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Chicano Movement Research Paper

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Abstract 1968 a series of walkouts, or “blowouts”, encouraged by the teacher Sal Castro occurred. These walkouts were done by courageous Mexican-American teens tired of the lack of education. These teens identify themselves as Chicanos, and the Chicano Movement. All rights that Mexican-Americans have are owed to those Chicanos of the 60s and the policies they advocated for. Those fights were about much more than education, they fought for racial rights, class rights, feminism, and immigrant oppression. Many people still remain uneducated on just how much the Chicano movement played a part in today's society since it is often overshadowed by the Civil rights and Vietnam war protests. The results of the Chicano movement are seen everywhere, Mexicans now have a clinical role in media, …show more content…
The Chicano Revolution: Overview and its Effects Chicano: A Definition and History Chicano, Britannica, February 2024. /(t)SHikän/: an identifier for people of Mexican descent born in the United States. This is the self-given name that Mexican-American teenage revolutionaries gave to themselves. Between the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War movement, there was a secret battle going on in between the education of Mexican American students. In 1968 Sal Castro, a young high school teacher, helped a group of exasperated Chicano students. This was the catalyst for the opening of true Mexican identities to the United States. More than 50 years later, his impact still is seen by the Chicano community, getting schools named after him and being an avid activist for Chicano rights (Ochoa, 2010). Those courageous teenagers did more than rebel for a better education, the Chicano movement played a clinical role in the development of the United States culture. The 1968 Chicano Riots In 1968 Mexican-American Students, encouraged by Sal Castro inside multiple walkouts and riots to gain rights for the Mexican community in east Los

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