...Question 1 Answer: 1. The specials and the standards need to separate for the following reasons: a. They are not the exactly same process. The process for special carpets adds more steps than the standards carpets. So it is not convenient to use the same line. b. The setup time is too long. It costs as much as hours to changeover from the standard products to the special products. It costs money and requires storage space, and some of it will probably go to waste. c. The hurry order. There is third order called hurry order. When it happens, the process need to stop for rush special due, and the standard and special products will be delay to get to customers. If there are two lines, the special order’s influence will be down. The standard products and the special products can run in one line. 2. The JIT philosophy is that getting the right quantity of goods at the right place at the right time. It’s based on the simplicity and emphasis on quality. But in the Katz Carpeting company, the inventories of the carpets were high. They produced a lot what they already had , yet not enough of what was needed. They can’t get the right quantity of goods. 3. The following is the steps to implement the JIT system. First, they should make quality improvements. Their quality was becoming a problem, with customers frequently returning carpets for rips or incorrect dyed colors. They need to solve these problems, because the quality is pervasive and all the JIT objectives are dependent on...
Words: 1804 - Pages: 8
...name is Colin Ward. All Americans know is the customary system of measurement. That is all people know and they wouldn’t be happy if you just went and changed it on them. I believe that the U.S. should keep our customary system of measurement. For one, it would be a major culture shock to the US and I don’t think everyone would take the change so smoothly. If we changed to the metric system, virtually every aspect of our daily lives would change. For example, measuring things for cooking would change; students in school would use different measurements for math and science class, gas would be sold in ounces, food produce would be sold by an ounce, we would say temperature in Celsius, and...
Words: 530 - Pages: 3
...failure in the hope/belief that the failure can be repaired before the stock runs out. This type of stock can be eliminated by programmes like Total Productive Maintenance Overproduction is held because the forecast and the actual sales did not match. Making to order and JIT eliminates this stock type. Lot delay stock is held because a part of the process is designed to work on a batch basis whilst only processing items individually. Therefore each item of the lot must wait for the whole lot to be processed before moving to the next workstation. This can be eliminated by single piece working or a lot size of one. Demand fluctuation stock is held where production capacity is unable to flex with demand. Therefore a stock is built in times of lower utilisation to be supplied to customers when demand exceeds production capacity. This can be eliminated by...
Words: 6763 - Pages: 28
...is long and dull. Sometimes teachers don't even care about you and just gives you packets and pass you on. Most students in America feel this way and something needs to change. America needs changes with more teachers, needs to find a way to fix the school system and needs to reduce school time. We need more teachers in America. In America there is a teacher shortage, and it’s obvious why. Kids go through school sometimes hating their teachers. They hate their teachers because they make them do hard work and make them take test for thirty minutes in silence. Why would a kid grow up hating teachers and want to become one? Some teachers do not agree with the school system and that's why they end up quitting. Some teachers don't agree with making students sit in a class and try to make them learn for a test that could decide their...
Words: 784 - Pages: 4
...difficulty pressing multiple keys simultaneously (for example, ctrl-alt-delete). You offer to enable sticky keys for her. How would you configure this setting? Add Hardware Driver Not Detected You are running Windows XP Professional on an old Pentium II computer. A friend has just bought a new network interface card (NIC) for his computer and asks if you would like to have his old one. You install the NIC and the correct driver on your computer, but you discover that when you restarted your computer, the operating system did not detect the new NIC. Without restarting your computer, how would you troubleshoot this problem? Add/Remove Programs Add Components How would you install IIS (Internet Information Services) on your computer? Remove Programs Adobe Reader has recently become corrupted. How would you remove it from your computer? Administrative Tools Computer Management Add User to Group A user named Bob Smith needs to install and uninstall software packages for the Research and Development department. You decide to make him a Power User. How would you do this? Change Password at Logon You have just reset the password for a...
Words: 6123 - Pages: 25
...Introduction For many organisations, change is a prerequisite to success. The organisational need for change and improvement can be driven by many internal and external factors. These factors can range from legislation, new technologies, demanding shareholders or changing market trends. Whatever the catalyst for change organisations must develop the ability to respond and anticipate the future in order to maintain their competitive edge. In May 2014 ABC Plc announced some of the most disappointing interim financial results in its history. In the 13 weeks to the 4th May 2014, total sales excluding fuel were down by 4.2% (down 5.6% including fuel) and like for like sales were down 7.1% (8.2% including fuel). Earlier in the year ABC had already announced plans to realise savings of £1bn over the coming three years to strengthen the business and reinforce its core customer proposition. In order to deliver these savings the business will need to undertake a root and branch review of all its activities and every team and department has a responsibility to the wider business to contribute to meeting this savings target by working in the most efficient manner possible. In 2003 Sir Peter Gershon led a review into efficiency within the public services and expressed the potential for efficiencies in four ways: • Reduced costs for same outputs. • Reduced staff time for the same outputs. • More quality for the same resources. • More outputs for the same resources. Source:A- Systematic...
Words: 4787 - Pages: 20
...upgrading the POS terminal? Will you upgrade to a modern operating system? Should the POS applications be rewritten to include any additional functionality? If so, what functionality? Response: Yes, I would upgrade both the POS terminal and modernize the operating system. With Dos being outdated and no longer being supported by the IT industry Zara has an unnecessary business risk. Zara supports the IT requirements with an in-house team, they are supporting an archaic system which limits their ability to be proactive. Should the system go down and the in-house team determines that either the current system is not viable or is to expense to maintain Zara may be left limping along with the old system while the IT department focuses on the change over to a new system. This risk can be mitigated by bringing in a new operation system and via a staged implementation process upgrading the POS system. I would also look into upgrading the system to include live inventory and update the currently ordering process. I believe their “just in time” operation would benefit from the Corporate Office having the ability to actively move product to the stores. The managers currently download sales information from their PDA’s, place the information on a floppy disk then upload this information via a modem nightly. This process along with the managers ordering new stock utilizing a fax machine appears both cumbersome and time consuming. If all ordering were to be completed either by the...
Words: 1130 - Pages: 5
...Systems Thinking and Change Management Evaluation Systems thinking is a process that incorporates the crucial elements of strategic planning, management and leadership development, team building, and other principles of organizational change in the effort to create positive change within an organization. The first component of this discussion evaluates systems thinking and the application and limitations of systems logic as essential considerations in managerial decision making. Systems thinking is also a technique that manages a process as a whole while understanding that individual pieces of the process can cause an impact. Systems thinking applies a linkage strategy that analyzes interactions among elements comprising a system. It takes into account that large systems can be negatively affected by small changes in another geographically or time separated areas. This view of process management is ideal for any organization that has more than a very few processes and personnel. Communication is the method within systems thinking that defeats negative affects. Application and Limitations A systems approach can be seen in the following real world-example. Their outstanding success in systems thinking makes Wal-Mart’s an excellent comparison system for corroborating systems thinking examples for this IT project’s discussion. Wal-Mart has taken forecasting to the highest level by using a systems thinking electronic database (Aquilano, Chase, and Jacobs, p. 510, 2006). The company...
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...Mapping Immunity to Change By: LaKisha M. Crawford It's difficult to change. This is demonstrated by the number of New Year's resolutions we make and how few of them actually lead to lasting change. For most of us, the resolutions are just more evidence that change attempts seem doomed from the start. Yet most of us see our resolutions as worthy and important. We truly want change in our life, and we are sincere in our commitment to achieving it but just don’t know how. Kegan and Lahey developed an Immunity to change X-ray to help leaders change and become the leaders that they want to be. Not everyone is a natural born leader. Leadership is something that has to be learned. Knowing how to effectively manage your workload is an important part of being a good leader. Learning how to delegate tasks out to employees, prioritize, set realistic deadlines, avoid distractions and say no to unreasonable requests can help to increase your sense of job satisfaction and that of your staff. This also enables you to produce work of a higher quality, because you are able to place more of a focus on the projects you should be spending your time on. Everyone has a well-tuned system of coping mechanisms in place which helps keep us safe and helps us to avoid fear, anxiety, and emotional discomfort. Kegan and Lahey liken this phenomenon to an immune system. Our own emotional immune system is intelligent in the...
Words: 2126 - Pages: 9
...TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 The importance of Just In Time (JIT) 2 1.2 The Objectives of the study 3 1.3 The Research Methodology 3 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 The Definition of JIT 5 2.2 The Purposes of Just In Time 10 2.3 The Importance Elements In JIT Implementation 12 2.4 Difficulties and Issues Associated with Implementation of JIT Components. 23 2.5 Main Issues and Difficulties of Managerial Nature in JIT 30 2.6 The Benefits of JIT 34 2.7 The Limitation of JIT 36 2.8 The Relationship Model and Supporting Activities of JIT, TQM AND TPM 41 2.9 The Relationship between JIT Production and Manufacturing Strategy and their Impact on JIT Performance 43 3.0 FINDINGS 50 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 59 REFERENCES 61 APPENDIXES 64 INTRODUCTION The Importance of Just In Time (JIT) Nowadays, companies used Just In Time (JIT) systems control work flow by bringing in materials and sending out goods on demand which is ideally, just enough to provide what consumers want. JIT also is a production and inventory control system in which materials are purchased and units are produced only as needed to meet actual customer demand. In just in time manufacturing system inventories are reduced to the minimum and in some cases they are zero. Companies typically hold inventory in three locations which are raw materials, work-in-process inventory of partially worked materials or sub-assemblies for workstations to complete...
Words: 14451 - Pages: 58
...This paper will analyze the process, problems and solutions involved with implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system across several countries. I will report on the process of implementing this new software first in the US locations and then taking it abroad to the new global locations as they were acquired. This will look at how the company handled implementation obstacles and what they decided to do to set them straight. By looking at a global process and how this platform will communicate across different countries was a systematic process that is still being tweaked as different countries are brought on board. A good implementation and managed system will not only ease the issues faced when working across different globes but also benefit the bottom line of the company by consolidating roles and responsibilities at different locations. Compressor Products International is an international manufacturing and services company. They provide engineered compressor components, lubrication systems and support services to operators. They have over one hundred years of service selling to the refining, chemical, gas, and many other markets. With office in over fourteen countries CPI is focused on being the leader in customized solutions for application in the reciprocation compression industry. CPI is an EnPro Industries company and as such they are backed by a family of over 4,100 people in over 100 countries. With the support of the Enpro team CPI is looking...
Words: 2921 - Pages: 12
...3. Challenges 3a. Major Challenges In the following major challenges in implementing the proposed HR system are identified (first part) and specific strategies are invoked to overcome those hurdles (secondly). Overall, it must be said that changing an entire HR system needs time and careful planning efforts. Therefore, no firm should just rush into such an implementation without being prepared to cope with the occurring resistances against the change. Consequently, the owners (e.g. shareholders) should be aware of the challenges and need to be committed to see benefits of the new system in a rather long-term view. Below we listed different categories of challenges. Firstly, it is common to see skepticism when practices change or new policies are implemented because we all like to cope with a known environment and it is always a challenge to change one’s mind and attitudes. Employees often feel uninformed about why things are changing and they often get the impression that no one is supporting them with the transformational process. Open-space offices as proposed in the workspace design section or the change to use trust-based working time (job design section) could be two specific practices leading to resistance and skepticism because those practices could be a dramatic change for some employees. Besides, the view that turnover always has negative consequences has been common sense over the last decades and many employees (also those in responsible positions) grew up with this...
Words: 1654 - Pages: 7
...journal 1) Sensor Agriculture Sentence 1 For farmers, who want to monitor their plant growth performance information and climate condition, the sensor agriculture is a product that has ability to collect information and send it back to the farmer as notification about the condition of their plants. Sentence 2 Unlike others sensor agriculture, this product not just predicting frost and heat even that connected to sensor measuring solar radiation, air temperature, soil moisture, soil temperature and an infrared sensor which measures canopy temperature but it also will sent the notification through via message about the condition of their plantation if the farmer are not at their farm without need to monitor daily and the farm can monitor their sensor agriculture condition or ability due to the technical problems. 2) Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation Sentence 1 For slipped disk patient, who will help the slipped disk patient instant or prolonged relief by electrodes are placed on the surface of the skin, above the overactive nerves, the transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a product that will help the slipped disk patient instant or prolonged relief through the release of endorphins and the control of nerves. Sentences 2 Unlike others transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, this product are easy to carry by helps the slipped disk patient to have their treatment anywhere and anytime without feel ashamed in front of...
Words: 1696 - Pages: 7
...administration. The "Department Of Veterans Affairs" (2016) website. As of today there are 1,700 Veteran hospitals and clinics The "U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs " (2016). Today veteran hospitals use VistA, which is VA's award winning Health Information Technology (IT) system. It provides an integrated inpatient and outpatient electronic health record for VA patients, and administrative tools to help VA deliver the best quality medical care to Veterans. VistA is also used to manage multimedia for cardiology, radiology and pathology. It is able to provide video clips of each scan as well as images. Veteran hospitals today also use BCMA barcode medication administration system. The BCMA is used when a patient needs medication; each nurse scans the patient bracelet as well as the medication that will be given to the patient to verify this is the correct medication for that patient. Vistas became the instrument of change at the VA in the mid 1900’s and since this change Veteran hospitals and care facilities have noticed a drastic change in patient care in health care records. Veteran healthcare facilities started up doing the Civil War in 1865. Veteran hospital and healthcare facilities started off just like any other hospital or healthcare facility by using paper and writing down patient information and later filing that patient information. Twenty years ago veteran hospitals used the...
Words: 1642 - Pages: 7
...Master thesis in Informatics REPORT NO. 2008:034 ISSN: 1651-4769 Department of Applied Information Technology Soft Systems Methodology in action: A case study at a purchasing department Using SSM to suggest a new way of conducting financial reporting at a purchasing department in the automotive industry OLLE L. BJERKE IT Universtiy of Göteborg Chalmers University of Technology and Universtiy of Gothenburg Göteborg, Sweden 2008 1 Using Soft Systems Methodology at a purchasing department to conduct a study of financial reporting needs Olle L. Bjerke Department of Applied Information Technology IT University of Göteborg Göteborg University and Chalmers University of Technology SUMMARY The aim of this essay has been to try out Soft Systems Methodology on financial reporting at Volvo Cars Corporation (VCC). VCC saw a possible opportunity to improve their reporting processes, and SSM was chosen to deal with this possible problematic situation. Action Research became the natural way of conducting the study since it is almost a mandatory way of conducting SSM. A delimitation was made due to limited resources and only a small part of the purchasing department was involved, namely electrical purchasing. The result of the study is the artifacts from the different SSM steps that points upon how the participants would like the reporting system to be as well as many issues with the current reporting process. These outputs from the method were regarded as successful...
Words: 51189 - Pages: 205