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Change In Obstetrics

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Change is hard. Everyone reacts very differently to change. My first initial thought is that these nurses on these two units will not be thrilled with this change, especially the pediatric unit. The pediatric nurses may feel overwhelmed knowing that their normal routine and area is going to be disrupted which can cause them to become stressed or annoyed. However, some might feel happy or content with the change. The obstetric nurses should feel excited. If it was not for this change, these nurses could have potentially lost their jobs. The combination of these units will make a more powerful unit and provide job safety for these nurses. Because of this, these nurses should be happy with the change since it will be benefiting them and the hospital …show more content…
Combining departments will require a lot of rearranging, compromising, and changes that can lead to different kinds of emotions. The head of the obstetrics and pediatrics might have several disagreements especially due to their different styles of managing. Pediatrics manager might feel ambushed and loosing some control over their unit. The obstetrics manager may feel their control or power is loss especially since the original unit is completely closing down. It states that the obstetric head is scheduled to retire soon, which may make that person feel like their work over the years is disappearing. These changes should not be identified as losses. These changes are only happening to create gains for the hospital, patients, and employees. It will be a difficult transition, but hopefully these two department managers can work together to incorporate a system that will please their staff and …show more content…
Because of this, the unit is effecting the hospital negatively. This hospital has offered obstetric care for a long period of time for maternity care that we want to continue. After discussing several options, we have decided to combine the obstetric and pediatric units together. Since the pediatric unit is the newest wing in the hospital and has room for obstetrics, it seemed to be the best fit. Combining these two units makes sense; expectant mothers who were known for high risk pregnancies could plan to deliver their babies in this new unit. We can specifically focus on offering services for high risk pregnancies in this unit which will increase customers and also become more competitive with other centers and hospitals close by. This will be a big change but will truly benefit our patients, staff, and hospital

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