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Chase Rubin Research Paper

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ChaRub RealtorAge
Brief Biography of Chase Rubin
Chase Rubin is a highly successful investor and financial expert with over 20 years of experience in financial planning. Chase plies his trade in New York, the global financial capital of the world. Chase is also an entrepreneur and real estate investor with an impeccable record to his name. His company Conversion Master offers business development plans and insights and expertise regarding property markets and investments. His successful investment streak and advice helped investor avoid the catastrophic effects of the 2008/09 global economic crash that saw many businesses count losses or go under. The businesses and individuals who have benefited from Chase’s guidance also enjoy high degree …show more content…
Where/with whom/etc?

After renting for some time, I considered the cost I was incurring then though I should buy a home that suits my new statue as a married working professional. This doesn’t mean owning a home is cheap, since maintenance, landlord insurance, property taxes is still upon me.

What motivated you to purchase your first house?
I have come a long way since joining the real estate industry. Today I am an expert in properties, and have along of things going on in terms of investments.
I wanted a permanent home for my family and thought the new property fit the billings.
However, I made several miscalculations at the beginning, which I am glad to point out such as…

How did you go about getting the money together to buy it?
I am a seasoned financial planner and part of my work involves advising clients and prospects about the merits of investing in a property as well finding the best strategy to pool or seek funds to buy a property.

When you purchased, were you thinking of it as an investment or as a place to start a family? Please elaborate.
I see it as a long term investment since I already put up so much money on it via renovations and makeover, and that is something I cannot …show more content…
I also liked the greenery and spacious rooms in the new house.

Was there anything you didn’t like about it?
For the first home, the setting and cobblestones that permeated the neighborhood seemed quite old fashioned poor drainage system which used to result in flooding when it rained heavily. I also did not like the

Did you make any improvements or major renovations to the house?
This is the part I like most and is most probably the reason why I still owe the homes,. The renovations I have undertaken so far saw the overhaul of the kitchen to modern style featuring frameless cabinets, firm horizontal lines and decorative molding and corbels. The other improvements involved installation of energy saving central air unit and repainting of the bathroom, The kitchen alone cost be around $60,000, but the results are evident for all to see.

Please share 1-2 of your fondest/funniest memories from living there.
New York being a big city, I verily enjoyed the road trips with friends who lived nearby to the shopping malls and movie theatres. I also have fond memories of the my first born son as I saw him take baby steps.

Do you still live there or did you sell it or rent

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