Premium Essay

Change Managment Project


Submitted By pr0l33t
Words 2387
Pages 10
The team who was in charge for the mechanism, evaluation and training was very well structured since the beginning. The Project Management team was forms from the people of the Industry department Danoneand the Human Resources assistant director. It is interesting to be said that the one who came with this idea was the Industry manager department (not the Human Resources one) and together with the Human Resources manager began setting up this change in the management of Danone. From the beginning they had to find sponsors within the firm who will actually finance their idea. The project manager together with the assistant from Human Resources were in charge with the training part of the employees, the manager of Accounting and Production Departments were in charge of the communication between the employees and the director. The direct chiefs were the ones who actually made the developing plan for this management change and after the process of interviewing and testing was finished, they had to inform about the results. After that, the employees were able to give some feedback because after all, they were the beneficiaries of this projects, and all of this were made in the goal of helping them but also developing the company in a good and fear manner. For this project, the stakeholders were the Syndicate and the Employees Representative . The Syndicate is a non - profit NGOs defined in Labor Code as:" independent legal entities , non-profit , formed to defend and promote individual and collective rights and professional interests , economic , social , cultural and sports activities of of their members ". Factors that tend to stimulate the development of trade unions within the framework of labor force includes: * Feeling that the manager does not treat employees properly . * Unable to provide salaries and benefits competitive or

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