...Outstanding Teacher, Anyone? By Allan Moore S. Cabrillas Master Teacher I – San Jose West Central School San Jose City As the whole world salutes the modern-day heroes in the school, here are some characteristics that really define the teacher. If one possesses these, he or she can contribute a lot to children, to their fellow teachers, to the community, and to the field of education. While there is no static formula for what makes an outstanding teacher, these personality traits help form the essential foundation for succeeding – as a teacher and as a leader. 1. Compassionate The best teachers are patient, understanding, and kind. They can put themselves in their students' shoes and imagine what the students are thinking and feeling, thus anticipating what they need in order to learn and thrive. When a learner is struggling, good teachers hide their frustration and refrain from making disdainful comments that only make the situation worse. Instead, compassionate teachers will try anything and everything in order to reach each and every learner. It can be challenging at times, but great teachers know that what separates them from the rest of the pack is the heart and soul they bring into the classroom. 2. Passionate Effective teachers are passionate about many things: children, learning, their chosen subject matter, the art of teaching, and life in general. They bring the full force of their personalities into the classroom and spark excitement into the learning process...
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...Definition of Giftedness There is no unified definition of giftedness among different cultures, but all of them focus on the exceptional performance of gifted students. For instance, the US uses the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test and considers gifted students to be the top one to three percent in general intelligence ability (Terman & Oden, 1947). The National Society for the Gifted and Talented (2012) regards gifted students as “Youth with outstanding talent who perform at remarkably high levels at accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience or environment”. Introduction People put extraordinary attention and praise on the bright side of the gifted population, while they neglect the burdens of achievement put on...
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...conducted, may be considered to be teaching. (McCathy 2010). In education , teachers are those who help students or pupils learn, often in a school setting. The objective is typically a course of study, lesson plan, or a practical skill, including learning and thinking skills. The different ways to teach are often refeered to as the teacher’s pedagogy. When deciding what teaching method to use, a teacher will need to consider students’ background knowledge, environment, and their learning goals as well as standardized curriculum as determined by their school district. (wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Pedagogy literally means the art and science of educating children and often is used as a synonym for teaching. More actually, pedagogy embodies teacher-focused education. In the pedagogic model, teachers assume responsibility for making decisions about what will be learned, how it will be learned, and when it will be learned. Teachers direct learning. (Corner, Internet) Andragogy a term originally used by Alexander Kapp ( a german educator) in 1983 and developed into a theory of adult education by the american educator, Malcolm Knowles is the art and science of helping adults learn. Knowles theory can be stated as four simple postulates namely self-concept and motivation to learn, Experience (including mistakes), Readiness to learn and orientation to learning. ( Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Teachers have the task of motivating students, managing the classroom, assessing...
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...numerous things and witnessed a few outstanding events, but the one I will focus on is a very special person who’s wisdom has got me this far. If it were not for teachers such as music teachers and their talented gift of allowing every student, that have passed through their classroom, to learn, to love and experience music and making music in those years of their childhood, I would not be where I am today. I knew music but this one person enlightened me that there is much more to music than just knowing it. But as young as I was back then I never really understood what that meant and so in a sense I never thought it to be too interesting. A couple months passed and a competition arose and I was so into the competition that I began looking into how I could enter into the competition. Then it hit me, what that person said to me a couple months ago about music and how there is much more to it than knowing it. This competition opened my eyes to what that music teacher had said and I was excited. My new discovery about music, that making music and using my voice to do that was what the teacher was talking about. You see that teacher saw something special in my voice and spoke words that I couldn’t quite understand back then but now I believe in two things that music is much more and that it comes as a surprise to me and many others. The music teacher helped me to develop my voice so that I could get into the competition. The patients of this teacher was incredible, I don’t think I...
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...Effective Teachers This week students have learned how theories, laws, principles governing competent teachers, and beliefs are related. Using information from our reading assignment this week and reflections on your own personal experiences: Describe two characteristics that competent (perhaps even outstanding) teachers possess and how they relate to student learning. The two characteristics that I chose are: Communication skills -The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom (LeFrancois, 2011). I believe being able to communicate well is what is required to be a great teacher. To express the contents of your lessons so everyone understands can determine a good teacher from a not so good teacher. Planning skills -The teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals (LeFrancois, 2011). Prior planning prevents poor performance is one of my favorite mantras. Being prepared for each class everyday consistently makes for a good teacher. I would not want to face my students unprepared. That is like cheating them out of a day’s learning. Provide an example that illustrates how teacher beliefs impact student learning Some studies indicate that learners for whom teachers have high expectations are more likely to achieve at a high level (the so-called halo effect) than are...
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...History of Leadership Research Researchers have examined leadership skills from a variety of perspectives. Early analyses of leadership, from the 1900s to the 1950s, differentiated between leader and follower characteristics. Finding that no single trait or combination of traits fully explained leaders' abilities, researchers then began to examine the influence of the situation on leaders' skills and behaviors. Subsequent leadership studies attempted to distinguish effective from non-effective leaders. These studies attempted to determine which leadership behaviors were exemplified by effective leaders. To understand what contributed to making leaders effective, researchers used the contingency model in examining the connection between personal traits, situational variables, and leader effectiveness. Leadership studies of the 1970s and 1980s once again focused on the individual characteristics of leaders which influence their effectiveness and the success of their organizations. The investigations led to the conclusion that leaders and leadership are crucial but complex components of organizations. Traits Model of Leadership: Leaders versus Followers Initial investigations of leadership considered leaders as individuals endowed with certain personality traits which constituted their abilities to lead. The studies investigated individual traits such as intelligence, birth order, socioeconomic status, and child-rearing practices (Bass, 1960; Bird, 1940; Stogdill, 1948, 1974)...
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...individual performance is usually reviewed regularly through a process called performance appraisal. Performance appraisal helps in establishing and identifying if the set objectives and standards are in line with the performance results. Generally, performance pay is usually rewarded on basis of performance results rather than on the time worked, (Council, 2011). Performance pay for teachers has been quite a subject of contention in many places and especially in the USA. Performance pay is meant to compensate teachers based on a set of performance standard and does not consider a teacher’s level of education or the level of experience gained. Hence, the more outstanding results a teacher produces from the students, the more the teacher is to be paid. Merit pay does not necessarily come in form of financial rewards but it can be take other forms such as promotions and public recognition, (Wragg, 2012). However there are various disputes on the effectiveness of merit pay such as how performance can be empirically measured and arguments such as performance pay may encourage unhealthy competition among teachers eventually leading to the narrowing...
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...Roseen states, “Teachers have the most contact with students, are most knowledgeable about them, and typically can provide more comprehensive information about student performance than that obtainable from other sources” (Rossen, p. 3). The teacher is looking to see if the students are gifted in cognitive, academic, creative, leadership, or performing arts abilities. Additionally, teachers should be looking for advancement in visual arts, performing arts, and psychomotor abilities. There are certain characteristics that fall into each of those abilities, without this knowledge a teacher could misidentify a high ability student with a gifted student. When the teacher is using this approach of identification the he/she should use the rating scales which focuses on behavior characteristics – learning, social leadership, creative-thinking, self-determination, and motivational. Also taking into account the culture within the school setting and identifying the attributes that are inclusive to their culture. Finally, using a student portfolio allows the students individual performance to be evaluated over time. This portfolio will include assessments...
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...Generation Me students has the characteristics to do less work in order to get more out of their schools. With the self-esteem curriculum implemented in teachings for schools, younger people will not know the difference between a C and an A. In Twenge’s book Generation Me, she points out, “The C grade is almost a thing of the past… These higher grades were given out even though students were doing less work” (p.63, par 1). The scale of what an A and C grade means is relatively close. Twenge’s book mentions a lot about how teachers in the schools reward students who do extraordinary work especially the children who earn C’s. When every student gets an A then how will they learn how to fail? This develops into confusion when the Generation Me...
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...TEACHER’S PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN SCIENCE OF INTERMEDIATE PUPILS, LABANGON BLISS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, DIVISION OF CEBU CITY: AN INTERVENTION PROGRAM A Research Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School University of Southern Philippines Foundations Cebu City In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Education Major in Science Education By GLENDA D. EMPLEO MAY 2015 Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Rationale Science, technology and innovation in this new era are increasingly very important for the country’s economic well – being and quality of life. Jobs in every field call for people who are analytical, creative, curious and critical thinkers. The future of a country lies in knowledge and a scientifically literate population. Although people learn throughout their lives, the teaching of Science in schools offers students the ability to access a wealth of knowledge and information which contributes to an overall understanding of how and why things work. Thus, it is vitally important to have a good science education in schools. Science and Health in the elementary level aims to help the Filipino child gain functional understanding of Science concepts and principles linked with real life situation, acquire Science skills as well as scientific attitudes and values needed in solving everyday problems. But do our schools produce learners to the expectation of...
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...Tenesha Huffer Literature Review Teacher Retention in School System The school teacher turnover rates fluctuate each year the recruitment and retention problem varies across the United States. Due to the Adequate Progress objectives for improved achievements and No Child Left Behind Act, there is a great demand for qualified school teacher (Piecki 2003). These teachers across the nation are struggling to rethink middle school, particularly in cities were the challenge of adolescent volatility, spiking violence and lagging academic performances are more acute (Brown & Rollenfson 2001). Some external characteristics of school district are also related to school teacher retention rates. Many schools have a high number of minority student, low student achievement, and high poverty level. It had been know that individual school district attractiveness can affect current and prospective teachers. Teachers both old and new don’t want to remain at a school where the building is not kept clean (Newwell 2004). These are some things that effect school teacher retention rates. The school turnover rates comes a great expense, both in the negative cumulative effect on student achievement, and as a financial drain to the state and districts that repeatedly prepare, recruit and support teachers for the same position (Clark 2003). It is not the goal of any school district to lose teachers. Middle school teachers effect high school student’s achievement, which effect enrollment...
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...COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to enrich the students’ experiences in developing and utilizing appropriate technology to facilitate learning. It shall also provide exposure and hands-on opportunities in the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Field Study 3 can be anchored on the following Professional education subject: * Educational Technology 1 * Educational Technology 2 GENERAL OBJECTIVES 1. Select the teaching materials that best suit the needs of the learners 2. Apply the principles of developing instructional materials 3. Develop and utilize instructional materials appropriate to a chosen subject area Acknowledgement I just want to express my heartfelt gratitude to those who were so generous with their time and expertise: To our Almighty God for the knowledge, strength and wisdom. His guidance leads me to select the most desirable way to success. To my parents who provided me their financial support, love, moral values and advices. To Prof. Dominic Dizon,MAEd as my mentor for my Field Study 3. I really appreciate your utmost effort in facilitating and checking my errors. Thank you for molding us to be competent and knowledgeable about Technology in the Learning Environment. I am so grateful to have you as my mentor and I feel so blessed. To Ms. Shienna Mae Eramis for your cooperation and to your students who also gave their cooperation. I wish...
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...I chose to become a teacher because I have the desire to contribute to this country in a meaningful way. I would love to have the opportunity to make a difference in children’s lives and be the mentor and confidant they need. I have many experiences which led me to this career choice. As the oldest child, I helped to care for my siblings. I cared for my younger brother who was born with Cerebral Palsy. Because of my brother’s condition, we grew up in a house where disability was seen as a positive asset instead of a burden. Sadly, his teachers failed to see beyond his disability, therefore overlooking his intelligence. As a result, he graduated high school with a very weak reading and writing foundation. Witnessing my brother’s struggles to read and write led me to the realization of how well prepared and professional special education teachers were desperately needed in this country. Now as an adult and a special needs parent myself, I have noticed how the special education programs are still in need of good teachers. My son who has Autism and is non-verbal has been my biggest inspiration and drive throughout my college journey. He is the reason why I want to prepare myself to be able to provide the support and guidance to other special needs children just like him....
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...Education” to inform readers about the education system and to persuade readers with his opinions and statements that the “banking” concept of education should not be adopted in the education of students rather it should be the “problem-posing” method. In his writing he explains the education system as “A careful analysis of the teacher-student relationship at any level, inside or outside the school, reveals its fundamentally narrative character. This relationship involves a narrating Subject (the teacher) and patient, listening objects (the students)… Education is suffering from narration sickness.” Freire believes that education is suffering from a relationship of a teacher that speaks and a student that just listens to what the teacher will narrate. For example, “the outstanding characteristic of this narrative education… is the sonority...
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...different characteristics and personalities but the three most outstanding are: the athletics, the nerds, and the problematic students. First of all we have the nerds; they spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular activities, which are generally related to science, mathematics or technology, they also play games like trading cards or video games. Nerds are very intelligent but socially and physically awkward; they usually wear glasses, and they do not care too much about their physical appearance because they are always focus on their schoolwork. On the other hand, the athletics are always worry about the way they look and also the way others think of them, this type of students are generally popular, but they tend to be arrogant and unintelligent; one of the biggest problems about this kind of students is that they are the ones that use bulling against people who are less popular than they are. Athletics do not care so much about their school and most of the times they will put off their homework assignments to the last minute. They use a lot of sport clothes. One of the big characteristics of them is they will always be on parties and that’s one of the reasons that this kind of students are sometimes related to alcohol or drug problems. Finally we have the problematic students who are always late to class or leave early; but mostly they will only show up on the first day of school, on the day of the midterm and the final this is the kind of students that teachers always have...
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