.... . . . . 6 3.2 Use of Monetary and fiscal policy in management of economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.0 The behavior of organizations in their market environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.1 Market structure Tesco operates and its effects on pricing and output decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.2 Use of PESTEL analysis to judge how the market forces affect the behavior of Tesco 11 5.0 The significant of global factors in shaping national business activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5.1 Significance of international trade to Business organization located in UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5.2 Benefits and drawbacks for UK business Of EU policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6.0 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.0 Introduction An...
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...Perspectives on EU Competition Policy Table of Contents Introduction 1 The 1989 Merger Regulation, Neofunctionalism and Spillover 2 M&As at the National and EC level 1983-1990 5 The Need for an Additional Approach: Regulation 1/2003 and New Institutionalism 6 Conclusion 9 Bibliography 10 Introduction Competition policy is a major policy area within the European Union (EU), and it has been a core executive function for the European Commission since 1962. Being an area of exclusive competence of the EU and with the Directorate-General of Competition (DG Competition) firmly in power, it constitutes an interesting case for understanding the European integration process and the contemporary consequences for business. Two major policy changes, in 1989 and in 2003, make it possible to investigate how to accurately explain the development in the area. I argue that until 2003, neofunctionalism offers the best analytical tools for understanding the process, as it accurately explains and predicts the expansion of the policy competences of the DG Competition through a variety of spillover-effects, mainly from the Single Market. But while neofunctionalism is analytically advantageous at the macro-level, it is applicable only to a point, as it cannot explain the apparent decentralization of executive power taking place with the introduction of Regulation 1/2003. Here more power was delegated to the national competition authorities (NCAs) at the surface, but at the same time...
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...Unclassified Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development DAF/COMP(2014)14 06-Jun-2014 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ English - Or. English DIRECTORATE FOR FINANCIAL AND ENTERPRISE AFFAIRS COMPETITION COMMITTEE DAF/COMP(2014)14 Unclassified AIRLINE COMPETITION -- Background Paper by the Secretariat -18-19 June 2014 This document was prepared by the OECD Secretariat to serve as a background note for Item IX at the 121st meeting of OECD Competition Committee on 18-19 June 2014. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. More documents related to this discussion can be found at http://www.oecd.org/daf/competition/airlinecompetition.htm. English - Or. English JT03358883 Complete document available on OLIS in its original format This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. DAF/COMP(2014)14 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3 1. Features of the airline industry .............................
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...The EU in the New World Order (3 Videos) Questions: 1. Who has the power to represent the EU internationally? The president of the European Commission, the high Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the head of delegation of the EU to third countries (e.g. the US),and the president of the European Council. 2. Of which of the following international organisations is the EU a (full) member? The FAO and WTO, two conditions need to be fulfilled: 1) The EU must have the power (as conferred by the Member States in the Treaties) to become a member, 2) the international organization must allow the EU (which is not a state) to become a member. Consult, for instance, Art. 4 of the UN Charter 3. What is the EU in international law? Rights and obligations. It is not a state or is a regional integration organization with a very extensive measeur of international legal personality (at 47 TEU) 4. Who represents Europe in the world, in external affairs and treaty negotiations with 3rd countries or international organizations, High representative of EU for foreign affairs and policy: created by the Lisbon treaty , it is also the vicepresident to the European Comissions. Head of state, Europe is represented by 2 persons: permanent president of European Council and President of the European Commission (more for classical competences of the EUUU). And Rotatic council. World wide diplomatic network of the European Union: EU ambassadors, EU delegations...
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...discipline European Studies: The effects of the Bosman-case on the professional football leagues with special regard to the top-five leagues Bachelor Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ramses A. Wessel Co-Reader: Dr. Tsjalle van der Burg Word count (Text only): 25686 Daniel Schmidt Helbecker Weg 30 58769 Nachrodt Germany daniel18schmidt@web.de Student number: s0146773 12.07.2007 1 Table of Contents: I List of Abbreviations…………………………………….………………….………………6 1.Introduction………...…………………………………………..…………….…..…………7 2. EU Sport politics and Sport Law……………………………………………...…...……9 2.1 Council of Ministers and Sport …………………………………….…,……10 2.2 The ECJ…………………………………………………………………....…….11 2.3 Walrave and Koch………………………………………………………….…..11 2.4 The Dona Case…………………………………………………..…………..….12 2.5 The legal situation for sport before the Bosman case……………..…...13 3.The Bosman Case………………………………………………………………….……..14 3.1 Transfer rules before Bosman…………………………………………….... 14 3.2 Jean-Marc Bosman………………………………………...………….……….15 3.3 The basic of the judgement ………...………………………………….…….16 3.4 Reactions of officials……………..………………………………….………..19 2 3.5 Ideas and outlooks of scholars for the future after the judgement…...20 3.6 Immediate results of the Bosman case……………..…………………...…21 4. Cases after Bosman…………………….…………………………………...…….…….22 4.1 The Lehtonen Case…………………………….……………………….……...23 4.2 Kolpak Case…………………………………………………………….……….24 4.3 Simutenkov Case…………………………………………………...
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...economic impact of EU membership on the UK This note examines the various channels through which membership of the EU affects the UK economy. A general sense of the EU’s economic impact can be gained by reading Section 1 alone. Subsequent sections deal with particular issues, such as the EU’s effect on UK trade relations, in more detail, and compare the UK’s situation with alternative arrangements. Contents 1 Introduction and summary 2 2 Cost-benefit analyses of EU membership 5 3 The effect of the EU on UK trade relations 6 4 Impact of immigration from the EU 16 5 The impact of EU regulation 20 6 Fiscal consequences of EU membership – the EU budget 23 7 The EU’s effect on consumer prices 28 8 Foreign direct investment (FDI) 30 Appendix table: a comparison of the EU with alternative trading arrangements 32 Boxes Would independence over trade policy lead to better results? 15 The EU budget – winners and losers 27 Trade barriers and economic efficiency 29 Related Library briefings Leaving the EU, Research Paper RP13/42 In brief: UK-EU economic relations, Standard Note SN6091 Norway’s relationship with the EU, Standard Note SN6522 Switzerland’s relationship with the EU, Standard Note SN6090 The UK and Europe: time for a new relationship?, Standard Note SN6393 1 Introduction and summary 1.1 Understanding the economic impact of EU membership EU membership influences...
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...The “bathroom manufacturers” cartel case Maastricht University | | | | School of Business & Economics | | | | Place & date: | Maastricht, 28.11.2014 | Name, initials: | Romet Puiga, RP | ID number: | I6094472 | Study: | Economics & Business Economics | Course code: | EBC1010 | Group number: | 2 | Tutor name: | Kutay Cingiz | Writing tutor name: | Jim Schumacher | Writing assignment: | Main Paper (Task 10) | | | r.puiga@maastrichtuniversity.nl Table of Contents 1. Topic introduction 2. About cartelization 3. Overview of EU antitrust legislation 4. Analysis of the “bathroom manufacturers” cartel case 5. Conclusion References 1. Introduction According to the European Commission Press Release Database, 2010, Article IP/10/790, seventeen bathroom equipment manufacturers were fined a total amount of €622 million for engaging in cartelization the same year. This case certainly provides an interesting topic for research and analysis as the cartel included seventeen manufacturers in six European countries and had a lifespan of twelve years. These quick facts demonstrate just how serious, extensive and carefully covered the agreement was. Not only did this market manipulation have a significant effect on the economy of these six countries, but also on the economic situation of the European Union as a whole and therefore touched the global economy. As the case is so extensive, it is important to...
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...Box4.4 Case Studies and Applications p111-112 Minimum efficient scale 1) Why might a firm operating with one plant achieve MEPS and yet not be large enough to achieve MES? A firm that operates with one plant may only achieve minimum efficient plant size (MEPS) instead of minimum efficient scale (MES) in accordance to the size of the firm. This can be reasoned that the individual plant is not large enough comparing to a firm that operates with several plants. An individual factory can be categorized as a Short-run production, since it is only one factory, expanding the factory or building more factories will be considered as Long-run. Thus, the individual factory (one plant) of the firm is a fixed factor and the inputs are variable factors. The only way to expand firm production is to increase the outputs by increasing variable factors such as materials and labour. This process will lead to a similar theory of “economies of scale” consumption in the short-run period. MES will be relatively larger than MEPS in terms of production of outputs through this process. The example below will show why one plant cannot achieve MES, but instead only MEPS. Take the case of an Orange juice production firm with a single factory: The Variable factors include the number of workers and oranges (input), and the fixed factor is the factory itself. In order to increase output, the firm needs to increase the number of workers and oranges. The “economies of scale” will occur when oranges from...
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...School of Business Management BUSINESS EMNVIROMENT NAME | EGBEYEMI NIYI | STUDENT ID | P1020629 | COURSE | HND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT | START DATE | 25-10-2013 | LECTURER | Dr Joel Barima | GROUP | 29B | TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION Virgin Atlantic Airline (VAA) is a business organization that embodied “British Success Story”. The company was founded in 1984 by Richard Branson upon his vision to build an airline to challenge the status quo of dominance of the industry by British Airways. The company was established as the “offshoot” of virgin group which as at then was a key player in the pop and rock music. Since it was founded, it has enjoyed great success and rose to become Britain second largest carrier with more than 9000 employees and estimated to have carried more than 53 million passengers since it first operation in 1984(BBC Business, 2013). The ownership of the company share between virgin group who owns 51% and Delta airline owned 49%, an arrangement that was concluded in 1999 to form a more formidable global partnership; it has its corporate head office in Crawley, England. Gatwick remain the main base of VAA and operates a mixed fleet Airbus and Boeing wide-body jet between UK, North America, Caribbean, Africa and Middle East, it also operates from London Heathrow and Manchester which serves as its secondary base. Virgin Atlantic Airline has a mission to grow profitable airline where people love to fly and where people...
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...Industrial Relations To what extent does the current EU framework provide the basis for the reconciliation of social and economic rights in the areas of EU freedoms, posting of workers and industrial action? Discuss with reference to the situation in at least three of the core countries. Introduction: Since the formation of the European Union in the 1950s, there has been a constant tension between the market aim of the union and social policy. The enlargement of the EU in 2004 and 2007 deepened even further these misalignments and in some respects it can be argued that a tension between new and old Member States started to emerge. Arnholtz and Mailand (2013) argues that the social dimension of the EU is as old as itself. Nonetheless it was not until the early 1980s that the European Union started to gradually develop a genuine social dimension to complement economic integration. This social dimension includes directives that are considered to be 'hard-law' as well as 'soft-law' which deal with aspects such as 'Open Methods of coordination' and the voluntary agreements of social partners. The aim of this paper is to discuss the implications of economic and social policies in the European labour market. In order to get the argument across, the emphasis will be put on four major legal cases that were interpreted by the European Court of Justice and the implications of the rulings on several member states. The cases known as the 'Laval-quartet' will delve deep into the topic...
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...COMPETITION LAW ASSIGNMENT: Critically examine and analyze the provisions relating to competition law enforcement authorities under the completion act 2010. Look at the weaknesses strengths of the competition law enforcement authorities and make suggestions. HISTORY Before the introduction of the new Competition Act, the Kenyan investment market was unfavorable for competition, as new investors needed financial and political muscle to gain commercial mileage hence companies had to align themselves with political strong men or merge with them, against perceived competitors inorder to carve themselves a niche. This was especially the case for new businesses wishing to operate in sectors with large consumer bases such as telecommunications, information systems, financial services and energy. The objective of the Act is to modernize competition regulation inorder to support the local market economy and consequently deepen consumers’ benefits. The Competition Authority is mandated to promote and safeguard competition in the national economy and to protect consumers from unfair market conduct. The Act applies to all persons including the Government, State Corporation and devolved government in so far as they engage in trade. The mandate is comprehensive and clear as Section 9 defines the tasks as follows: To promote and enforce compliance with the Act; To receive and investigate complaints from legal or natural persons and consumer bodies; To promote public knowledge, awareness...
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...Study and Research Skills Immigration to the European Union An issue or a solution? Polet Boglarka Julianna HPA8B6 BA in International Business, year 1 07\11\2013 Table of content Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………… pg3 1. Immigration…………………………………………………………………………………………… pg3 2.1 What is migration?..............................................................................................................pg3 2.2 Reasons for migration……………………………………………………………………………pg4 2.3 European Policy about migration…………………………………………………………pg7 2. Immigration: Costs and Benefits………………………………………………………………..pg8 3.4 Analyze of the social-economic and political effects on the EU by migration ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….pg 8 3.5 Cost and Benefit Table………………………………………………………………………pg10 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………...pg12 Introduction Migration is an actual...
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...UK Membership of the European Union The case for British exit from the European Union 1. Free trade * Britain could have the opportunity to negotiate new free trade agreements with major EU trade partners and fast-growing emerging countries such as the BRICs, MINTs and Sub Saharan Africa * Britain would benefit from freeing itself from many of the EU's complex and expensive laws & regulations 2. Budget savings * Leaving the EU would cut our contributions to the EU budget - a UK fiscal windfall * Food prices would possibly be lower if we left the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 3. Exports * The UK is Europe's biggest export market. So Europe needs the UK as a trade partner for both to be successful in the long term 4. Economic policy autonomy * The UK would retain greater control over fiscal and monetary policy and also gain more freedom over labour market, competition and environmental policies Some arguments – The case for staying within the EU single market 1. Free trade * Risk of losing trade benefits of being inside single market, lower per capita GDP * Attractiveness of the UK as a destination for FDI would be diminished * Adopting a position similar to Norway (which is outside of the EU) would mean the UK accepting many EU rules without having a say in their formulation 2. Market Access * UK will lose tariff-free access to its largest export market * London would no longer be the EU's...
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...Courts. In the Pierre Fabre case, the Court seems to have changed its approach to the subject, as, analysing a ‘de facto’ ban on online sales, it passed from the traditional ‘effects’ analysis of these systems to their qualification as restrictions ‘by object unless objectively justified’. The legal result is unaltered as the usual criteria of competition analysis are still adopted, but new perspectives could have been potentially opened in their interpretation. Furthermore, the article also takes into account the Court’s assertion that ‘the aim of maintaining a prestigious image is not a legitimate aim for restricting competition’, which represents another aspect of the judgment in apparent contrast with the settled case law. In both instances, it presents possible explanations consistent with the tradition. Finally, it underlines the significance of the ruling in relation to the controversial topic of internet selling. I. Introduction The topic of selective distribution systems has been explored in many authoritative academic works.1 Yet, it is still important and highly debated, not only because 1 See Alison Jones and Brenda Sufrin, EU Competition Law (OUP 2014); Maher M. Dabbah, EC and UK Competition Law (CUP 2004); Richard Whish and David Bailey, Competition Law (7th edn, OUP 2012); Joanna Goyder, EU Distribution Law (Hart Publishing 2011); Vivien Rose and David Bailey (eds), Bellamy and Child: European Union Law of Competition (Sweet and Maxwell 2013)...
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...Table of Contents Task 1 2 Different types of organizations and the purpose 2 1.1 Purpose of organization 2 1.2 Meeting Stakeholders objectives 4 1.3 The responsibilities that the Sainsbury organization has and the strategies they employ to meet these responsibilities. 6 Task 2 8 2.1 Different economic systems and resource allocation 8 2.2 Impact of fiscal and monetary policies in Business Organization 11 2.3 Impact of Competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on the business 12 Task 3 14 Behaviour of Organisation in the Market Place 14 3.1 Market structure to determine the pricing and output decisions of businesses 14 3.2 Market forces shape organizational responses 15 3.3 The business and cultural environments shape the behaviour of an organization 16 Task 4 19 4.1 The significance of international trade to UK business organizations 19 4.2 The impact of global factors on UK business organizations 21 4.3 The impact of policies of the European Union on UK business organizations 25 Conclusion 28 References 29 Task 1 Different types of organizations and the purpose 1.1 Purpose of organization Before we learn about the types of organizations, we need to learn the basic purpose of setting organizations. The main purpose of organization is to provide a pathway to their business setup and to set the main objective for their business. Organizations help in making profit in a standard way. The different purpose of organizations...
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