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Cheerleading Accomplishments

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It was last year in the high school gym and I was just starting cheer I was one of the worst. I didn’t know how to do anything. I got better I even got my extension by the first month of the season. This being one of my biggest accomplishments I knew That I wasn’t the worst cheerleader and that I can improve to be a better one. Fall was one of favorite seasons it was when I started to cheer me being the shy one I wasn’t as loud as the other girls but I still love to hype up the crowd it wasn’t until varsity wasn’t able to do a game so jv had to step in. I was felt very confident with what we were doing we did full downs even though we only had one stunt group because our other back went to help varsity with their competition. Who knew that a concussion could change of my thought of cheerleading?
When I got my concussion my flyer fell and hit my jaw and my head jerked up and down the next day we had a game …show more content…
My mom and me went to the car we waited in the parking lot for a minute we decided to make an appointment to schedule my MRI. We went home and I was thinking that I still might have my concussion and I was annoyed that I still couldn’t cheer, two weeks later I went to the hospital to get my MRI done I was done in twenty minutes. I got my results the next week and it came out negative I was so happy because all I needed to do was to see Mrs. D I was stilling waiting to be cheering again. I went to one of the games to support my team and I was sitting there kind of sad because I still wouldn’t be able to cheer the next week I got cleared to cheer again I was so happy about that because I was waiting so long to be able to do this again I was also about this time that I actually wanted to be more serious about cheer I never would have thought that I would love a sport that much and I’m glad I got the chance to experience something like this and want to do cheerleading for as long as

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