records numerous problems surfaced. For example, Robins witnessed incomplete paperwork was unfinished, not one trainee went to the clinic for mandatory drug test, and the trainee orientation manuals were piecemeal or had pages missing. Discouraged, Carl took a quick walk, returns to work, checks the scheduling of the training facility for use in trainee orientation, and discovered that Joe had reserved the room for the entire month of June from technology services. He comes back to his office astonished and puts his head down on his desk...
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...New Hire Case Study Joseph Parham COMM/215 Glen Dayley New Hire Case Study Executive Summary This case study analysis depicts a new campus recruiter for ABC, Inc., who has been on the job for six months. Carl was tasked with recruiting 15 new hires for the operations department to begin working by the month of July. As this is his very first recruiting endeavor, Carl wants to make sure that everything goes well. Carl soon finds out that none of the drug screens were completed for his new hires; new hire paperwork and orientation manuals are incomplete. Also, the training room where he had planned to hold the new hire orientation has been reserved for the entire month of June. In order to resolve the key problems that Carl is currently facing, there needs to be new guidelines and processes created and followed to provide the successful onboarding of each new employee. The following steps need to be achieved to implement proper onboarding: 1. New hire paperwork completed and filed appropriately 2. Orientation/Policy Manuals revised 3. Training/Meeting rooms scheduled and confirmed The first two steps can be addressed in the Human Resources department at ABC: * The new hire packet should include an employment application, transcript release form, physical forms, and drug test to be placed in each employee folder. * The Orientation/ Policy manuals should be revised and then handed out to each individual on orientation day. The last step should be...
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...Case Study Analysis COMM/215 July 7, 2014 Case Study Analysis The recruitment and hiring of new employees take experience, effective communication, and time management skills. Carl, who is new to his recruitment position, hit some roadblocks when he hired his first batch of recruits. This case study analysis will identify the key problems Carl encountered, alternatives to his current situation, and look at possible solutions so he may avoid these problems in the future. BACKGROUND Carl successfully hired fifteen employees for the Operations Supervisor in April. His goal was to have all the new employee files completed, have them oriented in June, and have them working by July. Carl was responsible for making sure the employee files were complete, scheduling the orientation and providing all written material for the new hires. When contacted by Monica, the Operations Supervisor, he assured her that everything would be arranged for the June 15th orientation. Just prior to June 1st, when Carl was going over his new trainee files, he discovered many problems that would affect his plan for his new hires to complete their orientation on June 15th. KEY PROBLEMS Carl’s lack of experience and time management is a key issue; it left him vulnerable to problems. Carl also failed to communicate effectively with his team members and his new employees. Carl encountered three key problems. The first problem found was that the files for the new employees were incomplete...
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...GEOG 1 Essays (15 marks) Exam date | Rivers | Coasts | Population | Health | Specimen | Describe and explain the development of meanders. | With reference to one or more case study of coastal management, discuss whether the benefits outweigh the costs. | With reference to a named country, evaluate attempts to manage population change.Name of country: | Discuss how the United Kingdom’s changing population structure is likely to affect employment in the health and care services over the next 25 years or so. | June 09 | Describe and explain the formation of landforms resulting from rejuvenation. | With specific reference to a case study of coastal erosion, assess the relative importance of its physical and socio-economic consequences. | Outline and comment on the economic and political consequences of populationchange | Describe and suggest reasons for regional variations in morbidity in the UK. | Jan 10 | Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hard engineering as a floodmanagement strategy | Explain the causes of sea level change and the formation of resultant coastal landforms. | For any two of the following types of area, summarise the contrasts between themand explain the implications of these contrasts for social welfare: * inner city * suburban * rural–urban fringe * rural settlement.Chosen areas: | Discuss the impact of obesity on people’s health and the strategies adopted to care for people with obesity | June 10 | Compare and comment on the economic...
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...Running head: CASE STUDY ANALYSIS PAPER DRAFT Case Study Analysis Paper Draft University of Phoenix Essentials of College Writing COMM 215 Paula Moore March 02, 2009 Case Study Analysis Paper Draft While only three copies of the orientation manuals were found and several pages were missing from each, some new trainees did not have applications completed. Many of the new trainees did not have transcripts on file. Carl Robins which was the new campus recruiter also discovered that none of the trainees had taken the mandatory drug screen. The new hire orientation was due to take place June 15, Carl not knowing the training room was already booked for the entire month of June had a problem. Carl was very confused and frustrated not knowing what to do next. ABC Inc hired Carl Robins in early April as the new campus recruiter. Carl had only been on the job for six months. Being a determined individual he decides to hire 15 new trainees to work for the operations supervisor. Carl figured everything within the company was run correctly and all paper work should have been in place for the process of hiring new individuals. The training schedule consisted of, drug tests, orientation, policy booklets, physicals and tons of other issues. To begin this process Carl needed to go over all the necessary paperwork needed for the orientation beginning on June 15. The first problem found was some of the new trainees did not have applications completed or their...
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...and reflectively deciding what to believe or do. Critical thinking means making reasoned judgments. Basically, it is using criteria to judge the quality of something, from cooking to a conclusion of a research paper. In essence, critical thinking is a disciplined manner of thought that a person uses to assess the validity of something: a statement, news story, argument, research”. Critical Thinking plays a an important role in the case study analysis by giving us a foundation for a deeper learning and integration of the reading. Without thinking critically about what we are studying , we wouldn't be able to learn in a meaningful way or we wouldn't be able to learn deeply enough to have our thinking corrected and enhanced. The purpose of this case study analysis paper is to provide the case study background, identify key problems in the study, provide alternatives, propose solutions and offer a recommendation in the case of Carl Robins by utilizing the critical thinking skills. Background The case study presented in front of us is a case study of Carl Robins, a new campus recruiter for ABC, Inc., who in his first recruitment effort successfully hired 15 new trainees to work for Monica Carrolls, the Operations Supervisor (University of Phoenix, 2015). Carl Robins successfully hired 15 new trainees and scheduled new hire orientation date for June 15 with an intention and hope that the new hires would be readily eased into their job roles in the following month, month of July...
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...Case Study Week 2 COMM/215 August 16, 2010 ABC Inc. hires Carl Robins as the new campus recruiter. Within six months, he completed his first hiring process on the job. In preparation for the orientation, he notices numerous mistakes and shortfalls during his final review of the new hires application files. This type of errors is normally seen in a new hire or a first time worker. Extremely concerned and the possibility of losing his job, he needs to fix them to continue working for this company. In every corporation whether small or large, the new hires process is a key element to success. The components of the new hire process for the position of new campus recruiter should include; training, familiarization with the different departments/responsibilities, his duties, and his responsibilities. In this case study, a brief background of Carl Robins will show a clear understanding why the new hire process is importance, and the problems it can have in any corporation. In addition, .this case study will identify alternatives and proposed solutions to these problems Carl Robins can use, and provide a plan so that this type of mistakes does not occur again. Background This case study of Carl Robins will show people the importance of the new hire process and allow them to understand the problems that can occur. Alternatives and solutions will also be explained regarding these issues that will help Carl Robins to make adjustments so he can prove the company made the...
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...Case Study – CVS There are five processes that occur during a prescription refill. Drop Off – This is when a customer gives the script the tech which will be placed the in a time slot that corresponds to the time the customer will be back to pick it up. Data Entry – This is when the tech will enter all required data about the customer and the prescription. Example: Customer info, Payment, insurance information etc. * Drug utilization review (DUR) – This station is to check to see if this drug is safe for the patient. It searches for all other drugs the customer may be taking and if they are ok to take together. It also will assess if this drug is ok to take based on the age, sex and other characteristics of the patient. * Insurance Check – After the DUR is complete and any hard stops were reviewed then the system performed an insurance check. Production - This is when the drugs are counted and verified by a certified tech. Quality Assurance – Everything is reviewed and approved by a Tech Pick up – The finished prescription was sealed in a bag waiting to be picked up The Problem – Customers are unhappy at the pick-up window when they cannot get their script filled do to a number of unresolved issues during the data entry stations. The Solution – It seems that there will always be issues in the process that will not be resolved before the customer comes back to pick up their script. Rather than having one line for pick up I would have two lines. One...
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...trails of a new allergy medication. The trials were conducted from January 2010 to May 2010. Dr. Wayne Spencer, a licensened physician and the principle investigator of the study, along with Lisa Sharp, the director of clinical trials at Lee Research Institute were named in the inditement.Dr. Spencer and Sharp were each charged with one case of conspiracy, three counts of mail fraud, and one count of falsifying information required by the Food and Drig Administration (Pharmalot.com, 2011). Dr. Spencer and Sharp were terminated by Lee Reasearch Institute following the inditements. Lee Research Institute immediately started an internal investigation of the alledged insedence in cooperation with the Food and Drug Administration and Schring/Plough (Kansas City Business Journal, 2011). The indictment accuses the two former employees of providing false information of the patients participating in the study trials. The study was to be conducted using subjects 50 years old or greater who suffer from ragweed allergies. Employees of the contracted research organization were prohibited from participation in the case study. Dr. Spencer and Sharp are accused of falsifying the information of the participants. Eight individuals participated in the case study. The researchers stated all eight met the requirements of the study (Pharmalot.com, 2011). Two of the participants were not over the required age of 50 and were employees of the contracted research organization. The indictment alleges that...
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...Management Case Study Submission and Format Guidelines Management Case Studies are 20-minute platform presentations followed by a 10-minute question and answer period. ASHP is seeking management case studies in specific topic areas: • Informatics • Leadership / Administration • Medication Safety • Clinical Conundrums This document will assist you in the preparation of your submission for a Management Case Study (MCS). The number of accepted management case studies will be limited and it is anticipated to be a highly competitive process. Each primary author is allowed only one submission. Due to ACPE Standards regarding active learning, a standard format will be required for final slide presentations which will utilize the learning objectives and self-assessment questions that you prepare for your submission. Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 2012 ASHP Summer Meeting! For assistance with preparing learning objectives and self-assessment questions, visit: http://www.ashp.org/menu/Education/OnlinePrograms.aspx and select ‘Education’ from the drop-down menu What is a Management Case Study? Introduction • The case study method was pioneered by the Harvard Business School in the early 1900s and still stands as a popular and effective teaching strategy in business education. • • The case method relies on information about people and events in a true-to-life situation that represents a problem to be analyzed. Every case has unique features, but all cases have a common...
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...Case Study Analysis Paper Josh Lee COM215 August 11, 2014 Sara Wallace Case Study Analysis Paper ABC Inc., is in need of 15 new trainees and has entrusted their new campus recruiter Carl Robins with the task. The company’s Operations Supervisor, Monica Carrolls will be gaining these trainings in her department and is expecting them to be in orientation by June 15 and begin working by July 1st. While it is possible for Robins to complete everything by June 15, it is not guaranteed, and there are many obstacles to overcome in a short amount of time. Robbins hired 15 new trainees for Carroll, and was confident that he would have the trainees ready for orientation by June 15 and ready to work by July 1st. The new trainees paperwork was not reviewed until the last week of May, by then it was determine nothing was prepared for June 15’s orientation. Applications were incomplete, none of the trainees had complete their drug test, their transcripts were not on file, orientation packets were incomplete, and finally, the training room was already booked for the entire month of June. At this point in the analysis, it would seem Robins will be unable to conduct orientation on June 15, due to the fact he is unprepared and running out of time. The key issues ABC Inc. and Robins face are the following: the incomplete orientation manuals and the 15 new trainees that have not been drug tested. Currently, Robins has only three orientation packets, and they are missing several pages, when...
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...Case Study Analysis Paper – Week 2 Sonia Cardenas University of Phoenix Essential of College Writing Comm 215 Gloria Wadsworth Doucette, MA May 11, 2011 Case Study Analysis Paper INTRODUCTION The analysis of this case study will identify the key problems associated with the recruiting process completed by Carl Robbins. This case study is an attempt to identify and recommend ways to improve this process for recruiting new trainees for ABC, Inc. As a campus recruiter this person is the one who is hands on process of hiring new trainees. The recruiter is responsible for the time efficient process of hiring, orientation, physicals, documents, and drug screening in order to complete a successful new hire process. Background In early April, Carl Robins was hired as the new campus recruiter for ABC, Inc. he had great success recruiting several new hires in spite of having been at his new job for only six months. This was Carl’s first recruitment, and he had scheduled a new orientation to take place June 15, and hoping the new trainees will be working by July. Carl had assured Monica Carrols, who is the Operations Supervisor that everything would be arranged on time. However after Memorial Day, Carl returned to work and realized that all the new trainee applications were not fully completed, and none of them had been sent to the clinic for drug testing. Carl then reviewed the orientation manuals and found there were a few pages that were missing. He also realized that the...
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...Case Study Analysis Ethan Edgell COMM215 Glenn Daylay Case Study Analysis Executive Summary ABC Inc. hired 15 new employees with the intention of starting the orientation on June 15. Carl has only six months experience and has made several critical errors. This may have been created due to lack of qualifications, training, or overstating of qualification on Carl’s resume. Due to this, certain tasks were not addressed in a timely manner. Four problems are readily apparent; employee applications are incomplete or missing documentation, lack of training manuals, no drug screenings have been administered, and the training room intended for the orientation is book for the entire month of June. Introduction Carl Robins, a newly hired campus recruiter for ABC, Inc, hired 15 new employees within his first six months on the job. These newly hired employees will be working for Monica Carrolls, the Operations Supervisor. The new employees require an orientation on company policy, manuals to learn such policies, physicals, and drug screening. Carl is behind on preparation for the orientation and has not completed the required processing for the new employees. Some of the new hires do not have completed applications or their transcripts on file, and none of them had the required drug screening. The orientation manuals were also missing pages and Carl could only locate a total of three. Carl also...
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