Premium Essay

Change Management in the Workplace


Submitted By jamjar50
Words 24317
Pages 98

Student NAME: Habad Khan
Rdi Student no: STU14791
University Registration no: 0811866967624
Enrolment Date: July 2009

Master of Business Administration: MBA
University Of Wales.
Date: January 2013

Dissertation Title: Change Management in the
Police: A Study of Police Control Rooms.

Word Count 20600 words ( excluding, Contents page, Declaration and Statements,
Diagrams, References and Appendices.)


Declaration & Statements
This dissertation is a product of my own work and is the result of nothing done in collaboration. I consent to RDI s free use including * online reproduction, including* electronically, and including adaptation for teaching and education activities of any whole or part item of this dissertation. (RDI)
Habad Khan


First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty for giving me the ability to study, granting me this opportunity and giving me the strength through the tough times.
My Mum and dad for giving me a wonderful life.
Thank you to my family, my wife Zareeda and my children Ibrahim, Zainab and Adam for putting up with my hours away from you. My brother Omar for proof reading this document and his great advice.
To my tutor Peter Byrne a great deal of thanks and gratitude for your feedback, which was invaluable and very informative in guiding me to my goal.
I would also like to thank ACC Iain Spittal and Superintendents Glyn Payne, Javad Ali,
Richard Anderson and also Chief Inspectors Ian Thompson and Mark Khan for their assistance. My colleagues and fellow workers in the FCR who completed the questionnaires and also took part in the interviews especially to Paul Richardson, Louise Coxon and Detective Mo
Mohammed. You keep on helping those in need even when the chips are down. To you all I thank you for the great work you do day in day out which leaves me in awe.
To my

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