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Leadership- Motivation Group Project


Submitted By dmcteer
Words 2157
Pages 9
Leadership Scenario
March 28, 2014
This paper explores two leadership theories and two motivational theories and applies each to the case study of Alex and Stephanie. Alex and Stephanie are employees at the same company that has different attitudes about his and her employment. This attitude is directly related to his and her respective managers who practice different styles of leadership and motivation. The paper is a compellation of four students and each student's perspective of the case study as it applies to his or her theory. Each student is given an individual theory and asked to explain the theory in detail and input his or her personal thought regarding the theory and how it applies to the case study of Alex and Stephanie. The theories discussed are the situation and path-goal leadership and expectancy and reinforcement motivation theories. While these are four of the many theories, these are the four which the writers felt applied to the case study. Keywords: leadership theory, motivation theory

Leadership Scenario Leadership and motivation are integral parts of management. The successful observations of management to assess or modify his or her style of motivating and leading is the key to reaching the mission and vision statement of the organization. The theories discussed are the situation and path-goal leadership and the expectancy and reinforcement motivational theories. In understanding and analyzing the theories, they are applied to the case study of Alex and Stephanie. The positive and negative skills of each respective manager are apparent to the observer.
The Situation Leadership Theory The situational leadership theory is a method developed by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey. The main idea of situational leadership is dependent upon, well, the situation. The style of the leader

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