...CASE #1 DR. PEPPER SNAPPLE GROUP, INC. ENERGY BEVERAGES DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM: Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. is a major integrated brand owner, bottler, and distributor of non-alcoholic beverages in the United States, Mexico and Canada. Recently, Andrew Baker, brand manager for the company, has been tasked with formulating a marketing strategy to determine whether or not launching a new energy beverage would be profitable in 2008. To date, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. is the only major domestic non-alcoholic beverage company in the U.S. that did not have an energy drink of its own. The decision to explore the energy beverage market is based on a business strategy that focused on the opportunities in high-growth and high-margin areas of opportunity. A primary concern facing this decision lies in the fact that the energy beverage industry is already established. The problem lies in whether or not it is worth their time and funds to explore a new product and venture into the energy beverage market. Alternatives Essentially, there are two basic alternatives to consider when evaluating this decision: (1) continue business as usual and don’t get involved with the energy beverage industry or (2) enter the energy beverage market. Evaluation of Alternatives In the first alternative, they’d continue to ride their juggernauts. Stick with their established brands and stay the course. It’s important to note...
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...Practice Case 1: Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc: Energy Beverages 1. How would you characterise the energy beverage category, competitors, consumers, channels, and DPSG’s category participation in late 2007? Energy Beverage Category: Energy drinks provide consumers with a boost of energy and they fall under the category of functional drinks. Functional drinks are non-alcoholic drinks which include ingredients such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids or other nutritional ingredients. Other functional drinks include sport drinks, teas, fruit drinks and enhanced water drink. DPSG participation → In the US and Canada, Dr Pepper Snapple Group participated primarily in the flavoured carbonated soft drink (CSD) market segment Competitor: The largest non-alcoholic beverage category, after carbonated soft drinks, sport drinks, and bottled water, but the fastest growing one. DPSG participation → their major competitors include Red Bull, Monster Energy, and Coca Cola. Consumers: Average US per capita consumption of energy beverage drinkers increased by 14% since 2004. Predominantly consumed by males aged between 12- 34 during the afternoon or morning. The reasons for consumption include energy boost, mental alertness and taste. Most limit their options to 1.4 different brands which sheds light on strong brand loyalty. DPSG participation → DPSG have an attractive positioning within a large, growing, and profitable market. Channels: Distribution channels include convenience...
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...cadbury Running head: Case Study Cadbury Schweppes: Capturing Confectionery Case Study: Cadbury Schweppes: Capturing Confectionery ORM 680: Capstone in Strategic Management Spring Arbor University Jaspreet Kaur (Jas) Terry A. O’Connor, Ph.D. September 6, 2010 Abstract Cadbury Schweppes formed its joint venture in 1969. The company went through several mergers and acquisitions from 1969 to 2008, but the company was able to survive and became the global leader in confectionery and soft drink business. In the early stage, the company had to struggle but by the late 1900’s Cadbury Schweppes started to expand its business worldwide. The company had franchises in United States and Europe and acquired various businesses in other parts of the world. By the early 2000’s the company decided to demerger. In 2008, the beverage site of the business (Schweppes) became Dr Pepper Snapple Group and confectionery (Cadbury) was bought by Kraft Foods the very next year. Cadbury Schweppes: Capturing Confectionery Introduction The purpose of this document is to analyze the existence of Cadbury Schweppes. This paper will describe the history and background of the company. In addition, the document will identify and discuss the global initiatives of Cadbury Schweppes. And finally, the document will discuss the recommendations for the corporation. History and Background Cadbury Schweppes began its journey in 1969 with the merger of a beverage...
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...Competition in the Soft Drink Industry: Case Study of Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper Krisadee Rungsatcha MBA 500: Essentials of Business Management June 23, 2013 Larry Frazier Abstract The beverage industry nowadays is very competitive. Each brand pushes all strategies to be the number one in the market and try to win more consumers and achieve their goals. The main competitors in these industries are Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Inc., and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group. Coca-Cola is the largest beverage company in this market and provides the most market share that PepsiCo, Inc. PepsiCo is the second leading company, and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group is the third leading company in soft drink beverage industry. This paper presents three main competitors and focuses on competitive strategies, market strategies, and overall strength of the companies. Also, it discusses a recommendation to improve the Coca-Cola Company’s competitive position. Company Summaries Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company is the largest beverage company in the world. The Coca-Cola Company is the leader in the market of nonalcoholic beverages and owns market shares than 500 beverage brands, including sparkling drinks, juice drinks, ready to drink, teas, coffees, and energy drinks, such as vitamin water and Powerade. The Coca-Cola Company also owns the leading brands of the diet and light beverage market, such as Diet Coke and the top five soft drinks:...
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...TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY CORPUS CHRISTI MARKETING MANAGEMENT - MKT 5320 CASE STUDY ANALYSIS: Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc: Energy Beverages OLUSUBOMI Y. ADETUNJI STUDENT ID: A03936869 PROBLEM DEFINITION. Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc., a non-alcoholic beverage producing company decided to enter into the market with a new product (energy drink) and they were faced with some problems along the line. They decided to introduce an energy beverage brand to the market (existing market) which already has competitors. With this as focus, it was important to choose best market and distribution channels and some other business strategies for the product in order for it to be a success. The problem faced includes retainment of its present competitive position in the market with other energy drink companies and at the same time preserving profitability and customer base. In order to maintain the market competition, the business strategy to launch the new products into the market was very vital. Some of the factors that has to be considered before the product launch is considered are: * Industry Experience * Customer base * Profitablity growth * Favorable market condition * Core competencies * Management Team Decision. ALTERNATIVES PROVISIONS FOR PRODUCT SUCCESS The company could carefully select the strategy to launch the new product into the market to understand both the strength of their current competitive position and the strength of the...
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...Company Richard Bonds Dr. J. A. Anderson, Sr. Date May, 31 2014 Abstract Coca-Cola Company or Coke s the largest distributor of soft drinks in the world. Businesses such as Coke and other corporations set a strict code of ethics laws to live by and operate upon. This paper will illustrate the code of ethics of Coke the industry leaders and two of its partners/competitors PepsiCo and Dr. Pepper/Snapple Co. and the similarities of their ethics code for operations as American multination companies. Coca-Cola Company or Coke is the largest distributor of soft drinks in the world. A successful businesses like Coke and other large corporations set a strict code of ethics laws to live by and operate upon. A brief look at the industries three largest leaders in the soft drink industry, with Coke being the front runner followed by the PepsiCo Groups and Dr. Pepper/Snapple Group all unique in their own way with a variety of products consumers have been using for nearly 100 years. All three companies born in the southern part of the United States has provided different brands names under different company logos worldwide. Coke has such names in the soft drink industry like Sprite, Minute Made, Fanta, Power Aide, an Simple Orange to name a few of the 3500 plus products they produce worldwide. The largest and closest competitor of Coke is a bit more diverse in the product line with a group of companies under one umbrella, the PepsiCo Group includes 4 other well...
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...Practice Case 1: Discussion Seminar 2 - Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc: Energy Beverages– Kerin & Peterson page 105. Case Questions: How would you characterise the energy beverage category, competitors, consumers, channels, and DPSG’s category participation in late 2007? Beverage category: the energy beverage market produced estimated retail dollar sales of $6.2 billion in 2006. Off premise sales through convenience stores, supermarkets and mass merchandisers accounted for 71% of total retail sales in 2006. On premise retailers, such as restaurants and nightclubs, accounted for 29% of total retail sales. From 2001-2006, total energy beverage retail sales grew at an average annual rate 42.5% Industry analysts were projecting an average annual growth rate of 10.5% from 2007-2011. The slower growth rate was attributed to market maturity, increased price and package competition, and the entrance of hybrid energy beverages such as energy water, energy fruit drinks, ready to drink energy teas, and energy colas. Intense competition Competitors: 5 competitors dominate the US beverage market: Redbull (market leader), North America, Hansen Natural Corporation, Pepsi Cola, Rockstar, Inc. and Coca Cola. Consumers: Males between ages of 12 and 34 as they are the heaviest users, most consumed in the afternoon followed by morning consumption. Most consumers drink energy beverages at home, in the car, and at work/school. Channels: convenience stores and off premise...
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... Lipton is famous for its various aspects. For instance it focuses strongly on innovation and has become a dominant tea brand. This point is proved by launching the varieties of products ranging from leaf tea to ready-to-drink tea products. Secondly it targets the mass market. Thirdly, due to its size, Lipton is seen as dominant player in the tea market as its size and quantity vary according to the buying behavior of the consumers. Lastly, the Lipton tea company employs professionals in tea growing, Research &Development teams, testing, blending as well as marketing. So to fulfill the criteria of the report, we have chosen Lipton tea as health and wee-being product. The report highlights different marketing theories applied in the case of Lipton. The report also clarifies the position of it in the market. Furthermore it describes where and how the consumers want this product. The report is separated into four parts incorporating primary as well as secondary sources of data. The questionnaire approach is used as primary source of data. Books, journals and online materials are used as secondary sources of data. This report gives some insights on Lipton as a brand of tea. So it can be referred in future for the further research. Most of the information is used based on the past events which can be seen as shortcoming of the report. PART A 1. Introduction to major macro environment forces Macro environment forces can be explained as external environment and characterized...
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...7: 9 i. Part A: 9 ii. Part B: 9 iii. Part B: 10 8. Question 8: 10 9. Bonus Question 10 10. References: 11 MBA Marketing Exam Take-Home Exam Feel free to use lecture notes, the text book, and any other source. I am looking for your line of reasoning and applications rather than listing of what is already found in the book or slides. Question 1: Do you think this company is following the differentiation or cost leadership strategy? Why? Which growth strategy (market development, product development, diversification and market penetration) did they follow to improve their product portfolio sales? Reviewing Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc. case and assessing the situation to dr. Michael Porter generic strategies of achieving and maintaining competitive advantage, we may see that the company mostly was following the differentiation strategy as it is offering differentiated products from its competitors in many terms including the packing and pricing [pic] As for part two ,and regarding the Ansoff's product/market Expansion Grid [pic] Some may be puzzled and think that the company was applying a Diversification strategy as it was introducing new branded product(Venom ) into a new beverage market to the company (Energy beverage market), but that's flawed as the company did not leave its current product lines(beverages) to new...
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...grocery stores and Hawaiian Punch became a national brand. Soon after “Punchy,” the mascot, was introduced, and the companies brand image and advertising identified it a successful product (Kerin, 2007). Over the next 30 years, Hawaiian Punch was bought out by RJ Reynolds (RJR) Company, Del Monte, who expanded distribution channels and introduced new flavors, Proctor and Gamble, who established the gallon bottle as a leading juice drink package and distributed at supermarkets and retail outlets via its bottle network in the carbonated drink aisle and independent food broker and warehouse networks in the juice aisle, and lastly Cadbury Schweppes, PLC (Kerin, 2007). In 2004, three Cadbury Schweppes, PLC business units—Dr Pepper/Seven Up; Snapple Beverage Group; and Mott’s—integrated to form Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages (Kerin, 2007). At the time, the Hawaiian Punch line consisted of 11 flavors and packaging included a 1-gallon bottle, a half-gallon bottle, a 2-liter bottle, a 20-ounce bottle, a 6.75-ounce single-serve standup pouch, and a 12-ounce can. Hawaiian Punch Lite had also recently been introduced and contained 60 percent less sugar (Kerin, 2007). Fruit juice market Labeled a juice drink, Hawaiian Punch is manufactured with fresh juice or concentrate, not exceeding 24 percent, to...
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...Breaking Down the Chain: A Guide to the soft drink industry aCknowleDgments this report was developed to provide a detailed understanding of how the soft drink industry works, outlining the steps involved in producing, distributing, and marketing soft drinks and exploring how the industry has responded to recent efforts to impose taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages in particular. the report was prepared by sierra services, inc., in collaboration with the supply Chain Management Center (sCMC) at rutgers university – newark and new Brunswick. the authors wish to thank kristen Condrat for her outstanding support in all phases of preparing this report, including literature review and identifying source documents, writing, data analysis, editing, and final review. special thanks also goes to susanne Viscarra, who provided copyediting services. Christine fry, Carrie spector, kim Arroyo Williamson, and Ayela Mujeeb of ChangeLab solutions prepared the report for publication. ChangeLab solutions would like to thank roberta friedman of the yale rudd Center for food Policy and obesity for expert review. for questions or comments regarding this report, please contact the supervising professors: Jerome D. Williams, PhD Prudential Chair in Business and research director – the Center for urban entrepreneurship & economic development (Cueed), rutgers Business school – newark and new Brunswick, Management and Global Business department 1 Washington Park – room 1040 newark, nJ 07102 Phone: 973-353-3682...
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...Background of the company chosen: Hawaiian Punch is a well-known brand of fruit punch drinks owned by Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. (DPS). The company experienced several ownership handovers and some of the most recent ones include Procter & Gamble sold Hawaiian Punch to Cadbury Schweppes in 1999, and Dr. Pepper Snapple was spun off from Cadbury Schweppes in 2008. The Current Situation of the Company: The main source of our study comes from an intensive case study that illustrates Hawaiian Punch’s “Go-to-Market Strategy” decision option, faced by the company’s Marketing Director Kate Hoedebeck during the time span from year 2004 to 2005. As the number one fruit punch drink sold in the United States, Hawaiian punch enjoyed its continuous success. Its goals are very much aligned with the customers’ needs, in the long-term it aims to maintain its competitiveness through high customer satisfaction, extensive product development, easy accessibility and better profits attainable for retailers to stock and sell. In terms of its strengths, it has already become Cadbury Schweppes’ fourth largest brand by volume. Since the acquisition of Hawaiian Punch by Cadbury Schweppes from Procter & Gamble in 1999, the company had employed two distinct and separate manufacturing, sales and distribution networks to stock and serve identical or similar beverages for the same retail customer. This dual distribution strategy by many has been seen as one of Hawaiian Punch’s strength, leading it towards...
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...The Ajegroup has been very successful since it was founded in 1988 by Eduardo and Mirtha Ananos by taking a $30,000US second mortgage on their home. The company has grown into a multinational enterprise currently represented in 20 countries worldwide with its holding company in Spain. In order to strengthen bonds within all its market sectors, the company has gained ownership of 22 factories and 120 fulfillment centers employing over 20,000 people. Its infrastructure reaches out to more than 1,000,000 retail outlets worldwide enabling Ajegroup to sell over 3 billion liters of beverages including beer, sports drinks, energetic and isotonic drinks, water, various juices and tea (1). According to the course case study, Ajegroup has expanded to several countries outside of Peru. The international company growth includes Venezuela, Ecuador, Mexico and Costa Rica. Ajegroup has been successful in each of these markets as well. As the company considers expansion in Chile, Brazil, and the U.S. (via Mexico), it is important to understand how and why it has been successful and if the same strategies will be applicable in these new emerging markets. The following strategies were instrumental in leading Ajegroup to its success: 1. In order to penetrate the local Peru soft drink market, Ajegroup packed Kola Real in old 620 ml beer bottles. 2. Instead of taking loans from banks, Ajegroup financed the growth of Kola Real with funds generated from its operations. 3. Counted on suppliers...
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...MKTG303 Marketing Strategy Analysis and Decisions Assessment Guide Session 1, 2015 Department of Marketing and Management ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Assessment 1 (A1) Case Study: Individual Assessment (30%) The case facilitates the discussion of marketing problems in real situations. Each student is to individually conduct a case study analysis during the semester. You should read these cases carefully and come to class prepared to provide constructive input as the class works together to address the issues of the case. 1. Practice Cases (Not assessable but required for class discussion) There will be two practice case studies to be prepared before the relevant class and discussed during class. Participation in these cases is important and will greatly assist you in understanding how to prepare the three assessable cases. Practice Case 1: Discussion Week 2- Seminar 4 - Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc: Energy Beverages– Kerin & Peterson page 105. Case Questions: 1. How would you characterise the energy beverage category, competitors, consumers, channels, and DPSG’s category participation in late 2007? 2. Does your characterisation bode well for a new energy beverage brand introduction generally and for Dr Pepper Snapple Group, in particular? 3. What target consumer market should be chosen for a new energy beverage brand? 4. What product should be introduced and how should it be positioned/differentiated? 5. Through which channel(s) should a new energy beverage brand...
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...Coca-Cola: International Business Strategy For Globalization Dr. Michael Ba Banutu-Gomez, Professor, Management and Entrepreneurship, William G. Rohrer College of Business Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to analyze the efficiency of global strategies. This paper identified six key strategies necessary for firms to be successful when expanding globally. These strategies include differentiation, marketing, distribution, collaborative strategies, labor and management strategies, and diversification. Within this analysis, we chose to focus on the Coca-Cola Company because they have proven successful in their international operations and are one of the most recognized brands in the world. We performed an in-depth review of how effectively or ineffectively Coca-Cola has used each of the six strategies. The paper focused on Coca-Cola's operations in the United States, China, Belarus, Peru, and Morocco. The author used electronic journals from the various countries to determine how effective Coca-Cola was in these countries. The paper revealed that Coca-Cola was very successful in implementing strategies regardless of the country. However, the author learned that CocaCola did not effectively utilize all of the strategies in each country. Key Words: Coca-Cola, International Business, Strategy, Globalization, International Marketing, Labor Relations, Distribution, Diversification, Management, Channels, Costs, Gains and Collaboration. INTRODUCTION...
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