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Personal Narrative-Lethal

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Lethal I am dangerous, I am a killer, I am a prisoner. It’s been 7 years since I have been outside and went to school. It’s been way too long since I have talked to anyone. It’s all because my lethal touch and body. No one dare touch Elena Vasiliev is what everyone said. Not because I did not want them to but because I may kill you.
This all began when I was born said my parents. They said that I was a perfect and a beautiful child too. I had light golden colored skin, I had rose colored lips and rich blue green eyes with a dazzle of orange right in the middle. They said I was beautiful. But then once they saw what I have done they didn’t forgive me nor touch me ever again. It began when they bought me my first pet dog when I was nearly …show more content…
I yelped out which echoed in the brick cell with no windows or mirrors only a shower and toilet with no light at any corner of this facility. How lonely for 7 years. Sometimes I forget how to talk in this place, am I becoming crazy. Is that what they wanted. Why can’t they just kill me and get it over with and not leave me here. Out of shock the door opened and three soldiers approached me with guns in my cell. All they said, “come with us now, it’s an order”. In order from who I wondered. So, I nodded and followed. Is it time that I finally set free from this world. Are they finally going to get rid of me? I see warm light hitting my face causing me to squint and I could feel the grass with my terrible flats that are ripped and worn out. A figure is finally appearing before me. He is young but disciplined and fit. His face s was in pure perfection for a male. His hair ginger brown and eyes exploded with multi colors of green. He was now in front of me. He looked at me side to side and down then up, and smiled with a smile that gave me a shock wave of goosebumps from my legs to the top of my shoulders rising my back. He gave out his hand and said, “hello darling my name is Simon Arzamastsev”. The son of the monarch society why does he need me. I hate his father and so I hate him. Cole

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