...YingJieSheng.COM ............................................................................................................................................5 1.1 .......................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 .......................................................................................................................................................5 1.3 ...........................................................................................................................................................6 1.4 ...............................................................................................................................................6 kpmg ....................................................................................................................................7 2.1 2013kpmg ..................................................................................................................7 2.2 verbal ...............................................................................................8 2.3 Oct.13.2013. KPMG .............................................................................................................................8 2.4 ........................................................................................................................................9 2.5 10.12KPMG ....................................
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...Case study: The Rise of the Nice CEO? 1. Do you think Sutton is wrong and that the contrasting fortunes, and penalties, of Nardelli, McNerney, and Immelt are coincidental? Why or why not? • No, I don’t think Sutton is wrong. Contrasting Nardelli’s, McNerney’s, and Immelt’s fortunes and personalities are not coincidental. Management that uses negative connotation or implementation doesn’t create good and efficient environment for their employees. To acquire good quality result CEOs must able to consider their personality in the workplace. CEOs are the leaders of the company. But it doesn’t mean they can be cruel and too bossy to their rank and file employees. CEOs as the head of the company must be able to relate or communicate to their employees well in order to implement his ideas regarding to the company’s better progress. Also CEOs must have the capability inspire their employees to be more productive and efficient. Basically people will actually obey or follow the commands or orders of the people who are actually nicer or considerate. Like in McNerney and Immelt’s situation who are more approachable and understanding to their employees. They acknowledge their employees opinion to improve the company’s strategies. On the other hand, Nardelli’s, he has this tendency of having a bad temper and notorious management. Employees aren’t willing enough to do a favor or take orders from him. That’s why the productivity of the company tends to decrease. Therefore, employees show...
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...The author’s intention is to identify an aspect of clinical practice which lends itself to change at a micro level. The definition of a micro-change is an intervention of change aimed at the individual or the way small teams work. The micro-level change is not to be confused with a service change (Walsh, 2009). When considering a change in practice we need to firstly understand why we need to make a change? Secondly when making a change, we need to justify a decision. This can be achieved by exploring the components which encompass decision making within nursing practice. Cullum et al (2007) identifies four requirements:-Clinical experience, valid researched evidence, available resources and lastly but no less important the patient preferences and experiences. The area of clinical practice to be studied is within a community district nursing team consisting of 7 qualified nurses and 3 health care assistants. The location is situated within a seaside town with a large population of over 65 year olds. Through clinical experience, the author has found a flaw in quality of care when nursing staff are using the overview assessment document which has been adapted from the single assessment process produced by the Department of Health (DOH, 2002). When assessing nutrition there is a series of six questions and an asterisk to consider the “Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool” (MUST, 2003) however experience in practice would suggest the tool (MUST, 2003) isn't used and a local...
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...written about a study of Steel Finishing Lines and their human resource management practices. That study included a thorough investigation of the productivity effects of innovative employment practices using data from a sample of 36 homogeneous steel production lines owned by 17 companies. The production lapses demonstrated how lines using a particular set of innovative work practices have higher production rates than lines that use a more traditional approach with stricter work rules. The main focus of this research is the people. How are people treated and their response to such treatment? Often times, many companies lose focus of what is actually important for their organization which is the people that they employ. Instead they tend to focus more on the numbers; money being made. The people are what make a company successful; whether it be the people that the company employs or the people that the company serves. At the end of the day it is all one big revolving cycle. This study presented evidence on how productivity is measured based upon the employment practices of some steel finishing locations. One of the primary issues in this study though is that it is not based around a broad spectrum. For example, the study conducted was just restricted to one particular type of steel manufacturing process versus all of the steel manufacturing processes. The research method that was used to conduct this investigation was a case study. A case study is when a business...
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...Dementia Supporting people with dementia and their carers in health and social care Issued: November 2006 NICE clinical guideline 42 guidance.nice.org.uk/cg42 NICE has accredited the process used by the Centre for Clinical Practice at NICE to produce guidelines. Accreditation is valid for 5 years from September 2009 and applies to guidelines produced since April 2007 using the processes described in NICE's 'The guidelines manual' (2007, updated 2009). More information on accreditation can be viewed at www.nice.org.uk/accreditation © NICE 2006 Dementia NICE clinical guideline 42 Contents Introduction................................................................................................................................... 4 Person-centred care ..................................................................................................................... 6 Key priorities for implementation .................................................................................................. 8 1 Guidance ................................................................................................................................... 11 1.1 Principles of care for people with dementia ...................................................................................... 11 1.2 Integrated health and social care ..................................................................................................... 17 1.3 Risk factors, prevention and early identification...
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...emotions occur without our awareness. So even if we feel a certain way about a situation, it will depend on the person's emotion dissonance. Attitude on the other hand happens with our own conscious logical reasoning. In the case study "Bust Up", Wendy is no happy about the new manager, Tracy,as she assumed that the position would have been given to her. Both Tracy and Wendy go though certain emotions and attitudes. Wendy has already gone though some parts of the EVLN model. The first one that was Wendy used would be "Neglect". When she found out that Tanya was becoming the manager, she lost her temper as she walked past Tanya's office and took one month of work to "reconsider her position at the clinic". Wendy's future plan with her job is very un-stable at that moment. It doesn't feel like she needs to discuss her situation with anyone as she probably knows that all the nurses in the clinic know her story. This being the case, the "Loyalty" stage of the EVLN model has been skipped. If there are no plans to deal with Wendy's situation, I would predict that Wendy choose the "Exit" route of the EVLN and leave her job. I would highly recommend that Tanya implements a plan to fix the current situation she is in, as she is the new manager, it wouldn't look nice to have one of her nurses leave the job. Conflict needs to be managed and communication must be utilized. Tanya should put forward a formal disciplinary action against Wendy which includes compulsory mediation...
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...2015 Entrepreneurship Homework Format Deadline:Before starting class of October 19th Submission: To the box of Case Study in the class room. Type and print on A-4 size paper (in case of two pages, staple them). Case Study 2, Alison Barnard APU ID# | Class ID # | 12213020 Name SHARMA Shaina | | | | List up three success factors for the business up to today, and explainthe details. | 1. Strategic Focus– In today’s rapidly changing world, it’s not just enough to have a purpose for existing. Leaders have to focus the organization’s resources on the greatest opportunities, which shift with each new day. Just run through your mind what has happened in the world or your organization in the past year or two, and you’ll understand what we mean by the reality of constant change. Doors open and doors close. Major customers or income sources can change or even go out of business at any time. So it’s necessary for leaders to keep focused on the desired end results such as increased sales and profits, or more satisfied customers, while constantly steering the organization across the stormy waters of the marketplace. As the illustration shows, the job of focused leaders is to connect and align all the Success Factors for optimum performance 2. Customer Relations: Customers are where the money comes from, so in many ways this is the most important success factor. As the famous business guru Peter Drucker said years ago, The purpose of a business is to get and keep customers...
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...The Impact of Cultural Communication Barbara E Wilson January 5, 2016 COM-223 Deena Shehata, The Impact of Intercultural Communication Case Study One Sweden/China Sweden is the Parent Company to China which is one of many Subsidiary Companies around the world, in which they provide high quality products worldwide. They easily communicate problems, they prefer to use a project team to solve problems that arise, and for major projects they involve all departments. (Liu, 2010) The Sweden management style is known for their high standards, to where China is more flexible looking only to the outcome. The main issue for the company is the tremendous cultural gap due to the way the subsidiary company in China is managed. China Chinas way of communication is more a routine there is no personal initiatives. When there is a problem it is reported to a superior then the superior makes the decision on how to solve the problem. Meanwhile, the subordinate wait for official orders. The only time that a problem is handled without notification to a superior is when it is an emergency and there is no time to wait. As for the context of communication, understanding, as well as relationships amongst the people is the high and low context. The high context culture individuals are usually deeply involved with each other however, the relationships between them is complicated especially when it involves the work place. Keep in mind that communication between individuals in...
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...assessing and applying their needs based on their financial and care. This is essential when a manager determine priorities for services, with the contribution of professionals’ duties to remain with the best interests of service user. There have a duty to be present ethically among manager and practitioner. Uncertainty, this means a lack of understanding of the purpose of the service by the manager or a failure to reflect of the interests of the patients through management. Considering by reviewing the priorities the reality that changes the balance of the money spent...
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...emotions occur without our awareness. So even if we feel a certain way about a situation, it will depend on the person's emotion dissonance. Attitude on the other hand happens with our own conscious logical reasoning. In the case study "Bust Up", Wendy is no happy about the new manager, Tracy,as she assumed that the position would have been given to her. Both Tracy and Wendy go though certain emotions and attitudes. Wendy has already gone though some parts of the EVLN model. The first one that was Wendy used would be "Neglect". When she found out that Tanya was becoming the manager, she lost her temper as she walked past Tanya's office and took one month of work to "reconsider her position at the clinic". Wendy's future plan with her job is very un-stable at that moment. It doesn't feel like she needs to discuss her situation with anyone as she probably knows that all the nurses in the clinic know her story. This being the case, the "Loyalty" stage of the EVLN model has been skipped. If there are no plans to deal with Wendy's situation, I would predict that Wendy choose the "Exit" route of the EVLN and leave her job. I would highly recommend that Tanya implements a plan to fix the current situation she is in, as she is the new manager, it wouldn't look nice to have one of her nurses leave the job. Conflict needs to be managed and communication must be utilized. Tanya should put forward a formal disciplinary action against Wendy which includes compulsory mediation...
Words: 326 - Pages: 2
...REGION FROM THE WEB.) INRODUCTION: The study is for the analyses of the concept of organisation structure, culture and behaviour. Hence organisation culture is defined as the psychology attitudes experiences, beliefs and values of an organisation. It is the specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organisation and control, the way they interact with each other and the stakeholders outside the organisation. And structure includes both the organisation chart and unwritten lines of power and influence that indicate whose contribution are most valued. Hanley’s four types of organisation culture are discussed as; Power culture: This is the concentration of power among a few. Role culture; this is clear delegation of authorities within highly defined structure. Task culture; is teams formed to solve particular problems. Power derives from expertise as long as a team requires expertise. And person culture exists where all individuals believe themselves superior to the organisation. All this types of culture are discussed here and their usage on the case studies. CONTAINETS………………. ORGANISATION DEFINATION AND DISCUSSION………………………………………………4……..5 TYPES OF STRUCTURES……………………………………………………………………………..5………….6 DEFINATION OF CULTURE…………………………………………………………………………7…………….8 BENEFIT AGENCY………………………………………………………………………………8………………….11 MOTIVATION……………………………………………………………………………………….12…………………14 NICE CAR……………………………………………………………………………………………..15…………………17 ...
Words: 7281 - Pages: 30
...3/27/13 Dashman Company WriteWork Essays & Writing Guides for Students Worried about plagiarism? Read this. Login | Help Essay Topics Area & Country Studies Essays (1,432) Art Essays (7,007) Businesss Research Papers (18,264) Humanities Essays (11,304) Literature Research Papers (31,867) History Term Papers (13,753) Law & Government Essays (5,824) Science Essays (9,902) Social Science Essays (16,816) Writing Guides How to write a book report How to write a research paper How to write an essay Search Search over 115,000 essays Go Worried about plagiarism? Get ideas & start writing References & research topics How to outline your essay Improve writing and grades Close Businesss Research Papers (18,264) › Management (5,798) › Management Planning & Decision Making (602) Dashman Company Essay by elgonzz, University, Master's, October 2008 www.writework.com/essay/dashman-company 1/6 3/27/13 Dashman Company download word file, 2 pages 5 1 reviews Downloaded 13 times Keywords plants, world war, case study, gap, bridging the gap 0 0Like 0Tweet This case study is based on the situation that prevailed in a company during the II world war. It was the period when America entered the war. The Dashman Company was one of the major suppliers of equipments to the US. Armed Forces. As a result of forecast in the purchase made by the20 units which worked as an autonomous body, Mr. Post was appointed to coordinate the purchasing activity by Mr. Mason, the president of...
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...ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT Evidence-Based Consulting Practices 1 iv Organizational Behavior Case: Conceptual Model: Dream or Reality? 30 Chapter 2 Environmental Context: Globalization, Diversity, and Ethics 31 1 Learning Objectives 31 Globalization 31 Diversity in the Workplace 34 Chapter 1 Introduction to Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach 5 Learning Objectives 5 The Challenges Facing Management 6 Undergoing a Paradigm Shift 8 A New Perspective for Management 10 Evidence-Based Management 12 Historical Background: The Hawthorne Studies Reasons for the Emergence of Diversity 35 Developing the Multicultural Organization 38 Individual Approaches to Managing Diversity 39 Organizational Approaches to Managing Diversity 41 Ethics and Ethical Behavior in Organizations 46 47 The Impact of Ethics on "Bottom-Line " Outcomes 13 The Illumination Studies: A Serendipitous Discovery 13 Subsequent Phases of the Hawthorne Studies 14 Implications of the Hawthorne Studies 15 Research Methodology to Determine Valid Evidence 16 The Overall Scientific Perspective 16 Starting with Theory 17 The Use of Research Designs 18 The Validity of Studies 19 Summary 49 Ending with Meta-Analytic Research Findings 50 Questions for Discussion and Review 52 Internet Exercise: Ethical Issues in the Workplace 52 Organizational Behavior Case: How Far-Reaching Are Globalization and Technology? 52 Organizational Behavior Case: I Want...
Words: 2562 - Pages: 11
...ENVIRONMENTAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT Evidence-Based Consulting Practices 1 iv Organizational Behavior Case: Conceptual Model: Dream or Reality? 30 Chapter 2 Environmental Context: Globalization, Diversity, and Ethics 31 1 Learning Objectives 31 Globalization 31 Diversity in the Workplace 34 Chapter 1 Introduction to Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach 5 Learning Objectives 5 The Challenges Facing Management 6 Undergoing a Paradigm Shift 8 A New Perspective for Management 10 Evidence-Based Management 12 Historical Background: The Hawthorne Studies Reasons for the Emergence of Diversity 35 Developing the Multicultural Organization 38 Individual Approaches to Managing Diversity 39 Organizational Approaches to Managing Diversity 41 Ethics and Ethical Behavior in Organizations 46 47 The Impact of Ethics on "Bottom-Line " Outcomes 13 The Illumination Studies: A Serendipitous Discovery 13 Subsequent Phases of the Hawthorne Studies 14 Implications of the Hawthorne Studies 15 Research Methodology to Determine Valid Evidence 16 The Overall Scientific Perspective 16 Starting with Theory 17 The Use of Research Designs 18 The Validity of Studies 19 Summary 49 Ending with Meta-Analytic Research Findings 50 Questions for Discussion and Review 52 Internet Exercise: Ethical Issues in the Workplace 52 Organizational Behavior Case: How Far-Reaching Are Globalization and Technology?...
Words: 2562 - Pages: 11
...Running head: PERSONAL ETHICAL DELIMMAS How Personal Can Ethics Get Nasser Mardini Virginia International University Organizational Behavior and HR management – MBA 513 Fall 2011 Dr. Shawn Richmond 09/22/2011 ABSTRACT In this paper I will discuss the concept of ethics and the dilemmas facing Valerie; who is a marketing manager for Wisson which is an international cosmetics and fragrance company. I will also discuss how personal differences and preference can impact organizational ethics, how organizational policies and procedures can impact ethics, the ethical dilemmas that Valerie is facing and recommend what Valerie should do. Introduction This is a case of a marketing manager named Valerie Young. She is working in the US on a work permit. She discovers some documents about her boss which shows that he is taking kickbacks from two fragrance companies. And she is now in a situation where she don’t know what to do should she report the issue to the company CEOs and stick to the work ethics and face the chance or losing her job and going back to her home country or should she just keep it to herself and not go by her ethics or just keep it to herself at least until she at least gets her M.S. basically the question is if she should let him get away what this or not ? Q1: Discuss how personal differences and preference can impact organizational ethics. In most of the times, some people have more power than other people for example let’s say professor have...
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